producermark's Forum Posts

  • Thanks ... now I remember .. much appreciated

    Here is a screen shot ... the 'code' input needs to be inverted (see the red X )

  • still not working consistently -- sometimes works . sometimes not ...aaarrggghhh

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have been away from C2 for a while ... and I have been trying over and over to figure this out but I forget..

    How do I have one background (BG) sound looping EVEN when I go to several different layouts.

    (and not restarting the same BG sound)


  • Kyatric

    Thanks for that. That will solve my sound issues.

  • I like DB too, in fact I said I love it, so I am ' delighted' as well.

    So, If you don't need or want more space then don't use Copy.

    Simple as that ...

  • Ashley

    would you kindly respond please.

  • Hi Ed,

    That would be awesome.

    and as a udemy follower of your courses may I suggest,

    You may want to consider choosing people who haven't ever done the Cocoon thing before ( like me ...

    for Beta testing) ,

    to see if they can follow along and understand fully.

    Just a thought.

  • please go the the How do I...? section of the forum and include a capx.

  • seems to me that it should be a rather easy thing to add ? no ?? Ashley ??

  • bump/ anything?

    would anybody else like to see this option added?

  • I am trying to make several language learning games,

    thus having the sound and music files firing instantly is extremely important to the user experience,


    I am wondering if Ashley ( Ashley ) would you please consider creating an option for the developer

    to click a button to load / preload sounds and music in the initial download.

    I know that this will add to the download time, but please let us ( the game developer) make the decision to add the time instead of it being made for us.

    Just a thought,

    and thanks for reading.

    oh, and Ashley if you are reading this.

    Music files (music only)

    on iOS devices do not respond to volume controls BTW.

    I have tested on 2 iOS devices with Safari and Chrome BTW and Music plays at normal 0db no matter the volume setting I put in the event sheet. oh, (still iOS) and Mute doesn't seem to work on music either

    but all silent does work.

    just a FYI. ( there are a few posts about this music iOS issue )

  • I have an iPad and an iPhone and experienced the same problem no matter what browser I use

    , not sure if this is a Construct 2 problem or a iOS problem ( Ashley )


    when music is placed in the sound file it seems to accept volume controls.

    The problem is that the entire file needs to be downloaded before it plays when it is placed in the sound file and on mobile devices it takes a while to download larger files. also, very large files will crap out the browser

    so what is really needed is a option to preload all sounds before game starts as an option within C2.

    So you have to think of a work around for that.

    For example,

    I have made my own 'loading' layout, and I placed a loading bar with a dog running across the screen to a doghouse which takes about 20 seconds , when the dog gets to the doghouse it goes to the next layout

    ( here is a cool place to find these types of things for loading bars etc

    in that event sheet I play all my sounds in the entire game at volume -10000 ( no sounds are heard, even on iOS devices , sounds within the sound file anyway) and just to slow down the process a tiny bit I place a wait event (0.12) in between every two sounds.

    a bit cumbersome, but it works.

  • I searched it and it did not come up - my bad

    but for all those who have not heard of it ... here you are..

  • Hi Everyone,

    I use Dropbox and love it but the limits on space is frustrating,

    so I

    just wanted to let you know about a new service I just found,

    very similar to dropbox, but WAY more free space, and shared files also share the file size,

    so if you are sharing a 2GB file with someone else, you both are are only responsible for 1GB each.

    So that is cool too.

    it starts at 15GB for free and if you click on the

    link here

    you get an additional 5GB fro free, so a total of 20GB.

    there is no public folder yet

    and no viewing older files so

    be careful what you delete.

    So I use this for basic storage and DB for the public folder.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know

  • see the Manual about preloading audio /

    it says:

    Only two or three sounds should be preloaded at once

    and it also says:

    You can also use the Preload action to start downloading an audio file without actually playing it. This can be done on Start of layout to start downloading a few important sound effects so there is no delay when they are played for the first time. However it is entirely optional (all games will work without any preloading at all), and it should not be over-used since preloading too many sound effects on startup can slow down browsers with too much downloading and result in no sound effects playing at all for a while.