pilpgam's Forum Posts

  • I found it.. so it is because some action categorized in different section, I cannot simply "copy and past" from my C2Runtime event to C3Runtime event. I should re-define it one by one for each event that use rexzigzag behavior C3 Runtime plugins.

    Eren , again.. thank for your effort to convert unofficial plugins from C2Runtime to C3Runtime

  • Hi, thank you for donate. it odd. I'il check and let you know.

    Hi. thanks for the reply. Anyway I think i make mistake,

    the plugins file could be corrupted.. somehow not in right version. May be cause by myself switching between C2 and C3 Runtime

    Now I try to figure it first. I will update you later.

  • Hi Eren

    Thanks for your work to convert C3 Runtime plugins.

    I tried your converted rex_zigzag, but it seems doesnt work like C2 Runtime version which contain much more event/condition action eg. Add command, Execution stop, Set activated, Set rotatable, etc. Could you make more tweak on it ?

    Anyway I found your BMC page buymeacoffee.com/eren

    I Appreciate your help to convert C3Runtime plugins. Keep it up.

  • 1. Zigzag by RexRainbow


    2. MoveTo by RexRaibow


    3. LiteTween by lunarray


    Hi Eren

    Thankyou very much.. I will try that ported plugins. I hope it will work.

  • I learning a couple game event logic which I bought from Scirra Store.

    Most of them still using C2 Runtime, although it can be run on C3, but not fully use C3 Runtime.

    I wonder is there any behavior plugins (official / unofficial) which also work in C3 Runtime for :

    1. Zigzag by RexRainbow

    2. MoceTo by RexRaibow

    3. LiteTween by lunarray => solved ! using C3 official Tween behavior plugins

    It is quite stressfull to convert C2 Runtime event which contain plugins that are not supported in C3 Runtime. and I need some feature from C3 which only available in C3 Runtime.

  • I see. IMHO maybe it is hardware limitation issue. I face a similar case too.

    anyway this performance tips worth to be considered : scirra.com/manual/134/performance-tips

  • Hi.. I curious about your case.

    Do you try that in several different phone with different specification (CPU,RAM,..) or you just try it only in 1 phone ?

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  • Hi Sanchopi

    Thanks for the reply and suggest.

    I undestand the concept you explain about extra instances variable.

    But what I am trying to achieve a bit different.

    It contain 2 AdsUnit which need to load at the moment.

    this is just an example :

  • Recently I've had to make some mockups of a mobile app for presentation purposes.


    Or does anyone think there is a better tool for this kind of thing?


    IMHO, Construct is good to prototype game (mobile or not mobile)

    if I try to make an apps prototype which is not a game, I prefer Adobe XD CC (it is free)

    Check :


  • Hi C3 Community..

    first of all, I apologize if this explanation sound bizzare.

    If I have more than one advert unit (same type) setup in admob,

    separate such as one advert unit for Rewarded Video adding "Gold", and another one advert unit Rewarded Video for adding "Gem"

    in game design, there is 1 layout contain 2 separate button to show [Add Gold] or [Add Gem].

    On Start of layout - create rewarded video AdverUnitGold - show false

    create rewarded video AdverUnitGem - show false

    On Tap Gesture [Add Gold] - show video advert

    On Tap Gesture [Add Gem] - show video advert

    Question :

    How to make sure it show video loaded from exact advert unit ?

    So far I assume C3 will show the last create/loaded rewardvideo,

    because everytime create and load rewardvideo will replace the previous loaded one ?

    or am I missunderstanding C3 concept ?


  • I found it described here: construct.net/en/tutorials/how-to-use-loader-layouts-to-make-custom-loading-screens-9

    Here is the part i mean:

    "...Use loader layout enables the use of a loader layout. By default it is disabled, so you need to specifically turn it on for each project. Then, the first layout becomes the loader layout. You should specifically select your loader layout with the First layout option to make sure it is the first layout to appear (otherwise Construct might choose a different layout to use for the loader)...".

    So if i understand it correctly you have to make the first screen as simple as possible (not much graphics), Turn On "use Loader Layouts" and under First Layout choose the "Loader"-Layout you created.

    That link is just a repost from " scirra.com/tutorials/318/how-to-use-loader-layouts-to-make-custom-loading-screens " (Scirra site to > Construct site)

    and it is from year 2012, that means 7 years old... is it still relevant?

    It still show default progress bar/ or Construct 3 default loading / or blank black screen (if you choose nothing) instead of "customize loading screen" which means it is not fully customized splash screen, it is just showing a layer before the main menu layer of your game.

    I just hope somebody from official who read this thread could clarify about this "Custom splash screen"

    Simple question : Custom splash screen work for mobile export (.apk) Yes/No ?

    If yes, put an example .c3p in editor page

    If no, they should put a note for paid plan about custom splash screen not work for mobile.

  • Hey pilpgam,

    for me there are no problems with the video ads ...

    I did nothing else than you, except I use functions to call and show the ads.

    You can see the pictures:



    Hi Sanchopi, thank you very much for the reply

    really appreciate for your help. Yeah.. it is very strange. I can make banner test ad and interstitial test ad show properly using the same way. but not with the rewarded video.

    Looks like the problem is from my side.. not in C3 engine itself because other doesnt face the same issue.

    Thanks for the reply..

    I think I will keep strugling around with this a couple day to figure it out.

  • Anyone face the same issue ?

    Banner and Interstitial work properly like usuall, but Rewarded Video is not showing although it is loaded and ready.

    here is .c3p made in C3 R133

