PrinceofMars , sorry for bothering you on a solved post, I'm developing a shmup too, bullet hell genre to be precise, and i got curious while looking at you wave events, do you mind spending a few words to tell me how you managed the wave system ?
Sure, I would love to but do keep in mind, I am a total amateur at programing and there might be better ways of doing things, first off I have a bunch of global variables
game time = which keeps a track on how many seconds have passed into game
body count= how many enemies have died this gets added to not only when a player kills one, but also when one gets off screen
wave = the enemies come in waves once one wave is destroyed the next will appear.
so say it is wave 8 and i have killed 20 enemies the programing will say
System wave < 9
System bodycount = 20 System Add 1 to wave
that way I can switch to what ever wave I want when i need to test the game