Ninjadoodle's Forum Posts

  • Thank you for your reply

    I can't seem to figure out how to check an instance variables animation, all on one line.

    Right now I have -> If Lightswitch and it's Name = 1 then ( this is all I can do one 1 line )

    But what I need to have is ..

    If Lighswitch with Name = 1 is playing Animation 1 then ...

    I can only seem to get 2 conditions on per line

    Basically, this is what I need ...

    If Lighswitch with Instance Variable Name = 1, is playing Animation 1 AND

    If Lighswitch with Instance Variable Name = 2, is playing Animation 2 AND

    If Lighswitch with Instance Variable Name = 3, is playing Animation 1 AND

    If Lighswitch with Instance Variable Name = 4, is playing Animation 2 THEN ...

    I'm not sure however, if this is possible?

  • Hi guys

    I am trying to do something really simple but can't figure out how to use the code.

    Basically I have 3 switches - each with an instance variable "name"

    the names are 1, 2, 3

    Im trying to code ...

    If object lightswitch with instance variable "name" 1 is on Animation 2 AND

    If object lightswitch with instance variable "name" 2 is on Animation 1 AND

    If object lightswitch with instance variable "name" 3 is on Animation 2 Do Something

    If Anybody could help, that would be awesome!

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Thanks again guys! I appreciate the help

    Ashley - If you read this by any chance, I really do think that 'between scene' loader with a progress bar, would be a worthwhile feature.

    Thank you!

  • Hi thanks for the link. From my understanding tho ... this is only for the 'first load', not between scenes.

    Please let me know if I'm wrong here.

    thank you!

  • Hi Guys

    I've searched the forum and can't seem to find a good answer for this.

    I know I can make a fake loading screen, which shows between scenes, but is there a way to have a loading bar (with progress).

    When you're entering a scene with lots of new graphics, C2 seems to pause for a couple of seconds before changing scene.

    This makes the game look frozen / unprofessional.

    Any tips on avoiding this and /or adding a 'between scene loader'?

    Would the C2 staff be able to add something like this?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi

    You can't please everyone

    Just like the line in Wayne's World ... "Led Zeppelin didn't write songs that everybody liked, they left it to the Beatles."

    I reckon, keep making what you love and stay true to yourself, it's obviously working for you!

  • Hey dude

    Bought your game and I really like it. The difficulty ramps up nicely and the game keeps things fresh

    I also liked you previous game 'Trambo'.

    Congrats on the feature!!

    PS. Nothing wrong with LO-FI or retro, if it's right (and yours is). They're styles of their own and a lot of the time I prefer playing minimalist looking games, over AAA titles.

  • Hi Vegamon007

    I downloaded your game and I really like your production values! Everything looks and sounds really nice!

    I've had a couple of plays and found the mechanics enjoyable (but hard to get a decent score).

    Now, please don't take the following, as criticism on you game, because its not. It's just a general feeling have, about a lot of games on the app store.

    I'm an 80's guy and I love old games. I used to play games like Aztec Challenge (super hard) and Hunchback (same) for days! The reason I used to play these games and put up with the difficulty was, that I wanted to know what happens at the end.

    Back then, ending cutscenes were kinda limited, but an ending screen was fine with me! Some of the games definitely disappointed me, as they would just loop back to the start.

    I REALLY dislike the 'endless runner' genre.

    I don't feel any point or drive to keep playing. I guess a lot of people must feel differently, otherwise the likes of 'Flappy' would not have gotten as big.

    This is just my feeling on the issue. As far as games go, I really like to be able to work towards 'Completing the game'. Then, if I feel like I want to better my score, I might play it again.

    Sorry for going a little bit off your original question, but I just wanted to let you know that you have cool game there, but I would find it way more addictive, if I had something to work towards.

    At the end of the day, you should make what YOU love and there will be people out there that will feel the same about it.

    I think including an easy + hardcore mode like some of the suggestions above is definitely a good option. Then again, 'Flappy' was insanely hard and most people couldn't score over 10 and yet it still caught on.

    One other thing would be, popping up a big replay button as soon as you die

  • Hi bilgekaan

    I think you'd be better off creating original ideas. You'll have more fun etc.

    I don't think it's right, that it's become accepted, that copying is ok. Like I said, without inspiration nothing would exist, but there is line that shouldn't be crossed.

    I look forward to seeing more original stuff from you.

  • Hey bilgekaan

    I like your new game, I think its fun.

    I did however have a look at your website and have to say I'm a bit sad to see a pretty a blatant copy of my game One Button Bob.

    All you did is changed the graphics and reshuffled some of the levels.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind when people use games and ideas for inspiration, buy yeah

    I'm disappointed to see this, as I like your style and your other games.

  • Thank you for the info guys! You are very helpful

    If anybody else has any info, it would be greatly appreciated!

  • Thank you for the link

    Any idea whether there is a way to lets say do inter level ads etc?

  • Hi guys

    I've been searching for this around the forums, but can't seem to find much info.

    Does anybody know of any networks that support in game ads for desktop browser versions of games.

    It seems like most of them only monetise mobile traffic.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi guys

    Just wondering whether library objects that are not on the stage are still loaded into memory.

    Let's say I had a low resolution sprite on stage and and a hires version in the library, would both be loaded?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi guys

    I'm wondering whether the is a way to let's say import a 128x128px image and lock it to that size.

    Example, if at a later stage I want to import a 256x256px image into the 128x128px sprite, the original sprite will stay at 128x128.

    Right now the only way to keep the size locked is to do this through code (which doesn't work for me, as I'd like to layout the levels visually).

    Thank in advance for any help.