RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Take look at https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/311/level-select

    It's exactly what you are looking for.

  • Hi goldenazndragon

    I have this same issue. I added the in-app items for my app in the iTunes Connect panel, and I tried to test directly in my iPhone using the ipa file generated in the Intel XDK with adhoc provision. Nothing happens. Did you do what I did? I didn't understand the issue about the status. Could you give me more details? Thanks in advance.

  • You're talking about the iPhone-Version?

    I tried to use cordova cli to build an IPA because it is easier for me.

    [quote:29s7i2h0]And that version works great and has no (working) ads-plugin?

    I'm talking about the process. If the plugins didn't worked, as the splash screen also, is because I don't know the whole process. Maybe an expert could clarify it for us.

    [quote:29s7i2h0]Did you tried to remove the ads-plugin in the Android-Version and looks If that helps?

    I didn't try it so far especially because I really need these plugins. Maybe I'll try it just for curiosity.

  • interesting if you're using your 1 image of fullscreen size and you're moving it around don't expect on most phones more then 10 fps.


    Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Sorry.

    The image with 854x480 px is a static one. I'm using it as background. The image that I'm moving with the aid of the bullet behaviour has 61x61 pixels.

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  • That baffles me and yes, if the game is faster in the browser on your device than an apk, the problem has to be Intels XDK.

    You could try on your Moto G with Android 5.1 to make an App in the XDK without Crosswalk and see if this makes a change. So you can see if its a problem with Crosswalk.

    Thanks. I'll give it a try.

    [quote:2sran7t6]Do you use Cordova plugins? Maybe one plugin cause a problem.

    plugins: cranberry iap/revmob

    I believe that phonegap/cordova cli to build the application may be the solution. I've tried it and though the process is complicated, I got it. But when I opened the xcode file, I found tons of errors. After to fix almost all of them and generated the IPA file, the ads plugin and the splash screen didn't work, but the rest worked well. I wish I could count with a good tutorial about phonegap / cordova cli, but unfortunately, who knows the process doesn't want or doesn't has a free time to share.

  • Hmm, if you use crosswalk and the GPUs on your Android Devices are not in the blacklist, then the problem has to be your game.

    I think if the game has a problem why it runs smoothly in the web browser and also through the iPhone's application? I think the XDK is the problem and, in this case, and maybe I have nothing to do, except to use cocoon.io (no way) or give up to publish the game for android devices (or even to give up to use C2 and wait for C3).

    The other thing I notice is the single large image (1.8 mb). What is the size?

    This could be a problem. Ashley wrote about that.

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/112/remembe ... our-memory

    I have read it. Just an image has this size and its resolution is 854x480, but I'll try to do some tests, removing or changing something to optimise it.

  • use cocoon.io and canvas+ :

    - smaller size

    - smaller ram requirement (so goodbye force close)

    - better performance

    - cordova plugins

    it's amazing !


    Cocoon is cool... said no one ever

    I tried to use cocoon but I really don't want a splash screen of other company in my game and I don't agree to pay $ 500 for each application to remove it. I respect its position and I try not to create gossip about it, but I think that restriction must be vinculated to the free plan, but even I paying a signature monthly I am forced to display their logo (or pay $500). The strange thing is that I payed no more than 2/3 of this value and once, to buy the program used to produce the entire game. If I have to show the splash screen of another company, I prefer to show the Scirra's logo.

    I still have hope that the Intel XDK for Android will be improved, as well as already happens to build iOS applications.

  • If you use chrome on android and use chrome://gpu as an URL you could see if WebGL is enabled. Is it not enabled your GPU is in the blacklist.


    The option WebGL shows as "Hardware accelerated" for all devices of my list. Only the "Multiple Raster Threads" option shows as disabled.

  • Unfortunately you can't post links directly yet. Try to describe you code here.

  • Your devices have Android-Versions <5 and you don't use Crosswalk.

    The GPUs of your devices are blacklisted.


    Moto G uses Android v. 5.1. Did you verified if its GPU, specifically, is blacklisted?

    Why I cannot use Crosswalk? I always used crosswalk with the previous android version without problem. What has changed?

    Change the CLI can solve it? (5.1 >> 4.2) or it's a fact that my game will not run smoothly on earlier versions?

  • Simple game:

    • few objects and images
    • using only the bullet behaviour (once)
    • no "every tick" condition
    • few overlap conditions
    • a single large image (1.8 mb)
    • plugins: cranberry iap/revmob
    • cordova/intel XDK (CLI 5.1) *Edited
    • events organized in groups
    • screen size 854 x 480 **Edited


    Web (Chrome): 72 fps

    Samsung Tab4 SM T230NU: 3 fps

    Samsung Tab PRO SM T320: 11 fps

    Motorola Moto G: 12 fps

    iPhone 6s: 70 fps

  • linkman2004

    I create the key and set it to array.asJson. Now, I'm trying to use Localstorage.itemValue("array_key") do load Json and I can't. Do you know where is the problem? Thanks in advance.

  • You can use the Array object's AsJSON expression to get the contents of the array as a JSON string, which you can then put into local storage. When loading, use the Array object's Load action to load the array from the stored JSON string.

    I don't know much of arrays and Json. I don't imagine how to prepare the array for this situation and how to save the informations of the each button in the arrays and in the local storage after and how to load and show the right buttons frames. I need more detailed informations, if is possible, but, thanks anyway.

  • I've 50 buttons, each one for a specific level. Ath the beggining of the game, these buttons are set with 50% of opacity and they are disable. When the player finishs the level, if he/she wins, the button's opacity changes to 100% and its frame to different one that show a specific badge, in according with a variable that store the points. Before to use badges, I was using local storage to store the "lock/unlock" variable. But with the badges (3 in total) I know that I need to use an array. The problem is that I never used an array with local storage. Can someone help me with this issue? Thanks in advance.

  • Any help?