I would think so too, but try for yourself :
Here is the capx : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq2y1jc2deupg ... .capx?dl=0
Try preview over wifi (or export via Intel XDK, I tried both)
Normal behaviors :
touch left : blue square created
touch right : red square appears
touch left (keep), touch right (keep), release left (blue square appears), release right (red square appears)
touch right (keep), touch left (keep), release right (red square appears), release left (blue square appears)
Problematic behaviors :
Touch left (keep), touch right, release right (BLUE square appears), release left (BLUE square appears)
Touch right (keep), touch left, release left (RED square appears), release right (RED square appears)
... ????
Sounds like a multi-touch bug, or is it the normal behavior?
Ashley , any input on this?
I also tried using touchIDs but I had no better result :
On any touch start --> Touch.x<half canvas size --> set variable to touch.touchID
On any touch end --> touch.touchID = variable --> do something
Something like that. Doesn't work either.
I'm using v.202
Is there any way to do that which could work?