Noga's Forum Posts

  • to alastair: thanks for sharing. I thought, I'd look how it looks in unlimited mode - same i have 50fps, I didn't know it's that demanding(347 objects doesn't look too much). I would have to come up with something else if I wanted to use it in a game.

  • -How would I make the selected ants 'patroll' an area? By this I mean you click in two different spot and then they go from one to the other continuosly until interupted by enemies or something

    -How could I make the ants spawn randomly around the anthills so they don't bunch up on top of each other?

    1 - in RTS tab, there is "Add waypoint at position". I'd have an event with

    on mouse click - get mouse position - add it to ant's waypoint1

    on second click - get mouse position - add it to ant's waypoint2

    than if an ant:

    get to waypoint1 - send him to waypoint2

    get to waypoint2 - send him to waypoint1

    2 - I've made a similar example here

    Don't mind that Czech text inside. Basically, there is an checker which checks if there is a free space to create an object. Turn off first 2 actions in the 1 Event to see it.

  • I just tried it, it shouldn't be hard to make. I think hardest (most time consuming) would be create all the graphics and animations, sounds and music. If you have all that, than the rest could be done in few hours. I'm busy with my own projects, but someone else might help you or post a specific question.

  • I didn't understand it, but last 2 paragraphs helped me. It looks interesting and super useful.

  • Nice game. My low-score is 67,000

  • Jumping looks...uhmm, funny. Like the graphics style.


    I did't know about it until today. Has anyone tried to develop a game for it? It looks promising, bad is, currently only us bank account owners can use it.

  • It seems that I'm working with lower resolution than the game needs (the website needs a bit of scrolling), this makes the arrows buttons to scroll up and down hindering the gameplay, I think is as easy to solve as use WASD or DXCV buttons to play tough.

    Press F11 to go fullscreen, it worked for me.

  • Vista, Chrome 59-61fps

    Player's sprite and the screen are sometimes shaking a little bit when scrolling.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Burn't charcoal or wood is an excellent alternative to toothpaste.And the best part is that there's no fluoride in the ashes.

    I don't think it's really healthy to digest burnt charcoal, there must be carcinogens caused by burning. A friend (dentist student) told me, that his teacher told students them that no toothpaste is needed, and only mechanicaly remove plaque helps and toothpaste has no effect, except you don't "dry" brush your teeth, plus it's easier to teach kids to brush their teeth when you use flavoured tpaste. I believe it, because I can see what shit is between my teeth when using dental floss and I don't think any tpaste would help me remove it. I still use tpaste though, probably for better breath

  • I use Chrome browser exclusively now, it's a great browser and JS runs by far the fastest then on any other browser I've tried

    Same here, I had been happily using firefox for couple years, before switching to Chrome, but I'dn't go back to it or back to IE(God forbid!).

  • Win7 64-bit Pro

  • Checked builds - ...instead of just "it crashes", with a copy-and-pasted report from the user, we can immediately know the exact source code line and even a rough idea what went wrong.


    Unicode - can't translate it yet...

    Yet? So is it planned for the future?(near )

    Project folder structure - Collaboration becomes much easier as well, since you can either send changed files between team members, or place a C2 project under source control like SVN, and have full versioning, merging etc.

    Niceee, I like.

    Is in C2 going to be something like an array runtime viewer? In 0.x, I always have to make it with the text object as in debug window it is't working.

  • Personally, I'd go for 1st option, but I don't want to give you bad advice. The game I'm currently working on has only 10 levels - 10 layouts. Each background for each level is loaded from an external file. I don't use an editor, since there are only 10 levels, but if I had to make 80, i'd probably use an editor(ok, scratch that, I'd use an editor for sure ).

    So my advice is - make, or use someone else's level editor and to whether to use one layout or 80? I don't know, to make only one for all sounds better, but I've never tried that.

    Maybe someone more experienced will answer.

  • I think, it'd be better if zoomed out bit more. Clickteam's installer for Construct game, nice.