oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Is your ajax tag set on properly? Case sensitive.

  • Technically you can.... But frankly speaking it would be pretty convoluted and pointless.

    Upon starting your game, you would check localstorage to see if the player had launched it after setting the settings or not. If not, it will load into the settings page. After setting the settings, save them to localstorage and open the same project in a new tab via the browser object. This time, if the localstorage keys for the settings have been saved, load the game layout using the saved settings.

    You'll need to clear them again if you want the user to be able to get to the settings layout again, or at least clear the localstorage key that says settings have been saved.

  • Are you trying to add it as a sub event of another trigger event?

    Trigger conditions must be in their own top level events.

  • Also to persist across multiple play sessions, you could store the state (collected/not collected) of each collectable in local storage, and check for the key state as a condition before spawning it on start of layout.

  • Check the actual size of your text object, if the contents do not fit they may get cut off.

    Edit: Never mind, tried it myself and it does seem to be a bug.

  • Sounds like you're trying to recreate what a container already does?

  • The multiplayer-room-disconnect action should also leave the room on the signalling server. You don't disconnect from the signalling server at that point though, so you should be able to immediately create/join a new room. Don't try to connect to the signalling server again. You're already connected so on signalling joined won't trigger.

  • I haven't checked the file yet, but remember there are two disconnect actions - disconnecting from the signaling server does not disconnect you from the room, which is established between the host and peers. Make sure you're using the right one. Also remember all connection and disconnection actions are asynchronous, so only use the proper triggers to continue with further actions (on disconnected ect)

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  • If you want to edit it as a text file you would do it outside of construct 3.

    Construct uses the dictionary editor for a reason, since it is a construct dictionary formatted as Json and there normally wouldn't be a reason to edit it as a text file, which could potentially cause problems with the format.

  • For form elements used in game, the most straightforward way is to use the set css style action for each form element object directly. Other objects do not use css for styling.

    You can also prepare multiple different .css style sheet files in advance, and load each stylesheet on demand via the browser objects load stylesheet action.

  • Css is supposed to be read only, I've never heard of modifying it via post.

    Php is generally used to interact with web services, in particular databases like MySQL to provide dynamic content.

  • Deleting the x index will delete all associated y values as well. Think of deleting x as deleting the entire column

  • First thing, don't call randomize after a wait action on start of layout. Move it to event 2 instead, as you have no way of knowing for certain if the Ajax request will complete in .0001 seconds or 10 seconds.

    What is your default array size? From what I can see, your randomize loop will delete all your array x indexes after being run once. The second time, the loop will run for 0 to -1, since your array width will be 0 by then.

  • Updated the file.

    You simply add a condition to not update the value of the corresponding array coordinates if it is what you define to be an obstacle. In this case I made it so that it only runs if the tile to be updated is not tile 2.

  • I don't think you need pathfinding at all for a tile based grid with short ranges, especially if you are going to do it one step at a time.


    It's called a breadth first search, basically just a portion of the a* pathfinding algorithm. It will work with obstacles fine, but do note that it becomes exponentially less efficient the more steps it has to calculate, which is why more advanced pathfinding algorithms such as a* were developed. Both the official pathfinding plugin and easy star library use the a* algorithm as a base.