Rable's Forum Posts

  • I think I should first know the email which is synchronized with the device on which the game will be tested, which is more than probably not the email given on the websites.

    Then people should first join a google+ group in order to be able to beta test the game.

    I don't think game journalists will apreciate this. Their time is precious. From what I've seen, giving them a link to the APK file seems to be what everyone do.

  • Hi everyone,

    As Google Play doesn't allow to send promo codes for press reviews, I'm planning to make a press version of Healer Quest. But as this version will have all paying options unlocked, I would like to add an expiration date to the code.

    I've found this : https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/940/ho ... -a-project

    Which explains how to get the current date, but I really don't see how to use this to make an expiration date. For example I would like to check the following conditions

    month > 03 (march)

    but it seems like the returned string is always "Abbreviated Weekday, Abbreviated Month, Day of the Month, Hours:Minutes:Seconds."

    Any idea how I could make an expiration date, or still better, send promo codes for my game using Google Play?

    Thanks !

  • Hi,

    I've exported Healer Quest (my game) to iOS with Phonegap build. Everything worked out fine, except that when I'm trying to upload the game to the App Store with App Loader, I receive the following error message :

    "ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIconFiles': 'icon.png'"

    I've tried to tweak some things in the config.XML file but I've not been able to make it work.

    I can confirm that I have an "icon.png" file in the same folder than the config.XML file.

    Here is the part of my XML file speaking about icons :

    <icon src="icon.png" />

    <icon src="icon.png" gap:platform="ios" />

    <icon src="icon-120.png" gap:platform="ios" width="120" height="120" />

    <icon src="icon-152.png" gap:platform="ios" width="152" height="152" />

    <icon src="icon-76.png" gap:platform="ios" width="76" height="76" />

    <icon src="icon-128.png" width="128" height="128" />

    <icon src="icon-256.png" width="256" height="256" gap:role="default" />

    Could someone help me?


  • Using Phonegap IAP plugin, I had some problems with "Store Listing Failed" in the store of my game on Android lately. It was finally due to the Android Licence Key being wrong and now it works fine.

    But now I get the same error (Store Listing Failed) on iOS, which doesn't requires any Licence Key if I'm correct. I'm basically using the same version of the game (only the sounds are different), and I use the same exporter (Intel XDK). The game plays correctly through TestFlight, but my testers are unable to enter the shop.

    I'm using the adhoc Provisionning Profile. Is there anything to change to the code, to Phonegap IAP, or to XDK when using the same project to export to Android and iOS that could fix "Store Listing Failed" on iOS?

    Thanks !

  • As far as I know, the C2 IAP object doesn't work with Intel XDK. I don't know how it works with Android IAP that Intel recommends.

    I just can tell you that Phonegap IAP plugin from Cranberrygame works well with XDK.

    Here are a few useful links :


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186 ... index.html


  • I now got a few elements of answers to my own questions :

    • the Phonegap IAP plugin should work for Android and iOS using Intel XDK, not for WP8 at the moment. This being said, I'm still completely unable to make it work, I get "store listing failed" every time and no one seems to know how to fix this. See dedicated topic here.
    • I don't know if C2 IAP plugin works with Intel XDK, but C2 manual seems to say that it doesn't. At least Intel XDK is not in the list. https://www.scirra.com/manual/173/iap
    • I don't think there is a test (developer) mode in Phonegap IAP plugin, but test accounts can be defined in Google Play developer console (Setting / Account details / enter a list of test emails). No idea how to do it on iOS and WP8.
  • Thanks cranberrygame for the help provided ! I learned that for purchase-based conditions one should use "is touching object"+"trigger once" instead of "on touched object". But my "store listing failed" problem still apply...

    I posted a topic in the publishing and distribution forum as I believe the problem is probably not directly related to C2.

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  • Hi,

    I have a big problem in the shop (IAP) of Healer Quest : people can pay, I receive the money, but they are not granted what they payed for. After testing for a moment, it appears that the store listing simply always fail. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong with my code.

    Here is an image of how my IAP page goes in google play :

    And here is a simplified capx file

    Thanks for any help !

  • After doing some additional research and testing the purchases in a simple .capx file, it seems that when I set the action "Request store listing", it always fails. The result is that the users can purchase the products but the condition "on purchase success" don't trigger.

    When the store listing fails, I set the action :

    set text to : "Store listing failed !" & PhonegapIAP.ErrorMessage

    The return is just "Store listing failed !" (no error message displayed)

    Here is the capx of my test file, if it could help...

