Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • Zebbi ,

    You'll need to do these things first:

    and this:

    Thank you for these fixes, Alex. I must have missed them before!

  • Zebbi ,

    You'll need to do these things first:


    and this:


    then open this:

    capx file: http://1drv.ms/1oKrBWi

    Wow, thank you Prominent! That looks excellent, have you tried having it so the character can walk along the z-axis when UP is pressed?

    Just trying to work out how the heck to visualize this kind of thing in a 2d editor that doesn't have any relationship with the 3d object <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

  • Zebbi , I haven't tried that, but if I were to try it I'd probably use two player controlled sprites(one that moves side-view, and one that moves top-view). I'd probably have to do some other sort of trickery to make stuff work how I'd want it. Maybe a tilemap for topview, with tilenumbers corresponding to the height in sideview. The issue with that, is that you wouldn't be able to have platforms ontop of other platforms, unless you add more tilemaps- so that might work fine if you put them in a family. I'm also not sure how you'd handle slopes in that case. I'm sure all this is possible though. You'd just need to do some experimenting, and creative thinking.

  • I think it would be amazing to work with this for a 2d based game hat renders an entirely 3D background like you've done, heck, you could even do pandemonium-style games with it. Prominent Did you trial and error the position of the grey floor tiles to line up with the sewer obj?

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  • Yeah, I want to make a game in such style,

    Yes, I trial and errored the floor tiles since it was a simple area.

    Ideally you'd want to automate that sort of thing somehow, so that you can make larger areas without having to trial/error it.

    You could for example create a seperate object/model in crocotile that overlays the scene(basically tiles that represent collidable areas), and export that to its own obj file.

    Then in Construct2, you could create some events that use raytracing to check where there are surfaces corresponding to that object, and set the tilemap based on that.

    That way you wouldn't have to do any trial & error- it'd just set up the tilemap automatically.

  • Hello, i recently purchased one important plugin for my Construct 2 and got some problems: when i paid for it nobody tells me how i can obtain it, so i still wondering where i could get it?

  • Hello, i recently purchased one important plugin for my Construct 2 and got some problems: when i paid for it nobody tells me how i can obtain it, so i still wondering where i could get it?

    You should be getting an email from "davioware.com" with a link to a download site. You might want to check your spam folder if you haven't received an email yet.

  • Does this mean you can make 3d games easily?

  • Does this mean you can make 3d games easily?

    It's not all that optimal at the moment since the C2 editor doesn't support 3D. However because most of the basic 3D features are working properly and the fact that you can use the visual scripting of C2 that you normally would, I'd say it's pretty easy to make 3D games in general with this plugin. We just need more support and more features!

  • > Does this mean you can make 3d games easily?


    It's not all that optimal at the moment since the C2 editor doesn't support 3D. However because most of the basic 3D features are working properly and the fact that you can use the visual scripting of C2 that you normally would, I'd say it's pretty easy to make 3D games in general with this plugin. We just need more support and more features!

    I would be happy just to have an example of being able to design a 3d game in 3d mode, like they did pre-1996, unfortunately I'm not smart enough to figure it out myself and the examples are mostly just tech demos. A mode7 approach to designing with this plugin, due to the 2d nature of C2, would more than likely be the easiest way of working.

  • Anyone got any real basic ideas on this?

  • For what? an in-game map-editor?

    You'd need a way to move through it, and a way to target locations within it, along with what sort of pieces to add/remove. Ways of modifying those pieces, etc.

    All of it would need to be stored, such as positions of the pieces, and directions, etc. You can export the data to its own file, then create some events to read it all back in when loading a map.

    It's a lot of work- so I'm not sure how basic it will be.

  • For what? an in-game map-editor?

    You'd need a way to move through it, and a way to target locations within it, along with what sort of pieces to add/remove. Ways of modifying those pieces, etc.

    All of it would need to be stored, such as positions of the pieces, and directions, etc. You can export the data to its own file, then create some events to read it all back in when loading a map.

    It's a lot of work- so I'm not sure how basic it will be.

    Well, I was hoping to just position some items on the construct editor, can this plugin be used to add height to 2d objects and render it accordingly?

  • I'd need an illustration of it to understand the desired effect you're going for.

    You can give sprites a z position, which would position it closer or farther from the camera, for example.

  • I'd need an illustration of it to understand the desired effect you're going for.

    You can give sprites a z position, which would position it closer or farther from the camera, for example.

    Can you design a level in top down mode using just the layout editor using sprites and assigning heights to them then converting their x and y positions into distances, mode7 style?

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