PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • I wanted to toy around with bumpmapping a bit and downloaded the example from the wiki.

    But in the event editor I don't have the bumpmapping tab to control the effect. And when I tried to edit an exisiting bumpmapping action and went back the tab showed but Construct crashed instantly.

    Am I right to assume that bumpmapping doesn't work properly in the current version, since it's not controllable with events?!? Oh well I guess I'm right I just checked in 0.982 and the tab is there.

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  • Wow that was really fast. Thx a lot!!!

  • [quote:3fv18o4v]Well, I've been looking at how the collision system works with slopes, and it seems, in my game, for some strange reason, the character always moves with the slope properly on the right side, while on the left side, it acts like there's something else above the slope that it can stand on. Really odd. But it works perfectly when I try an elipse in the PS ones. Even stranger.

    That's weird I had a similar problem with slopes though. It worked when I set the hitbox of the platform behavior sprite to per pixel collision, and not like it should be bounding box (since that hitbox/detector is a square after all). When it's set to bounding box it acts on certain slopes as if they were set to bounding box as well. While all slopes are set to per pixel. Very weird, since it only does that on certain slopes. But still check if your slopes are actually set to per pixel collision (I guess you have anyway).

    Something else: actually vertical platforms aren't that hard to do. With one major drawback: jump sustain doesn't work because the action jump ignores whether you hold down the key or not. At least that's what I came up with. If anyone has a solution with jump sustain I'd really like to see that... but with the future version of construct the need for this will become obsolete anyway I guess.

    Just saw the slopes hijack by Drasa. Very nice indeed.

    But would you actually rotate the player to the same angle as the slopes in a normal J'n'R?

    I guess you wouldn't. And it's a nice addition that you slip down from it, but as far as standarts go I would let the player stick to the slopes. But maybe that's just me.

    Plus it doesn't seem to work with other shapes than 45 degree slopes, right?

  • You have to love it:


    Okay maybe one could afford it or save for it but where to put it then? And you really could do smt better with 25.000$... still I'd like to have it.

  • Woa this is improving pretty fast. Great.

    Right at the beginning I was facing the wall to the left and hitting left arrow repeatedly in order to headbang like in the older build.

    But the ninja disappeared to nowhere. I understand doubletapping is some kind of teleport/dash thing right.

    Anyway, need to get past those spikes now

    edit: Oh I made it. Teleporting is the key indeed. But sometimes it seems to teleport the player to the wrong place.

    Bring on enemies now!!!

  • Yes I'm afraid the links in this thread are all dead by now. But those versions are very outdated anyway. I wanted to share another public beta in january though, so hopefully that'll happen.

  • Hehe I like it.

    That you can be hurt when jumping on an enemy can be annoying though. Do you have an event that is comparing the ground detector Y of the player to enemy.top so to speak.

    Ground detector does not overlap solid (which means the player is jumping/falling)

    +Player hitbox overlaps enemy hitbox

    +Ground detector Y greater (below) enemy hitbox.Y + 8 (for example, +8 being a tolerance)

    => hurt player

    Ground detector does not overlap solid (which means the player is jumping/falling)

    +Player hitbox overlaps enemy hitbox

    +Ground detector Y lower or equal (above) enemy hitbox.Y + 8

    => kill enemy

    Or at least something like that. All assuming you have a ground detector and hitboxes and stuff.

    And I guess I found a bug: when I was jumping into the water above, Buttweasel disappeared

    <img src="http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6757/buttw0ul0.png">

  • Nice little example. You should do one more using graphics and not text for the menu.

  • I started optimizing the cap. So far it's down to 315 events. And I realized that my use of the TimeDelta fix is messy, since I have some subevents in there that are unnecessary. And I found some more mistakes I made... oh well.

    I'm not using shaders or RTS pathfinding, so it might be down to loops I guess.

    I sent you a PM Ashley, big thanks for taking a look at it!

  • Didn't really notice that it was this long since I last posted about my game...

    Well it's still there although I had a really long break from working on it. But I'm back on track now.

    <img src="http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5851/llashot5bbcb0.png">

    I added quite some stuff like slopes and different enemies, new tiles and sprites... and well, stuff .

    One of the enemies chases the player and tries to jump him in order to suck his blood and you will have to have a good timing to get rid of it once it's stuck on you. It's the smallish thing in the lower left corner of the wip screen and its behavior is based on Deadeye's enemy AI example, thx for that btw!

    Had a pretty hard time making those enemies work on slopes. Although I had a very simple solution at first which seemed to work perfectly in a standalone cap. It kind of broke in my game cap, resulting in the enemy getting stuck sometimes when moving from slopes to solid again. I still can't explain why this happened but I finally seem to have a workaround for this problem.

    Just recently I ran into a much bigger problem: the framerate drops dramatically causing the whole game to feel very laggy. Sometimes it's even like the player is teleporting instead of proper moving through the level.

    I compared it to the cap from the last beta build for my testers, which was still perfectly smooth. Major difference: 197 events as opposed to 348 in the most recent cap. Which means I added 151 events in the last two weeks. And something I added or changed was really bad for the performance.

    But I can't quite think of the cause since I mainly added events regarding enemy behaviors while the custom engine remained the same for the most part. I compared the CPU usage too: It's about 20-30% for the older version and 40-50% for the newest one. Pretty damn big difference if you ask me.

    Well I don't suspect that it's just too many events or loops. My believe is that Construct is capable of handling a lot. Still I'd like to know if somebody experienced something similar with event-heavy caps or certain events which tend to slow down games significantly. So if you have any experience with this or a similar issue I'd love to hear about that. Till then I'm continuing to investigate the big bad slowdown originator.

  • Okay first of all: Ninjas are awesome.

    I like the vibe of this game so far. It already feels like it's easy to play, but hard to master. Which is a very good thing imo. Although the teleporting was a little odd to me. But you're right: Ninjas should absolutely be able to teleport!!!

    Now I want to throw shurikens that can break stuff, like crates... or whatever. Bad guys... more Ninjas.

  • What exactly do you need? You want enemies just walking somewhere minding their own business or pretty much like in TCR following the player. Did you read the description Deadeye gave in the thread?

  • So I'm guessing you're trying to do a side scrolling platformer. You can use the platform behavior for enemies too, just remember to set an event that starts ignoring user input on startup. Deadeye has made a pretty good example for enemies with simple AI in the THIS CURSED ROCK thread.

    If you simply require an enemy which is walking a certain path (from right to left and back again) just add ball behavior and some detectors where the enemy is supposed to turn. Very basic but works well.

  • Well I guess the moving itself of the sprites isn't the problem midnight.

    But couldn't you like have some interaction detector together with the sprite/hitbox. Then on creation set a private variable of the detector to the UID of the sprite. Now if that detector overlaps another one of the same type of sprite which has a different UID than stored in the variable => interaction.

    Or maybe I'm missing something important just my first thought on it, didn't try it myself yet. Maybe you could go more into detail what you're exactly doing eventwise right now hero_bash.

  • I just downloaded the attachment myself and tried it out. Worked fine. What exactly doesn't work for you?

    EDIT: I noticed a minor glitch and did a slight update with some other small changes.

    EDIT2: Was still glitchy, should be done now finally.