Noga's Forum Posts

  • No worries, take your time. I broke up too, just 2 weeks ago, after 2 years <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • As Tulamide mentioned "Wait", when you're using "Wait", the lowest number you can use is 10ms, anything below is too small, but he would tell you better, he's wrote few posts about it where it's explained in detail.

  • That's great Tom. They'll be easier to remember.

    Maybe you could even allow the site users to choose in their profile what type of default avatar to use, as in the end it is just a matter of parameter in the calling url.

    Good idea.

  • Perfect, thanku.

  • It's fun, I lasted for about 5min. What's the number at the end? I had 216 250 - is it zombies kill count? Last seconds before death looked like it <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • What that "Answer" means in your reply to this post? Is it a new function you're trying?

  • Ah, alright. Looks better, judging by the screenshot.

  • How does it work exactly? What are all these modes? On one comp I have 3 modes for each resolution on another about 6. I thought, there'd be just one mode(32bit) for each resolution.

  • Can you update the download link?

  • I've read that the prohibition to sell the tablet applies only to Germany in one article and in another one that it applies to whole EU. So, where is the truth?

  • Thanks, very helpful.

  • Thanks Kyatric for the html version and Ashley for the last update. After first glimpse at the SDK, it looks like even I could actually learn this <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I'll give it a go for sure.

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  • Nifl

    You can't do it with the LOS behavior, can't test two instances of an object for LOS, pity. I've had similar problem while playing with a path movement. I think, you'll have to create your own LOS - haven't checked if you could use Jayjay's example for it.

  • tulamide

    Just curious, any reason why you used 'move at angle' for the player instead of a behavior?

  • Will try, thanks for the link.