Hi guys I am new to Construct 2 but I have made games in HTML + javascript using phonegap build to make apk. Now the games I made are rather very simple mainly because I have long hours at work and not enough time to learn . I want to make better games and cut down the time which Construct 2 seems to be good at. Now the question I have is about performance.
I made a game called Bomb Attack Max for Android in pure javascript yet it was a little slow . I programmed using the DOM rather then Canvas so that is part of the problem. I want to know if you can make simple run games and flying games with Construct 2 will the performance be decent.
1) Is the performance of Construct 2 games good on mobile devices ?
2) Can you get audio on android device because I could not with HTML + javascript?
3) Is there a save game feature that works for android ?
4) Can someone link android games made with Contruct here so I can try them?
Thank you in advance as I think this tool might be just what I need to improve the time it takes me to make games.