PixelPower's Forum Posts

  • What are the sizes of your art assets? I am pretty new here myself and I realized that your artwork should be small in file size . Like the game screen can be 500,350 and your characters can be 40x40 or 50x50 pixel size at most.

    Just set the scale to outer scale and it will be full screen size on android device. I was going nuts before I figured this out with help from a friend.

  • ... So did you?

    No I came right here to report the issue. It is a spam filter because it said the message looks like spam in a pop-up. I was trying to warn the user but it seems I am too late because the person got banned.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I recently tried to post in the arcade the game was called kittyflap. After I posted it said that it looks like spam and don't post again or you will be banned. This is the message I posted

    "Honestly you just changed the start screen and the main character from the tutorial version. The tutorial was meant to be a guide , not to use as a straight copy. The character is good but you need to change it so it feels like your game not the same as Construct tutorial."

    Why did the spam filter get triggered??

  • czar

    Ok thanks I was wondering why the performance was a little bit choppy.

  • Ok I have been running some of the android games on bluestack emulator since I don't have an android device to test on right this moment. Some games didn't run and some game ran but with lag. I was wondering what android devices you guys test your devices on so when I do get an android device I can run games at full speed. Also for testing purposes for the games I will make in the future.

  • (file:///android_asset/www/index.html) Thats the error I get.

  • krish

    Thanks for the information I read the thread and see that there is a problem. I also have another problem I downloaded your game and tried to run it via bluestacks and all I get is a black screen. What version of android do you need to run the game? It says something about html not found the 1st time I ran it.

  • The answers for your questions:

    1. If you use wrappers like CocoonJS or Crosswalk, your games will got the best performance.

    2. Use Chrome for Android or CocoonJS.

    3. See this tutorial: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/526/ho ... -savegames

    4. Go to this URL: search.php?keywords=android&fid%5B0%5D=148

    Excellent thanks!! I checked out the games made with construct on android and was very impressed. Space shooters,platformers ,and retro type games I love it. I have an account with cocoon Js so I will use that for my 1st project. I am still learning but this is so much better than doing games in pure javascript code and being fustrated at every turn.

  • For Apple you need the $99 developers plan and you need to download xcode which is Mac only. In xcode you make it into an ,ipa file which then you upload to apple.

  • I know I am new here but I am not new to programming in general. The reason unity is more popular is not only do they have a large team , they have more money to put into marketing. Marketing is a huge factor as to why they are popular and also they cater to indie as well as AAA developers. Gameloft and other bigger companies use them and they have higher prices in the past so they can spend more on promoting Unity 3D.

    That said I wouldn't say they are better because Contruct 2 is still paid but Unity 3D with all their marketing muscle had to go free with the full version just to get more developers interested , Construct didnt.

    That said use the tools that are more better for you. I came here because people told me its a rapid game making tool and even though this is day 1 for me I already like it. All Construct needs is a game to hit top 100, top50, top25 in any country and the developer to say they used construct , then construct will blow up.

    That day is coming soon once I learn how to use this tool for android game making.

  • Hi guys I am new to Construct 2 but I have made games in HTML + javascript using phonegap build to make apk. Now the games I made are rather very simple mainly because I have long hours at work and not enough time to learn . I want to make better games and cut down the time which Construct 2 seems to be good at. Now the question I have is about performance.

    I made a game called Bomb Attack Max for Android in pure javascript yet it was a little slow . I programmed using the DOM rather then Canvas so that is part of the problem. I want to know if you can make simple run games and flying games with Construct 2 will the performance be decent.

    1) Is the performance of Construct 2 games good on mobile devices ?

    2) Can you get audio on android device because I could not with HTML + javascript?

    3) Is there a save game feature that works for android ?

    4) Can someone link android games made with Contruct here so I can try them?

    Thank you in advance as I think this tool might be just what I need to improve the time it takes me to make games.