RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I'm using tilemap to create sprites when the player touch it and I need to verify if another sprite exist over this tile or if this tile is empty (erased) before to allow the player creates a sprite there. Any help?

    Thanks in advance.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvb471nqpoam6 ... .capx?dl=0

  • I'm using the tilemap only as a position register and I would like to show points in the center of the each tile. Can I do it in the tilemap as I do in the tiled background (replicating an image) or I need to draw one by one and save a tmx file? Thanks in advance.

  • Ok, Thanks.

    Is possible to check if any tile is overlapping another sprite that I inserted after the game starts (not during the game)?

  • Thanks, Magistross

    Nice and simple solution, but I'm having the same problem: no accuracy. I'm creating objects out of the tile that I clicked. I need to create it inside the tile. How can I fix it? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi R0J0hound

    I did something similar (or equal) that you suggested, but it doesn't have accuracy.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvb471nqpoam6 ... .capx?dl=0

  • I read the tutorials about the tilemap but I didn't find how to spawn a sprite in the tilemap tile that was touched.

    I didn't find also any option in the tilemap actions. Is not possible?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Do you see the interstitial in test mode? Did you try to open the interstitial when you click on a button? (just to test)

  • Ashley

    I tested the game using NW to preview it in debug mode, and I got 63 FPS and 29% average of CPU utilisation. However, my machine reports CPU usage high (232%) and temperature sensor marks 96° C in the same time. When I'm building the app using the Intel XDK, the CPU usage increase very quickly too. I didn't test the android version, but the iOS version causes my iPhone gets too hot and drains its battery too. Not to mention the strange behaviour that had commented before, that only happens when I play in the iPhone. As I said, I read something about VMWare incompatibility with NW, but this doesn't affect anything in the Intel XDK, right? What do you suggest? Give Cocoon a try, only to compare the results or it's unnecessary?


    The 63 FPS/29% CPU utilisation shows when I check the Profiler tab. If I checked the inspector tab before, the result is other totally different as showing in the screenshots bellow:

    Edited2: It's a big issue for me: why this values decrease when I change from inspector tab to profiler tab? If I return after to inspector tab, the values increase again. Any explication for this? Thanks for support me.

  • Ashley

    When I open the profiler tab, the fps and the cpu informations normalize gradually, but the node webkit continues consuming CPU. The same happens when I build an app in the Intel XDK.

    I forgot to say, but something wrong happens in the game when I testing in my iPhone. I've two variables to control values: one to control the current and other to control the previous amount, that the current value assumes when the player doesn't complete the mission. Some times, the previous value changes to an older value (three levels ago). It happens in different levels and there is nothing wrong in the script, because I tested the game in the preview mode and this problem doesn't occurs. This kind of behavior is possible when the iPhone processing is too high?

  • I did some tests in my computer and in my iPhone using the application built in the Intel XDK.

    C2 version: 221

    Node Webkit: v0.13.0 beta 4 (Chromium 48) [Requires r217+]

    This is the result of the game running in debug mode (node webkit). Obs: This is a static menu that has no motion and uses its own event sheet.

    The same result using chrome to preview game in debug mode instead node webkit

    Other strange behaviors:


    While previewing the game in node webkit, my Mac's CPU consumes 120%. Something similar happens when the Intel XDK is building the application.


    The device getting extremely hot and the battery decreases quickly after five minutes

  • kisekizelda, Seache

    I had this same problem and I solved it changing the inapp browser plugin address (org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser) in the intelxdk.config.additions.xml to "https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser". Could you give a try?

  • Did you include any splash screen in the project? If not, try to do it.

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  • It happens when I preview the game through C2. I have read now that has some incompatibility with node webkit and vmware. I'm checking it now. Sorry about the inconvenience.

  • Really needing some help with this issue.

  • The node webkit using significant CPU (more than 120%). I installed the new version of node webkit that I downloaded from the Scirra's website but it didn't work. How can I fix it?

    Edited: Mac I7 + VMWare