Here are some images of what I been playing around with q3d a 3d rts or 1st,2nd, or 3rd person 3d tank game start and rpg type game start.
A 3d textured tank .json model exported from blender, with a 3d .json model flat terrain, no sprites used, tank movement is controlled by custom movement at angles actions that drives and stop rotates like a tank and not a car and has speed control so far with asdw with a top down and multi camera's tracking, panning and zoom of the battle field and the tanks so a good start.
To do: still need to find the right camera height and angle and basic object collisons are working, but so far tank too the ground physics is not really figured out yet with a .json 3d model with none flat ground terrain and using default 2d physics, maybe chipmonk so I still have to figure that out.
I am hoping to add mobile touch for rts type game or gamepad control support for arcade and multi player in the end maybe.
And using the q3d examples I modified the physics 3d quake capx into a 3rd person rpg type frame work to build on.
I plan on making full games in the end I hope, but just testing what I can do now by building game type demos that I can use as skeleton frame work that I can build on later.
cheers techjunkie