oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Updated the example. You can create them dynamically, and each neck and head should be associated with it's body via the body's UID.

  • Is that an nw.js or web export?

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  • Put a limit on the number of sounds that can be played at a time. Keep track with a variable.

    On sound played, add 1 to variable.

    On sound (or timer) end, subtract 1 from variable.

    Play sound only if variable is less than n.

  • should I save on the amount of events needed?

    This pretty much never makes a difference, unless you personally like to.

    Do whatever makes the most sense to you.

    It is recommended to separate peer, host, and common events so that they are clear, easy to read, and easy to identify problems and debug. Separating groups make it very clear cut which events should be run by hosts and which by peers, since hosts and peers have very different jobs and are the source of confusion and misunderstanding for a lot of multiplayer issues that come up regularly. However, if another way makes more sense for your own organization, that could be reasonable.

    One thing that could be considered is that if the way your organize your events in a multiplayer project doesn't make sense to other people, it gets even harder to ask for help when you run into issues.

  • Put all objects in a family.

    Family is on screen condition, then use the family.pickedcount expression.

  • No.

    If you click the layout, check in the left in the properties to see if the correct event sheet is associated with it

  • Put it in an event group.

    When goal reached - disable group.

  • I tried this a bit, and there are a few things that make it significantly more complicated. For starters, you can't use the object.count expression anymore, because that will get you the total count of all necks. object.pickedcount doesn't work either since we're running a loop per neck so there's only 1 neck picked at any given time. We also won't be able to use object.IID to keep our necks in order either, since set 1 will have IIDs from 0-5 and set 2 will have IIDs from 6-10 for example (it's not 0-5 for each one). I'll see if I can think of a more flexible solution later today.

    Edit: Dynamically creating a set at runtime should be easier, it's just a matter of setting all the right variables and creating the associated parts whenever you create the body. However, you'll need to know all the data you need for the neck part to work properly first. It's best to work on one thing at a time.

  • You can make a parachute like behavior by lowering the gravity amount, or applying a small (less than gravity) upward force every tick.

    If you change the gravitational force, you're changing the angle of motion.

  • The layout coordinate of the tile or the tile index can both be plugged into the advanced random function for usable results.

    To get the layout coordinate, you use the tile to position expression with the tile index to get your value.

    Or you can use the tile index directly in the advanced random expression as well.

  • You'll need to identify and associate the sets of parts. A simple solution would be to assign a common instance variable to each set, so that you can use it to pick the relevant parts in your events.

    You can absolutely spawn parts at runtime. Just on start of layouts or whenever, for each body, spawn parts. Containers I think would not be as suitable since you need multiple instances of just one part. Hierarchies might be more applicable, but I'm not familiar with them.

  • You can use either the absolute tile position or the tile index, either will work.

  • Yes. The 2d advanced random noise functions/expressions will give you a value between 0 and 1 for every x,y input you enter. In your case, the x and y would be the tilemap coordinates.

    It is up to you to define what you want the returned value between 0 and 1 to mean.

  • dropbox.com/scl/fi/lxvdsbt4tudsrgbk3vfsa/stretchyneckexample.c3p

    Constructsaur goes rawr.

    Note that you can calculate the difference in x and difference in y from the head to the body and store it in an instance variable like in the tutorial if you want to, but I just put it directly in the expression.

    Edit: Also added a second event sheet, doing the exact same thing with the lerp expression, which is how I would probably approach this. The way on event sheet 1 is more like how the tutorial does it though. The end result is exactly the same either way.