Rable's Forum Posts

  • aquinn

    Just checked, my sandbox account is working properly. No doubt.


    Thanks for the ideas!

    In my case, I request Store listing only when touching the "shop" object rather than at the beginning of the layout, or when touching the object to purchase.

    I'll try to put these events in a disabled group as you suggest. Sounds like it could fix my problem.

  • aquinn Thanks a lot for the reply! This is very, very useful!

    The sandbox tester account is definitely created in iTunes Connect, but I am accessing iTunes with my main Apple account (this (non-sandbox) address appears in the device's settings, when touching "iTunes Store and App Store"). Should I log in to iTunes with my Sandbox account? (I guess I heard this may delete the sandbox account, but I'd like to be sure this first step is done correctly)

    The only thing I can see that is different from what you tell me is that I'm not launching the store listing at the start of layout, but when touching a button. Actually the "store listing success" condition is used to launch the shop layout. That's how I'm doing it on Android.

    I did it this way because accessing the shop without "store listing success" resulted on Android in some people purchasing IAP and not receiving what they paid for... :-/

    I'm already displaying a text when store listing is successful or failed, that's how I know it always fails.

    However, I did not use the "is store available" condition to know if it is available. That's an interesting thing to try, and I'll do this as soon as possible!

    I'll also try to create a new layout + event sheet to get the store listing, just in case it NEEDS to be at the start of layout on iOS.

    Thanks again!

    EDIT : One thing that I didn't tell is that back in January, I had approval from Apple, and released the game (in Belgium only) for a few hours, to check if everything was working. And IAP weren't working (despite Apple's approval!), so I deleted it from the store in order to fix it. This leads me to think that my problem is probably not (only?) a sandbox account problem.

  • aquinn Maybe I was unclear on that point, but I already created a different account based on a new email address, which was not used by any Apple account, as specified on Apple's website, and created a sandbox account based on this email.

    I struggled a bit to create a,d activate it, but I'm confident that it should be a test account that I specified in iTunes Connect. Is there a way to check this?

    I'll still try to create a new sandbox account based on a new email adress and see how it goes.

    Did you manage to have store listing success in january? Because i'm stuck on this problem since janurary! And I could tell you I had the exact same behavior back in january (store listing failing).


  • hazneliel

    Thanks for the tip. It's great news that IAP are working fine in your game! Congratulations!

    Could I ask you how you did it? What was the problem you had with the previous version when it was not working?

    Do you still request the store listing? Is it successful by now?

  • imaffett

    I'm planning to release my game using Crosswalk in about one or two weeks. I've been using Crosswalk 10 for the last months and had no problem with it (my game don't run on old devices like galaxy S2 anyway).

    Which version of Crosswalk would you recommend for the time being? Is there something better with Crosswalk 10?

    Will the webstorage (saves) be kept if I drop Crosswalk 10 for Crosswalk 7? I soft-launched the game in Belgium only for the last 4 weeks or so, and the game is running using crosswalk 10. Would these people be able to continue their game?


  • Hi and thanks a lot for the replies!


    When I launch the game, I receive a notification :

    "Welcome Back, (username)


    So I suppose the sandbox is correctly configured. Or could it tell me this message even when there is a problem with the sandbox account?

    I already made at least 3 production profiles, and followed each time the step by step instruction from Intel XDK "build" tab. I'm probably missing something there, so I guess I'll delete all the profiles I created and make a new one.

    But I also understand that the wrong provisionning file is not the cause of the problem, as you both pointed out it should work in sandbox environment...

    I also have no dashes in my app ID, but thank for the side note, it's good to know!


    Oh no, I hope this is not a bug, and that I will be able to get the store listing succeed.

    Can anyone confirm he has a game published with this feature working on iOS?

    In case it really can't work, is there a workaround?

    I had multiples cases of people paying for an IAP and not getting the stuff they paid for (!!!) when I was not using this action on Android. Now I launch the shop only when the store listing is successful and it's all good. But I really would like to avoid such problems on iOS.

    Maybe using C2 IAP plugin rather than phonegapIAP may help?


    Sure, I have business licence

  • Hi everyone,

    My game is finished, but there is still one last big problem that keeps me from publishing : IAP are not working on iOS. I really, REALLY need your help to get over this.

    To give you a few indications about my problem :

    I'm exporting with Intel XDK for both iOS and Android version.

    -The game works perfectly on Android (IAP are working)

    • I use the exact same events to manage IAP on Android and iOS (product IDs are the same)
    • I'm currently exporting the Game with adhoc provisionning profile. Up to now, I am unable to build in XDK with a production provisionning profile (despite the fact I added one. The build always fails)
    • The sandbox environment works on my device.
    • The test device is connected to the internet (ads are working)
    • All IAPs are approved by Apple and seem to be correct in iTunesConnect
    • The game plays perfectly on my test device except that...

