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  • Me too. This isn't a beginner project. Here's one attempt that will find if two clicked on tiles have a free path between them with no more than two bends.

    The idea is when you click on a tile it marks spots horizontal and vertical from the tile that are free. The same is done for the second tile. Then each pair of spots is looked at. If a pair is found to be horizontal or vertical, and there are no tiles between them then we have a free path. The final step is to draw a line from the tiles through the spots.


    Maybe some ideas can be gleaned from that. It has some limits and I won't work on it further.

    I think there was a previous discussion that utilized a pathfinder to find the paths too. I forget if anything came of that.

  • The trick is you need to check the positions from where you start dragging to where you want to drag to and stop short of the first overlap. As is the drag and drop behavior teleports the object so the 8dir collision response will only push out the closest direction and has no knowledge if it jumped through walls.

    One possible way:


  • It's using 8direction.speed in events 3-6 when setting the offset. That's fine when only moving in one direction but when going diagonal it's too fast. You should use vectorX and vectorY instead.

    I won't salvage that example though. One every tick event should do it. The first part sets the offset and the second part corrects it when negative because of how % works.

    every tick
    set x offset to (Self.ImageOffsetX + Player.8Direction.vectorX* dt) % Self.ImageWidth
    set y offset to (Self.ImageOffsetY + Player.8Direction.vectorY* dt) % Self.ImageHeight
    set x offset to Self.ImageOffsetX<0?Self.ImageOffsetX+Self.ImageWidth:Self.ImageOffsetX
    set y offset to Self.ImageOffsetY<0?Self.ImageOffsetY+Self.ImageHeight:Self.ImageOffsetY
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  • I'm not sure what's up there. The logic looks sound.

    You can do a check to see if the key exists and log an error if it doesn't.

    currentkey = commentables.dictionaryName & commentables.index
    [inverted] dictionary: has key currentkey
    -- set errorText to "key '" & currentKey & "' doesn't exist"

    Maybe some weird characters are getting in there? You could open your json in something like notepad++ and have it display all characters as a check too.

    It shouldn't matter but you can simplify the logic a bit too. However I don't think that has to do with the issue you're seeing.


  • Here's one possible way if the objects move along a grid:


    You move the player or lead sprite like normal. Then for the rest of the sprites you move each one to the sprite ahead of it.

  • It involves rotating the points around the piggy center.


  • I found this which is for desktop but is likely the same for documents. On windows at least, any language will have a "desktop" folder which points to the same folder with the translated version.


    So for windows at least it would be this. Which will work for any language.


    or you can also do a check to see if that folder exists and use this if it doesn't.

    NWJS.UserFolder&"my documents\"

    For mac and linux you can try. Notice the other slash. Actually you could probably use this for windows too. Windows doesn't care what slash you use.


    I'm not sure if mac and linux do the same thing with different languages as windows. It looks like those are valid folder on those platforms like windows too.

    Worst case you can first see if the folder exists, and create it if it doesn't.

  • Dt is just used for things to change at the same rate no matter the framerate.

    Most common use is for something you want to smoothly move 100 pixels per second.

    set x to self.x+100*dt. Basically rate*time=distance.

    Sometimes the formula can be written dt/60, but that can be rewritten to 1/60*dt.

    There are other ways people use dt in formulas with varying complexity. You'd have to look at those formulas case by case.

  • I think you're mixing up some variables in there.

    every 30 seconds
    moneyInBank > 0
    --- add intrestReward*moneyInBank to moneyInBank
    every 30 seconds
    moneyInBank < 0
    --- subtract intrestCost*moneyInBank from moneyInBank
  • Like I said you can probably do it with js. You'd effectively be making at least parts of three plugins: "audio", "user media" and "video recorder". All to just add stereo recording, which it looks like is possible to add but I'm getting that from various sources when googling about it. It still is more work than I'm willing to do at this point even to test to see if you can record in stereo. Worst case the browser only has mono recording, or you have to handle setting it up differently for each export type.

    You can run other programs from a construct project with a nwjs export, but antivirus programs may complain, and then there's the matter of knowing where audacity is installed to run it. Unless you bundle it with your program that is. But the process of running a program, having it do something in an automated fashion and then feeding the result back to your original program is a very hard problem to solve, even if it's even possible. html5 and javascript within nwjs isn't the right tool for that job.

  • Here's one way. When dragging it gets the signed angle difference of the amount the hand turned and multiplies/divides that by 12 to set the other hand's position.


