Rable's Forum Posts

  • matrixreal

    Thanks for your continuous help. I really appreciate it!

    What you describe is very close to the workflow I made in my full game. The only difference is that the IDs are not added on the loading layout, but on the title screen layout (no possibility to make purchases on the title screen layout) and when request store listing is successful, I don't purchase a product but go to the shop layout (but I never reach the shop layout on iOS)

    As a reminder, all the IAP system works wonder on Android, and I'm using the exact same code on iOS, so I really, really believe my events are correct (unless iOS and Android have different requirements event-wise, which I doubt).

    Here is the assets & plugin list of my game :



    AudioHelper (external plugin)


    Game Center





    LocalStorage (unused)


    1 webfont (google font)

    24 text objects

    3 arrays

    About 200 other objects

    6 music (x2)

    about 50 sounds (x2)

    The only way for me to make "request store listing" successful in this code

    is to delete all sounds and use C2 IAP. Even when I do so, it doesn't seem much reliable (sometimes it gets ne response at all)

    If I wait 3 seconds between the "Add product IDs" and "request store listing", it doesn't change anything.

    If I only delete SOME sounds, it gets no answer

    If I create a first layout, wait 2 sec, then go to the layout of the above event sheet, it never gets a response, even when deleting all the sounds.

    If I use Phonegap IAP, I get a response : FAILED. Every time (even when removing all sounds).

    This just has no sense, I'm switching to another export method.

    EDIT : just to be 100% sure I'll make a last test with exactly the workflow you propose, but I believe it will fail, too.

    And FYI I opened a DTS incident on my Apple developer accoutn for this problem, here is Apple's reply :

    "Let me first state that I do not support the implementation of the Construct 2 SDK. I do however, support the use of the iOS StoreKit API. As such, I can respond to the use of the StoreKit APIs and you will need to investigate how these API’s are implemented in the framework you are using. If this is not possible, then I will have to refer you to the developer of Construct 2 who in turn can contact me via a DTS incident."

    So I don't think they can help either.

  • matrixreal

    Ooookay... Thanks for the info, so I won't lose my time on trying to import my iap into Xcode.

    Actually I've got perfect performance with intel XDK. Well, the game don't even run on an iPhone 4S (iPhone 5 minimum) so it limits the performance problem, but on the devices it runs on, it runs perfectly.

    Now I eventually may be able to make the game to run on an iPhone 4S using Ejecta, so it's worth trying. However, I guess I read in a tutorial that Ejecta wasn't allowing interstitial ads. Is it true?

    Store listing is still unsuccessful, outside of very, very basic tests, and only with C2 IAP (Phonegap IAP always fails even on very basic projects in which C2 IAP succeed).

    I'll try to switch to another export mode (Ejecta) and see how it goes. Thanks for the reply!

  • Hi everyone,

    As Application Loader seems to mess with the IAP in my game, I would like to start using Xcode. However, I've been unable to find any tutorial explaining the basics of this program in combination with the XDK (I found only CocoonJS and Ejecta)

    Is there any tutorial out there that I overlooked?

    Or else could someone point me out the basics?

    Google seems to give only only Xcode 4 results, and I'm on Xcode 6.3.1


  • matrixreal

    Thanks for the idea. I tested it and here are the results :

    C2 IAP without assets : success !

    C2 IAP with assets : no response

    Phonegap IAP without assets : failure

    Phonegap IAP with assets : failure

    Exactly the same than when I dont add the wait 3 seconds action.

    I also tried to add a first empty layout, then just go to the test layout (with the simple event sheet I showed) after 2 seconds. The results are :

    C2 IAP no assets : no response

    C2 IAP with assets : no response

    Phonegap IAP no assets : failure

    Phonegap IAP with assets : failure

    Now I'm thinking about something else : maybe is it mandatory to use Xcode to make the IAP to work? I never used it, I'm using Application Loader. Not sure it could be related to that...

  • Ashley

    You mean there could be an error in this code?

    These are the only events in my test project.

    The result I get from my tenths of hours of testing are driving me crazy. The above code can succeed or get no response depending on the circumstances.

    The most useful test I did was to export the above code with all the plugins & object I mentionned above, but without any sound (only music). The store listing succeeded in this export. But if I only remove half the sounds or so, it fails (get no response)... I tried to remove the biggest sounds, then I tried to export my complete game project without any sound. It all fails.