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/34iciejfb0jyr ... .capx?dl=0

    Any idea what I could do to make the store listing successful?

  • After uploading the game to Google play and testing, the purchases are still not taken into account. And after rechecking, I actually already added the product IDs at the start of the level the first time. So the problem is still there...

    Here is how my code goes :

    • at the start of the level --> add product IDs

    (after the combat, 2 minutes or so later)

    • when entering the map --> add product IDs (again ! this time in separate actions, first time it is all in one action, comma separated) (This is the event I added following your message, so it doesn't work if I simply delete it)
    • wait 0.1 second
    • request store listing

    (then, on confirming purchase by touching the "confirm" object)

    (these 2 are checked every thick)

    • on touched object --> purchase product "product1"
    • on product "product1" purchase success --> change the value of a global variable (which is not done)

    In addition, on my title screen I have the following :

    • Add products IDs

    -wait 0.1 seconds

    • request store listing

    -On store listing success -->

    - Has product "product1" --> change the value of the global variable... which is not done either !

    I can confirm the payment options are working, I get paid,but people doesn't receive the content... :-/

    Any idea of what's going on? Maybe cranberrygame can help?

    This is very ennoying, as the game should release next month and my beta testers are currently blocked at the end of the free version.

  • Many thanks for the help, it now builds successfully ! As you highlighted I had to create a mobileprovision from the certificate.

    Didn't know they had to be related to each other !

  • Seems like I just forgot to add product IDs. Thanks a lot !

    Do you know if this PhonegapIAP plugin works the same way on iOS and WP8 builds using intel XDK?

  • Thanks for the suggestion !

    I added an event "On any purchase success --> request store listing" at the beginning of the event sheet, and will test the result tomorrow.

  • Hi,

    I have problem with the PhonegapIAP plugin from cranberrygame .

    After exporting via Intel XDK and testing my game on Google Play, payments works well, but the "on product ----- purchase success" condition doesn't trigger. The result is that my testers are charged, but they don't get what they paid for.

    Am I doing something wrong or do I have to find a workaround? (maybe trigger once the "has product" condition?)

    The "on product purchase success" condition is checked every tick, so I guess that's not the problem

  • Hi,

    I tried many, many times, but I'm still unable to build successfully an iOS app using Intel XDK. All the signing process seem to be correct, I added the provisioning file and stuff, and when building the app here is what I get :


    The build failed.

    An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again.

    Building a Cordova 3.5 application.

    The application name is "Healer Quest"

    The package name is "----------------------"

    Will use the provisioning profile for "adhoc"

    Plugin "Device" (org.apache.cordova.device) installed.

    Plugin "SplashScreen" (org.apache.cordova.splashscreen) installed.

    Plugin "AdMob Plugin" installed.

    Plugin "https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.iap#430---------------------46c1" installed.

    Plugin "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" installed.

    Targeting iOS version 7.

    Copied HQ_icon6_76.png (76x76) image file to icon-76

    Copied HQ_icon6_152.png (152x152) image file to icon-76eru@2

    Copied HQ_icon6_60.png (60x60) image file to icon-60

    Copied HQ_icon6_120.png (120x120) image file to icon-60eru@2x

    Copied HQ_icon6_180.png (180x180) image file to icon-60eru@3x

    Copied the iPhone 6 Landscape [rablo_games_logo1334.jpg] (1334w x 750h) splash screen to Default-Landscape-667heru@2x.

    Copied the iPhone 6 Plus Landscape [rablo_games_logo2208.jpg] (2208w x 1242h) splash screen to Default-Landscape-736hjgg@3x.

    Copied the iPad Retina Landscape [rablo_games_logo1496.jpg] (2048w x 1496h) splash screen to Default-Landscapejgg@2x~ipad.

    Copied the iPad Landscape [rablo_games_logo1024.jpg] (1024w x 748h) splash screen to Default-Landscape~ipad.

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPad Retina portrait (1536w x2008h). The default will be provided.

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPad portrait (768w x1004h). The default will be provided.

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone Retina (640w x960h). The default will be provided.

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone 6 Plus Portrait (1242w x2208h).

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone (320w x480h). The default will be provided.

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone 5 (640w x1136h). The default will be provided.

    Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone 6 Portrait (750w x1334h).

    An unexpected error occured while attempting to build the application.


    The only errors seem to be the missing splash screens for portrait mode, but I actually added these splashscreen ! (despite my game being played in landscape only)

    Am I missing something?