After uploading the game to Google play and testing, the purchases are still not taken into account. And after rechecking, I actually already added the product IDs at the start of the level the first time. So the problem is still there...
Here is how my code goes :
- at the start of the level --> add product IDs
(after the combat, 2 minutes or so later)
- when entering the map --> add product IDs (again ! this time in separate actions, first time it is all in one action, comma separated) (This is the event I added following your message, so it doesn't work if I simply delete it)
- wait 0.1 second
- request store listing
(then, on confirming purchase by touching the "confirm" object)
(these 2 are checked every thick)
- on touched object --> purchase product "product1"
- on product "product1" purchase success --> change the value of a global variable (which is not done)
In addition, on my title screen I have the following :
-wait 0.1 seconds
-On store listing success -->
- Has product "product1" --> change the value of the global variable... which is not done either !
I can confirm the payment options are working, I get paid,but people doesn't receive the content... :-/
Any idea of what's going on? Maybe cranberrygame can help?
This is very ennoying, as the game should release next month and my beta testers are currently blocked at the end of the free version.