    Seriously, I don't know what to do right now. If someone wants to help me, please send me a private message and we can discuss about remuneration. I've lost more than 50 hours just exporting test files and have been trying everything possible and still have no clue of what's going on.

    Anyone hinting me about the problem will have his name in the credits of Healer Quest, too.

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  • I performed new tests, and here is what I noticed :

    I deleted all layouts (but one) and all event sheets (but one) from my project, then I deleted all the conditions and actions from the remaining event sheet and all objects from the remaining layout. I reproduced exactly the second image in the previous post.

    Exported, the store listing STILL gives no response with C2 IAP (not failed, not success) (note : with Phonegap IAP the result is "fail")

    Then, I took the above mentionned capx and deleted ALL objects, plugins, music and sounds from the project, except IAP (C2), text and touch. And it worked out !

    So the conclusion is that there is something in my project which stops IAP from working correctly.

    Here is the list of what I am using :



    AudioHelper (external plugin)


    Game Center





    LocalStorage (unused)


    1 webfont (google font)

    24 text objects

    3 arrays

    About 200 other objects

    6 music (x2)

    about 50 sounds (x2)

    Any idea of what could be the problem? I don't have access to a mac before monday so I'm unable to make additional tests.

    Ashley , are you aware of this problem?


  • Which version of Crosswalk is recommended at the moment?

  • Hi,

    I make a new thread to recenter on my current problem with the store listing. This is the very last step I need to fix before publish my current project.

    Can someone give me an explanation why in this capx the store listing never get a reply (not success, not failed)?

    This is a part of my full project, but this is the first layout played (just as a test)

    And why this project sees the store listing always being successful, even without login in?

    This is a new project that I created, but I exported to the same folder, using the same intel-XDK project, with the same build options (adhoc), tested on the same device with the same way of login to a sandbox account.

    In my normal (non test) code of the same project, the store listing fails (using phonegap IAP instead of C2 IAP)

    For more informations about the problem, see this thread :

    Thanks in advance.

  • I would think so too, but try for yourself :

    Here is the capx : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq2y1jc2deupg ... .capx?dl=0

    Try preview over wifi (or export via Intel XDK, I tried both)

    Normal behaviors :

    touch left : blue square created

    touch right : red square appears

    touch left (keep), touch right (keep), release left (blue square appears), release right (red square appears)

    touch right (keep), touch left (keep), release right (red square appears), release left (blue square appears)

    Problematic behaviors :

    Touch left (keep), touch right, release right (BLUE square appears), release left (BLUE square appears)

    Touch right (keep), touch left, release left (RED square appears), release right (RED square appears)

    ... ????

    Sounds like a multi-touch bug, or is it the normal behavior? Ashley , any input on this?

    I also tried using touchIDs but I had no better result :

    On any touch start --> Touch.x<half canvas size --> set variable to touch.touchID

    On any touch end --> touch.touchID = variable --> do something

    Something like that. Doesn't work either.

    I'm using v.202

    Is there any way to do that which could work?

  • Hi,

    I have a problem with the Touch plugin, using multi-touch.

    I'm working on a multiplayer single-screen project and I want to detect when a touch is released, if it was on P1 side or on P2 side. For this I use

    On any touch end

    Touch.X<(half canvas size) --> do something

    Touch.X>(half canvas size) --> do something else.

    It works fine except in one situation : If player 1 start a touch (keep it pressed), then player 2 starts a touch and release it before P1 release his touch. In this case, the game reacts as if Player 1 had just released, not player 2.

    It also do it vice-versa, if Player 2 starts a touch (keep it pressed) then player 1 start a touch and release it before player 2 release, the action that should be played when player 2 release is played (should be player 1)

    I've exported my game to Android via crosswalk and it doesn't work better than on preview with wifi on iPad.

    Any idea? Or any other solution I might use?

  • I'm still struggling with the store listing problem.

    From the last tests I've made, in the following capx :

    the store listing is always successful! It doesn't either wait for me to log on with my sandbox account! As long as I am connected, the Store Listing immediately success. Actually it doesn't even wait for me to touch the sprite!

    In my second test, I took the exact same capx, but added a first layout with a sprite object. Touching the sprite objet leads to the above layout.

