oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Link truncated, break off the https://www part?

  • Do you need custom movement behaviors?

    Is the player supposed jump fixed distances and always land on the center of a platform, or are they free to move around like Mario games?

    Are your platforms all the same length and spacing or all different?

    I'm assuming the platforms are dynamically generated and not placed ahead of time, else you can just use scrollto and keep your player centered on viewport.

    A capx or screenshot would help to visualize your situation.

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  • I think I understand, but it would be easier to make sure with a capx. It sounds like you just need to put the line of sight field object on the same layer as the monster.

  • Acceleration is the change in speed.

    Is it causing a problem?

  • You should probably use the lowest resolution tiles on a tilemap that still looks acceptable to you. Without seeing how your tiles are configured, it would be difficult to advise much beyond that.

  • Although it is difficult to determine your problem from the description alone, you might try pinning an "eye" placeholder sprite to the monster check line of sight from. You can use that to debug where exactly on the screen the eye is and what is and isn't in line of sight.

  • What have you tried? Are you having trouble with any specific mechanic?

    Generally speaking, yes there are many ways you can create this game.

    Try breaking down your game into very specific pieces, think about what you want the player to see and do, and make that happen.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/211xd1ir76hq8 ... .capx?dl=0

    That was actually kinda fun, not too difficult. Here are a few examples of possible effects all done within C2's included behaviors and plugins.

    Unpolished, but it should give you a rough idea about what you might be able to do (anything really). If I were to touch it up I'd probably use spritefonts to take care of the kerning issue (I imagine you want to use spritefonts if text is a major focus of your game anyway).

    You'll also need to be a little creative to figure out how to properly position the effects within just a part of your text, but that really depends on how your system will be set up so I won't be taking a crack at that at this point.

  • Read the fabulous manual! https://www.scirra.com/manual/98/physics



    The current speed of the physics object, in pixels per second.

  • When you pin it, add a for each sprite condition and create the pinned sprite at each sprite.

  • You'll give some more information about your project.

    How are you determining slow vs fast? Do you have fps numbers?

    Do you have a lot of sprites layered over each other? Transparent spirits cost a significant amount of resources as well.

    Are you running any loops? That is another common source of slowdown.

    Also the pixi looks like it's a three year old budget smart phone running a severely out of date version of android which may not even support webgl. Remember that your computer is generally going to be significantly faster than any high end smart phone, so a low end one may not be able to provide a satisfactory result.

  • Hmm I feel like all those effects could be duplicated with functions and individual text objects after breaking a word up in to each of it's letters. I would probably create a typewriter effect system where every character of your text is each in it's own object to keep things flexible.

    I don't think it would be a huge performance hit, as there are maybe 100 characters at a time and text sequences usually don't have much other action going on.

    I might be interested in making an attemt at a later date. No promises though.

  • Hey replying on my phone so I can only give a summary, but here goes:

    A basic parser of a text file will use the newline token for tokencount and tokenat.

    Use a loop to repeat tokencount(textfile,newline) times (repeat however many lines are in the text file). Tokenat(textfile,loopindex,newline) will give you the content of each line.

  • I'm going to venture a guess that this has to do with not being able to pick a newly generated object until the next top level event.