This was before we had the drag and drop behavior.
He does that.
I think his work has something to do with it.
I'm not sure what you are looking for. But find(src, text) will get you the index of the last letter.
Is a nice tool to test regex.
Well you can estimate a word's position by its index in a string using something like tokencount.
Given that you know the height of the textbox, and its global position.
No idea on scrollable content however.
I think that would be a feature request.
Without foreknowledge you have to guess its tile size.
The formula is image size/ tile size = number of tiles for w, and h.
128/4 etc.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Given that it's used for unlocking phones, you should find another method.
Especially since you can generate a hash so easily.
Besides what if the user switches phones?
How is that info useful?
Happy birthday!
Well it depends on if the "console" is made to allow it.
Ahh that worms using tilemaps example from way back.
Looking for a quick formula to fill the xy's of a circle.
I can do it with sin cos, but I can't think of a way to do it without having some actions repeated unnecessarily.
Barring that a formula to fill a polygon might work.
Paster, or Canvas plugs will do what you are wanting.