oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • It should use collision box.

    Recommend invisible helper sprite in container/pinned if you need a second collision box.

  • Well the data is there, the processing is a bit troublesome due to our calendar system being crap.

    First parse out the relevant information and save to a data structure (array or variable). You'll want to grab the month, year, and day. I don't think you'll need the time. My goal is to convert everything strictly to number of days.

    For each month, you want to convert it to however many days there were BEFORE that month in a year. Lets call these monthDays:

    Jan=0, Feb=31, Mar=59, Apr=90, May=121, June=151, ect...

    So to get the date in days, you would do year*365+monthDays+day. You then compare this final number to the previous one.

    How to deal with leap years and February 29 eludes my limited brainpower at the moment. I imagine it would have to do with using modulo (%) or another set of conditional logic, but yeah... the calendar system is bonkers. Hopefully you get the idea.

  • As far as I understand, XML is just a way to format and store and organize data that is easy to read and understand and work with.

    The biggest advantage (for me) is that you can edit an xml as a project file with a program outside of C2, because working with significant amounts of text in any form using C2 editor only is a pretty big pain.

  • Containers only create and destroy and pick objects together. Each object can still be acted upon individually.

    So create your object (and have the second created automatically), then have an action that moves one to the appropriate layer.

  • Construct will require a bit of different thinking than normal if you come from another programming/scripting language.

    There are generally many ways to do any given task, but I find that using invisible helper sprites can solve most picking issues so I always recommend that. Here is an example - https://www.dropbox.com/s/48m3q1xuhf0vb ... .capx?dl=0

    Edit: Just in case you are not familiar with picking, I'm going to leave this little bit of required reading here as well - https://www.scirra.com/manual/75/how-events-work

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  • I don't fully understand your question.. but I'm guessing you may be looking for how to make a "counter".

    Have a variable "counter", and on bullet collision with turret add one to "counter", then display text based on that variable (set text to "1 x "&counter)

  • This may be of use for you.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/940/ho ... -a-project

    You can use it to get the current date and save it in your preferred data structure, which you can then use to compare to previous sessions' data saved with localstorage.

  • Althought not exactly applicable for your situation, I wanted add that the conditional operator ? is useful for a significant amount of if/then logic, and is something a lot of people miss/don't realize exists. https://www.scirra.com/manual/78/expressions

    Regarding the families, I don't think you can modify families at runtime. A workaround is to create all those families ahead of time, and utilize the relevant family at a particular level.

    If what gets added to the family is not predetermined, that won't work. I imagine an array representing the possible choices would be more suitable/flexible.

  • You can push the UID of each object as it is created to the back (or front) of an array, and manipulate that array as you see fit. The array object will give you all the granular control you want. Sounds like you probably already knew that though.

    I got the impression that the developers specifically discourage using IIDs at all, which is why there are very limited expressions to utilize them.

  • Perhaps you should ask for help regarding specific plugin information in that plugin's thread.

  • Ah I understand. Then as previously mentioned, I think putting the relevant objects into a family (then check on collision with family) would be my suggestion as well.

  • Right, this would only work on a static image prepared... I'm not sure if there is a way to dynamically apply an effect mask to destination objects. Will experiment a bit when I can.

  • Any particular reason why you don't want to use collisions on the bullet? If you have bouncing and solids enabled, those collisions will be calculated regardless, in case you're worried about performance, so you might as well utilize them for your effects.

    Here is a past example I made for someone else that may be relevant, but it does use collision conditions - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cliwidu8f51p ... .capx?dl=0

  • I would imagine using a combination of blur horizontal/vertical, along with a clipping mask. You have two layers with the background image, the one on top is blurred and the one below is not. Use the "destination in" blending mode on a helper sprite (clipping mask) to clip the blurred layer to only the section you want blurred, while the rest of the unblurred background shows below. On the layer with the blurred image and clipping mask helper sprite, you want to set the "Force own texture" property to yes.

    I can't try it myself at the moment, so not sure if it works. Someone else might be able to contribute a better/simpler way.

  • Cool thanks!