Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Ashley , Can we get the ability to add little nodes in the eventsheets that link to each other? So I could add a node at event 30, and have another node at event 40 in another sheet link to it, so that I can just click it and be taken to the new location? When dealing with lots of event sheets, it's difficult to sift through them and trace the logic if things are affecting other things in other places. So have a way to jump to other place easily would be great.

    The nodes could have tags, and then you could add links where you specify the tag of the node you want to jump to. The link could have a description or name too, to give you an idea of what it is linking to or to just provide extra information about the link.

  • Working on 3d fps using the q3d plugin:

  • Zebbi , I used trial and error since it was a simple scene. I basically previewed the scene and counted the tiles, and then went into the editor and adjusted the tilemap.

    I also could've used a raytracer to scan the scene and adjust the tilemap based on the scan.

    Maybe I'll work on adding that sort of procedure if I have time.

  • Zebbi,

    Here's something simple. I barely spent any time on it, so there is a lot that could be improved or taken further depending on what exactly you want to do with it.

    capx file here:

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  • Oh okay, Zebbi.

    Q3d doesn't have a specific feature for doing that. You'd have to use a q3dmodel to get those types of results, where you import an .obj file for example and texture it.

    My crocotile3d program uses a tile-based approach to modeling, so that might be more in-line with your way of thinking in regards to the construction of the model.

    Maybe I could create an example capx when I get some time.

  • There's a document Quazi linked to somewhere in this thread that outlines basic stuff to get started.

  • Yeah, If I understand you correctly, Zebbi, that shouldn't be that difficult.

    You'd basically position them in the editor, assign a Z position in the properties window, and using a camera that looks along the x/y axis so that z becomes down/up.

  • I'd need an illustration of it to understand the desired effect you're going for.

    You can give sprites a z position, which would position it closer or farther from the camera, for example.

  • For what? an in-game map-editor?

    You'd need a way to move through it, and a way to target locations within it, along with what sort of pieces to add/remove. Ways of modifying those pieces, etc.

    All of it would need to be stored, such as positions of the pieces, and directions, etc. You can export the data to its own file, then create some events to read it all back in when loading a map.

    It's a lot of work- so I'm not sure how basic it will be.

  • Yeah, I want to make a game in such style,

    Yes, I trial and errored the floor tiles since it was a simple area.

    Ideally you'd want to automate that sort of thing somehow, so that you can make larger areas without having to trial/error it.

    You could for example create a seperate object/model in crocotile that overlays the scene(basically tiles that represent collidable areas), and export that to its own obj file.

    Then in Construct2, you could create some events that use raytracing to check where there are surfaces corresponding to that object, and set the tilemap based on that.

    That way you wouldn't have to do any trial & error- it'd just set up the tilemap automatically.

  • Zebbi , I haven't tried that, but if I were to try it I'd probably use two player controlled sprites(one that moves side-view, and one that moves top-view). I'd probably have to do some other sort of trickery to make stuff work how I'd want it. Maybe a tilemap for topview, with tilenumbers corresponding to the height in sideview. The issue with that, is that you wouldn't be able to have platforms ontop of other platforms, unless you add more tilemaps- so that might work fine if you put them in a family. I'm also not sure how you'd handle slopes in that case. I'm sure all this is possible though. You'd just need to do some experimenting, and creative thinking.

  • Zebbi , sure, I'll put something together when I have time, and get a capx available.

  • I use chipmunk for the joint capabilities, here is something I was working on last year:

  • Zebbi , thanks- yeah, that's what I'd do. I'd use something like my Crocotile3d program to create the map and export it, then import into construct2 using q3d.

    That's what I did with that example gif. I think I had to flip the y axis, or rotate the model to display correctly- q3d gives you options for sorting that stuff out.

    I then used a tilemap object and physics objects with chipmunk plugin to handle collisions.

    I'm not sure how I would handle collisions for a fps game though. It would be easy if you could use a 2d representation for collisions like wolfenstein, and use a tilemap object, etc..

    It might be possible to create your own collisions by raytracing geometry if you want something more 3d.. or maybe try using the provided physics stuff in q3d( I havent tested them out ).. But you'd need a way to place that stuff efficiently, and change it easily if you need to.

    I wrote an experimental feature in crocotile3d to export the collisions tile data based on a map I construct in it, and then I just load that into the tilemap object. That way I don't have to setup the collisions in Construct2.

    It only works for side-view style maps though.

    I don't know how well you are at writing your own code/etc. But you might be able to export some object point data from my Crocotile3d program and create your own instructions in Construct2 that takes that data and use it to create/place q3d physics objects for collisions. But I don't want to suggest doing that since I haven't tried it myself and have no experience with the q3d physics, so I don't know how difficult it would be or what sort of issues it may have.