    After that I looked at your files. You can at least half fix it. In event 15 you can set the minute hand's angle to hours.angle*12 and that will work as expected. But I don't have a quick fix for setting the hours hand from the minutes hand. Mainly because you have to preserve the hours and I haven't had much luck preserving that.

  • Best I can tell there isn’t a way to select between mono and stereo recording in construct. You’ll have to use JavaScript to do it at a lower level. It has nothing to do with construct at that point. In fact construct may just add some complexity to do it.

    Google is your friend to find examples of maybe some libraries that handle that.

    Best I can tell it involves requesting access to the microphone, creating a web audio context with stereo, use the microphone as a source, that sends chunks of raw audio to an array. Then use a library or something to encode it as some sound format.

    Doable but could take some time to do. Best case you’ll find some code you can drop in and use.

    I’m a fan of trying to find a way to do stuff. But you have to weigh the effort to do it vs shifting to a different idea.

  • I think that’s an artifact with how the perlin noise is calculated. It’s kind of hard to google info about it. According to the description of the algorithm on Wikipedia I can see a part of the calculation which will make the result tend more to a midrange value. If you implemented the algorithm with events you could correct that but I’m not sure if it would affect the look of the noise in an adverse way.

    From what I read, traditional perlin noise causes most values to be in the -0.7 to 0.7 range. But if you change that to the 0-1 range you get values like you’re testing.

    One thing you can do is scale the noise to be closer to the 0-1 range. Something like this:


    It converts it to the -1 to 1 range, scales it by 0.75 then converts it back to the 0 to 1 range.

    The 0.75 comes from your max value of 0.85. (0.85-0.5)*2=0.7 but I just used a slightly higher value.

    There’s also different way you can scale it. Using an exponent you can push values from the center.

    Value= Noise(x,y)*2-1

    Value= sign(value)*abs(value)^0.3

    Value= value/2+0.5

    The 0.3 is a bit arbitrary. But no matter the value you won’t get a result out of the 0 to 1 range.

    The way you calculate the min/max works too. You just don’t have to do that every time your games runs. The values you get will hover around the same thing for each noise type. So you can find those once outside your game and just use those values to normalize your game. You can then clamp that too if you have outliers.

    Clamp((Noise(x,y)-minValue)/(maxValue-minValue), 0, 1)

    You asked about simplex noise but I imagine that has the same quality as perlin. You could also do smoothed noise and get a perfect 0-1 range, it just looks more grid like.

  • Hi,

    Had a look and no, I'm not wrapping my head around it. I just see a lot of shuffling going on.

    Based on this whole thread you are doing three things: shuffling, shuffling using a specified order, and displaying the numbers.

    function shuffle(text)
    -- var i=0
    -- repeat 10 times
    -- -- set i to int(random(4))
    -- -- set text to left(text, i) & mid(text,i+1,10) & mid(text,i,1)
    -- return text
    function shuffleBy(text, order)
    -- var ret=""
    -- repeat 4 times
    -- -- add mid(text, find(text, loopindex), 1)
    -- return ret
    function display(text, x, y, anim)
    -- repeat 4 times
    -- -- create sprite at (x, y+32*loopindex)
    -- -- sprite: set frame to int(mid(text,loopindex,1))
    -- -- sprite: set animation to anim

    I can't follow all of what you're trying to do but everything can be done with those building blocks. Notice the display just creates the sprites. Just delete the old ones first.

    I the case of one of your first example. You have a number, it's then shuffled by one of three unique choices, then it's shuffled by another value and you get a result.

    var A = shuffle("0123")
    var B1="",B2="",B3=""
    while B1==B2 or B1==B3 or B2==B3 
    -- B1 = shuffle("0123")
    -- B2 = shuffle("0123")
    -- B3 = shuffle("0123")
    var correctB = choose(B1,B2,B3)
    var C = shuffle("0123")
    var answer = shuffleBy(shuffleBy(A, correctB), C)
    display(A, 100,100, "alpha")
    display(B1, 100,100+32*1, "digits")
    display(B2, 100,100+32*2, "digits")
    display(B3, 100,100+32*3, "digits")
    display(C, 100,100+32*4, "digits")
    display(answer, 100,100+32*5, "alpha")

    Beyond that all I can gather from your other posts is you have additional steps added. Here I just had the display create the objects on the fly but you can have it pick existing objects instead.

    I'm not sure if any of that is helpful. I'm going to have to take a break from this problem though.