    - The "Request store listing" action always returns "Store listing failed".

    Can you see what could be wrong?

    So to resume, I have 4 questions :

    1) To test an iOS game's IAPs in sandbox environment, do I need a "production" provisionning profile, or could an "adhoc" one work?

    2) Does publishing an iOS game to the Apple App Store requires a "production" provisionning profile, or could an "adhoc" one work, given there are IAP in it?

    3) How could I build successfully with a "production" provisionning profile in Intel XDK? I created one, but the build always fails.

    4) Is it normal that in a game running in sandbox environment, exported with an adhoc provisionning profile, "Request Store Listing" always returns "Store Listing Failed"?

    Many, many thanks in advance to anyone who could help me on any of these points.

  • Thanks a lot mercedescolomar !

    However, I just discovered this thread in which I can read that manually signing is not mandatory. If I really just need to check the "signed" checkbox in order to have ads and IAP working, I'd rather keep it simple. But if for whatever reason I need to sign manually, I'd be sure to follow your advices.

  • Can I publish a game to Google Play Store while checking the "signed" checkbox, or do I need to sign manually? What does it implies if I publish with "signed" checked?

    I use both IAP and Admob.

    I found this tutorial https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1156/p ... -appsigner

    and downloaded APK-signer in order to sign my APK manually, but I'm unable to start the program. There is no .exe file in there. Could someone explain me the way to load APK-signer? Sorry for the noobishness...

    The tutorial says something about JDK which I have installed on my computer.

  • Toddler I agree with you that having to rewrite our codes is not really good news, but it is still very early to start complaining.

    Maybe the loading time will be as fast as it was previously (I asked it in the first topic) which was nearly instantaneous.

    The old WebStorage plugin is still usable if you have it in your current projet, so if it doesn't work well for you, you can keep the Webstorage.

    It seems like the WebStorage "may" be deprecated in the future by browsers, which would simply disable the saves in our games... Frightening! I don't see this happenning before a bunch of years, but still I'll try to avoid this.

    If the LocalStorage keeps the datas when the users empties his cache, it would be a great improvement IMO. It's also something I asked for in the first thread and hopefully Ashley has an answer for us.

    So, if everything is working fine I see this as an improvement... that will cost us some additional work.

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  • Are the local storage datas deleted if the user empties the cache of his phone, as it was the case with the webstorage?

    I don't think this is not mentionned in the update notes.

    Another question : at the beginning of my game, I should load around 150 datas. With webstorage it appeared to load instantly, but Ashley tells that we should use the "get item" action and then a moment later the "On item get" trigger fires with the value being available. Are the datas loaded in the chronological order?

    i.e. if I check if the last data I loaded, does it implies that ALL other datas are ready to use?

    Is the loading speed the same as with WebStorage?

    I suppose this will come a little bit later, but a manual entry for it would also be greatly appreciated.

  • Export to Cordova is working for me, what its not working are the IAP, not even locally with test mode set to yes.

    I have this issues:

    - Purchase doesnt works

    - I dont even get the purchaseFail triggered.

    - Is store available always returns FALSE

    - Get store listing doesnt work, It never calls on store listing received.

    I have also tried to use the Cranberry plugin, still not working, same results.

    I hope someone in Scirra can help us with this, seems that this has been an obscure topic for some time.


    Have you been able to export to iOS with IAP running successfully yet? Here I still get the store listing always failing, Up to now I'm exporting with adhoc provisionning profile (using intel XDK), could it be the cause of the store listing failing?

    Could I release the game with adhoc or do I need a production provisionning profile?

    I've been unable to make the production profile to work at the moment. Intel XDK always returns "Build Failed". Should be a problem with the signing process I guess...

  • If there is no way to make it perfect, I will just deal with it.

    Thanks for the info.

  • I updated my games with the many advices in this thread. I've tested it for more than 2 hours without a single crash! Awesome!

    But as I told, I now have unbearable music problems, and it's not just about adding a touch to start the game. Every music in the game needs a touch before it starts (tested on iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air 2)! This is especially problematic after the player wins a level. Right now, the game display a big "VICTORY" word but plays no music... Then as soon as you click the button to continue, the victory fanfare starts playing. Ridiculous.

    Is there no way to play music correctly on iPads? (not sure how it goes on iPhones as I don't have one).

  • Checked with the latest xdk version and the problem is still there. Any idea ? I really do believe that my events are not the cause as it works fine on pc and android.