pilpgam's Forum Posts

  • Hi.. I think there is fade volume action added in Audio plugin since R122 (C3 Runtime)

    Which is more convenience than lerp.. IMHO

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  • Cool feature!

    but to be honest I am quite pessimist that this can be implemented in mobile games, due to how C3 work is not as fast as native and mobile hardware limitation nowadays. IMHO.

  • pilpgam

    That was just used in response to how to set a global variable as the knowledge of op seems like beginner. If you look in my original post to the question you will see how I put 'on hit' adjust health which would be a trigger. Also I think my example is better as it accomplishes everything in one event, where the animation frame number matches the global variable. Aside from that, setting an animation frame every tick has minimal effect, you must be thinking of text.

    okay.. thankyou very much for the input and insight about this method.

    I am just beginner... really appreciate your for the example, help me understand another things. Thanks.

  • Every tick : set health.animationframe to global variable. You pick it from the object, set frame.

    Use "Every tick" is not a wise option.. just IMHO. it is unnecessary use

    It is like force the CPU doing something every tick change the animation frame which is useless if nothing change. So I think that is not a good programming design

    Try this example :)


    I prefer this example which only change the animation frame when needed (on collision.. or something that cause life decrease) not every tick.


    more tips from founder:


  • Maybe..use bullet stepping

    try :


  • I try to make message box slide in..

    when all of the sprite define in family, and one of them include in multiple family

    Everthing running well, except "on finished" cause the the system tick stopped (show in debug mode)

    Is this a bug ? Or I just simply make mistake in event ?

    Anyone face the same issue ? Or any better idea to make pop/slide in game message box?

    .c3p : dropbox.com/s/sagdge6e06govi0/testTweenFinish.c3p

  • PLEASE... make the store display clearly at the top of every product page :

    C2 Runtime : Yes/No

    C3 Runtime : Yes/No

    3rd Plugins : Yes/No ( Yes : should mention what plugins and what runtime)

    Force seller to fill that information clearly before publish it on Scirra Store.

  • It is very annoying when you bought something useless from store.

    PLEASE... make the store display clearly at the top of every product page :

    C2 Runtime : Yes/No

    C3 Runtime : Yes/No

    3rd Plugins : Yes/No ( Yes : should mention what plugins and what runtime)

    It is like throw you money in trash can when you buy something from scirra store which cannot be use because it contain 3rd plugin that does not support in certain runtime.

    Sorry to say.. it just feel like scam!

  • Actually, you don't need "LocalStorage Get" and "On LocalStorage item Get" events. You can access LocalStorage item value in "On item exist" event.

    I tried.. and it also work

    I merged 2 row action (on exist -> get, on get -> load) become 1 action (on exist -> load)

  • For now I guess an official example, which demonstrates how to use local storage in combination with the dictionary plugin

    I am totaly agree with that :)

    especially a newcomer like me.. need more example to learn

    Such as how to make customize splash screen, more advanced of combination of behavior implementaion to create unique player mechanic like sliding on curved surface or something else..

    Anyway, I make this short .c3p that show Dictionary combining with LocalStorage.

    WITHOUT a single global variable to know the basic how to "get" and "set" value in Dictionary

    I hope this could help a little bit :


  • .. example, which demonstrates how to use local storage in combination with the dictionary plugin, would be nice to have.

    Hi :)

    Try Demonoire GameDemos in editor startpage : editor.construct.net

    It contain Dictionary and local storage combination concept

    I think it is like set value to variable, and all defined variable packed as one (dictionary) then use the local storage to save that dictionary as json string

  • I hope this link could be helpfull :


    good luck :)

  • about the dragon which need to stick at wall, I have no idea then..

    about the "hook and shoot", maybe this one : construct.net/en/forum/scirra-website/scirra-store-36/ropey-ninja-templates-83863

    I dont know how it work, I am just sharing about this mechanic when I saw the picture you draw

  • I'm using the latest version of Chrome as my default browser, is that not it?

    I am not sure. I think there is a separate browser from manufacture ? like Samsung with browser named "Samsung Internet", mobile Chrome or mobile FireFox is just additional install ?

    Some phone just come out with Android native "Browser"

    Anyway I think it is a quite out of topic from thread title.. TS will punch me :D LOL

    Check C3 Beta release R128 "Bug Fixes C3 runtime: Mobile IAP not initialising properly"

    I hope this have something related and solve your problem. Good luck :D