    On this layout the only difference is that I checked 2 has product conditions then (on the same level, not as a sub-event of the "has product" ) I set text to "success" and go to layout 2

    In this case, the "Request store listing" never has a reply. i.e. it never succes and never fails.

    So that's about it. I'm still unable to find the correct way to check if the store listing is succesful or not. Depending on the way my event are placed it may succeed, fail or never get an response. Even if I put "request store listing" at the start of layout, on the first layout, in some other tests, the store listing never has a response.

    Does anyone knows what are the exact requirements to have the store listing succeed?

    cranberrygame ? Ashley?

  • I made an additional test using C2 IAP plugin instead of Cranberrygame's. The behavior is different.

    When I start the game, I get the following message (translation from french, could be slightly different in english):

    Connect to the iTunes Store.

    If you have an Apple ID, please connect.

    (environment : Sandbox)

    Cancel Purchase

    I touch "cancel" (I'm afraid that "purchase" may disable my sandbox account, I've read a few things about that)

    Then I have another message :


    IAP error (only reported in test mode):

    restore failed with code 4983503

    THEN I got the message that my sandbox account connected to the game.

    I closed the game, reopened it, and everything was exactly the same.

    Then I disconnected from my non-sandbox account in the device's settings an re-run the game

    I've been prompted to enter my sandbox account, which I did, and the game connected correctly to the sandbox environment.

    So I tested if the store listing was successful, and... the store listing request actually never got a response... Neither "on store listing success" or "on store listing failed" triggered.

    So I made a new test to see whether or not "is store available" triggers, and it triggered both for C2 IAP and Phonegap IAP.

    Conclusion :

    C2 IAP :

    Store available

    Store listing never get a response

    Phonegap IAP :

    Store available

    Store listing always fails.

    I'm currently making a blank project with just the store listing actions and conditions to see if a basic test works or not.

    EDIT :

    I copied and pasted my "add product IDs" action in a new project which is as follow :

    Only one layout, with one event sheet :

    at the start of layout :

    add product IDs

    Request store listing

    On store listing success : set text to "success"

    On store listing failed : set test to "failed"

    Then I exported the project as the newest version of Healer Quest in XDK then in App Loader, tested it in sandbox mode...

    And it succeeded!!!!!!

    Incredible! I guess the conclusion is that the only thing problematic is the way my events are dispatched into the code. Even thought it works on Android, it seems like iOS has further restrictions. I'll try to make further changes to my code in order to make it work.

  • From the last test I made, "is store available" triggers. What does it implies?

    Does it mean that I can use the "purchase" action without needing to have the store listing to success? (and without running the risk of having my users buy something and not receiving it, like I had on Android before I was using store listing)

    I'll triple check the product IDs tonight, but as the IDs are the same than in the Android version, and it works fine on Android, I don't have much hope...

    Maybe I'll retry the C2 IAP plugin rather than cranberrygame's.

  • aquinn matrixreal

    Ok, I just tried both your solutions. I first created a deactivated group with the following events :

    add product IDs

    wait 2 sec

    Request store listing

    wait 2 sec

    Deactivate the group

    in another part of my code I have

    • On store listing success --> do something
    • on store listing failed --> do something else

    And the store listing always fails...

    Then I created another Capx that redirects the player to a "Shop Listing" layout when he clicks on the shop button

    The layout is empty and the dedicated event sheet is as follows :

    trigger once :

    Add product IDs

    wait 2 sec

    Request store listing

    On store listing success : do something

    on store listing failed : do something else

    The store listing also always fails... (((

    I'm really lost, I'm completely unable to make the store listing to succeed.

    You can confirm that I have to enter the product ID in Construct, and not the Apple ID, right? (i.e. "potions" rather than 89456456484864 or whatever)

    Still need to try this "is store available" thing...

  • I'm also using the Phonegap Game plugin from Cranberry game, exporting using IntelXDK, and it's working fine on Android. The only problem I had was when I tried to export a decimal number to a leaderboard.

    But when I used the following processus :

    • Set (number variable) to (non-decimal number)
    • submit score of (number variable) to leaderboard (whatever)

    it worked perfectly. Just avoid submitting a score that is defined in the submit score action

    for example :

    submit score of (3*whateverVariable-(10/whateverOtherVariable)) to leaderboard

    didn't work for me.

    Put the result of the calculation into one variable and export it.

    I never had problems with achievements.