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    Unless they are planning on hiring someone to give more support I’d guess no? Most support is user driven.

  • That line was admittedly hacky. It makes a comma separated list of the three slider values. And since the there are three instances of the text object the iid is used with tokenat to get the values. In short I didn’t want to create three different text objects so I did that instead.

    As for the css I say keep digging. You can do a lot of styling with css but the pain is finding them. Luckily that’s something that a Google search can probably help with.

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  • I guess you could utilize most any website builder. It's mostly just scrollable div html elements with buttons, images, etc... and a bunch of css to style the living daylights out of it.

    You can get away with avoiding html elements altogether to do GUIs in construct on a case by case basis. Things like text input is much simpler with the html element, but if you don't need many features you can do it with the keyboard and text object. Scrolling regions can be done with some masking, but admittedly I haven't seen a solution I'm happy with. The current solution amounts to using pin or something to attach objects to the scrollable area, then with it all on one layer you'd mask it with sprites on top with the destination out blend. The final step is some math to do the scrollbar and clamping to the limits of the scrollable area.

    Again, I'd just deal with it case by case. A gui is the same as any other part of making a game. You break it up into simpler parts and see how to combine them.

  • I don't know why I was tagged here. The only game I could find with that name was just a platformer. I don't I have anything useful to contribute to make such a game.

  • One way. It rotates the corners around the center and scales the y by half. Works only for square sprites.


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  • You should only use one method, not both. Anyways the second method was flawed and the first could be simplified.

    Here's the three slider version where they affect the other two.


    And here is the modification where the third one only affects the second.


  • Two ways come to mind. I'm using a,b and c to be the same as sliderA.value, sliderB.value,...etc.

    The first is to find the amount changed and change the other two by half that amount. some extra logic is needed to correct if going negative. You will have to create two other similar events for b and c.

    on a changed
    -- set delta to a+b+c-100
    -- add delta/2 to b
    -- add delta/2 to c
    -- set delta to min(0,b,c)
    -- add -delta to b
    -- add -delta to c

    The second scales the other two values so they keep the same ratios. Similar events for b and c would also need to be made.

    on a changed
    -- set k to (100-a)/(b+c)
    -- set b to k*b
    -- set c to k*c
  • In the editor you can add mesh to objects and you can drag the points around to make different shapes. However I’m pretty sure when drawing to the canvas object it uses the original rectangle texture and doesn’t take into account the distorted shape.

    Anyways, I think you could get what you’re after by using another sprite as a mask by utilizing blend modes.

  • A rough starting point could be something like this:

    Player overlaps wall

    X player overlaps wall at offset (0,-1)

    — set onGround to true

    Other ideas could be to sample points below the player for overlaps, or position other sprites around the player for overlap checks, or checking the length of a ray cast below the player, or maybe checking the physics contacts and see if any of them are roughly pointing up. The platform behavior detects of the player is on the ground at the same time as it pushes the object out of walls vertically, but with physics you’ll have to resort to one of the other ideas.

    There are probably other approaches too.

  • You can approach it a few different ways.

    One it is to use html elements with css and javascript to make something like that. At least in theory I think you could. Be prepared to fly a bit blind to do it since it's beyond the scope of what Construct helps you do.

    Another idea is to just build it out of sprites, text, buttons, etc... You could put it on a layer so everything can be hidden in one shot. This is the approach best suited for doing it in Construct. For more complex dialogs you'll have to deal with it case by case.

  • paste the object and then paste all the sprites with a higher z order with destination out.

  • When the speed is 0 then yes the default moment angle is to the right. This happens because internally the behavior stores the x and y velocity separately and calculates the angle of motion from that. Angle(0,0,vx,vy)=0 when vx=0 and vy=0.

    Anyways an often used solution is to set the angle of motion directly after setting the speed.

    As to your other issue, setting the speed would be different than simulating a key press. When simulating a key the acceleration, deceleration and existing velocity are in the mix. So it would make sense that it would almost always be slower than setting the speed directly.

  • There are algorithms that let you find out how close one text is to another. Basically the number of character additions, deletions and replacements before the texts are identical.

    Here is one such algorithm:


    I guess you could run that with the typed text and all the possible words, then use the closest one. Effectively it’s kind of your own spell checker with your own set of words. More likely you’d want to not consider words that are more than 5 edits away or something, and if there are multiple words with the same minimum distance away you could maybe show a suggestion to the user.

    You can tweak it further too. Most spell checkers consider adjacent keys as closer. Or transposed characters as being close too. I didn’t look further at different algorithms though. Anyways some ideas you could pursue.