R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • Glad you were able to figure it out. Invisible trailing spaces and new lines are pretty hard to spot.

  • I think we are limited but what modules are included in nwjs. Unless you know how to add more?

    Running regedit to find the documents folder is one option. But seems messy.

    There is a winapi function that you can use to get the location of the documents folder, but it's only accessible from c. Or we could get it with the node ffi module if it was included with nwjs.

    Anyways here is the source of a simple c program that just prints the users documents folder location.


    #include <stdio.h>
    #define CSIDL_PERSONAL 5
    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    int main()
    	TCHAR DocumentsPath[MAX_PATH];
    	SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(NULL, DocumentsPath, CSIDL_PERSONAL, 1);
    	wprintf(L"%ls", DocumentsPath);
    	return 0;

    To build that with the tiny c compiler

    tcc getDocumentsFolder.c -l"shell32"

    Then to run it you need to run basically this javascript:


    Basically it synchronously runs a file and returns the output of the program as utf8 text. I had to modify it slightly as it needs the full path of the program.

    Anyways here is my test of it working in nwjs from c2. It only works on export at the moment though. It includes that exe compiled from the source above.


  • The sampling method affects how the textures are blended. Hence the nice anti-aliased lines on the textures on the 3d shape. The 3d shape itself is drawn with triangles and the edges come out aliased like that. I don't think there's a solution within construct other than a layer effect to blur it or something.

  • Looks cool. The fact you used it for your own projects first is a good sign its well fleshed out. I know in the past I often released plugins too soon and had design issues later. I'm especially intrigued with the binding of other objects. Sounds like a handy way to do things in a slightly higher level way.


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  • Look at the date plugin. With that you can access the computers real clock. I think the basic idea is you'd save a timestamp to local storage when you close the game. Then when you run you game again, it compares that timestamp with the current time to see how much real time has passed.

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  • Me too. This isn't a beginner project. Here's one attempt that will find if two clicked on tiles have a free path between them with no more than two bends.

    The idea is when you click on a tile it marks spots horizontal and vertical from the tile that are free. The same is done for the second tile. Then each pair of spots is looked at. If a pair is found to be horizontal or vertical, and there are no tiles between them then we have a free path. The final step is to draw a line from the tiles through the spots.


    Maybe some ideas can be gleaned from that. It has some limits and I won't work on it further.

    I think there was a previous discussion that utilized a pathfinder to find the paths too. I forget if anything came of that.

  • The trick is you need to check the positions from where you start dragging to where you want to drag to and stop short of the first overlap. As is the drag and drop behavior teleports the object so the 8dir collision response will only push out the closest direction and has no knowledge if it jumped through walls.

    One possible way:


  • It's using 8direction.speed in events 3-6 when setting the offset. That's fine when only moving in one direction but when going diagonal it's too fast. You should use vectorX and vectorY instead.

    I won't salvage that example though. One every tick event should do it. The first part sets the offset and the second part corrects it when negative because of how % works.

    every tick
    set x offset to (Self.ImageOffsetX + Player.8Direction.vectorX* dt) % Self.ImageWidth
    set y offset to (Self.ImageOffsetY + Player.8Direction.vectorY* dt) % Self.ImageHeight
    set x offset to Self.ImageOffsetX<0?Self.ImageOffsetX+Self.ImageWidth:Self.ImageOffsetX
    set y offset to Self.ImageOffsetY<0?Self.ImageOffsetY+Self.ImageHeight:Self.ImageOffsetY
  • I'm not sure what's up there. The logic looks sound.

    You can do a check to see if the key exists and log an error if it doesn't.

    currentkey = commentables.dictionaryName & commentables.index
    [inverted] dictionary: has key currentkey
    -- set errorText to "key '" & currentKey & "' doesn't exist"

    Maybe some weird characters are getting in there? You could open your json in something like notepad++ and have it display all characters as a check too.

    It shouldn't matter but you can simplify the logic a bit too. However I don't think that has to do with the issue you're seeing.


  • Here's one possible way if the objects move along a grid:


    You move the player or lead sprite like normal. Then for the rest of the sprites you move each one to the sprite ahead of it.

  • It involves rotating the points around the piggy center.


  • I found this which is for desktop but is likely the same for documents. On windows at least, any language will have a "desktop" folder which points to the same folder with the translated version.


    So for windows at least it would be this. Which will work for any language.


    or you can also do a check to see if that folder exists and use this if it doesn't.

    NWJS.UserFolder&"my documents\"

    For mac and linux you can try. Notice the other slash. Actually you could probably use this for windows too. Windows doesn't care what slash you use.


    I'm not sure if mac and linux do the same thing with different languages as windows. It looks like those are valid folder on those platforms like windows too.

    Worst case you can first see if the folder exists, and create it if it doesn't.

  • Dt is just used for things to change at the same rate no matter the framerate.

    Most common use is for something you want to smoothly move 100 pixels per second.

    set x to self.x+100*dt. Basically rate*time=distance.

    Sometimes the formula can be written dt/60, but that can be rewritten to 1/60*dt.

    There are other ways people use dt in formulas with varying complexity. You'd have to look at those formulas case by case.