Locked icon With higher pricing, does support increase as well?

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Controller Support ,TouchScreen Support , Keyboard Support , Action Platformer, Lots of Animations
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    As I read through the notice of prices to use this software is increasing, I’m wondering if support for this software will remain the same or if there will be some sort of SLA?

    Currently we post a question in a forum (which I believe is a mix of other developers and a few Construct employees?) and may, or may not, get a reply. Some replies are not as helpful as others and there’s no true eta relating to when your question might get a reply. Other times, a question may go unanswered which is frustrating for a product being paid for.

    If the pricing goes up, I’m curious if the support for this product will increase to match the return on investment the customers are making.

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    Unless they are planning on hiring someone to give more support I’d guess no? Most support is user driven.

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    All offered services/support remain the same. Although officially we don't offer extended support via email, if you're really stuck we can sometimes offer help/advice if we have the spare time.

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