It's one of many spam posts you just made.
> Try blend mode additive. > Probably there is no blend mode in C2 to achieve the effect.. in coreldraw there is the lightness blend mode, that do exactly what I need. So.. I'm looking for, maybe, some workaround.
> Try blend mode additive.
Probably there is no blend mode in C2 to achieve the effect.. in coreldraw there is the lightness blend mode, that do exactly what I need.
So.. I'm looking for, maybe, some workaround.
Look in parameters above effects.
Try blend mode additive.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Well the game doesn't care what you point it at. It's the same as loading a new game.
Its doesn't save any room on disk, it is actually doubling your resources.
Then again you can't reuse data.js, or the c2runtime. They are project specific.
AngleAt(index) or AngleForID(id)
And yes you need to make sure its a swipe type of movement, a single touch wont get a proper angle.
Several ways to do that.
SpeedAt(index) or SpeedForID(id) would be another method.
On touch end, bullet set angle of motion to int(touch.angle/90)*90
I would suggest using the browser object to open a url in the same window.
You can have multiple folders all pointing at each other.
Which opens urltest2/index.html
Yes it's a resource hog.
In that it will eat whatever you feed it.
A huge background for example. ... our-memory
They can't de-bug an exported project.
Provide a minimal capx that reproduces the bug.
Works with webgl on mobile in browser here. Can't think of a reason it wouldn't work with xdk.
Bug report for R0J0hound ?
"Is there a better way to do this ?"
It's doable.
There will be a limitation of the number of players you can have in each room.
Also a lot of instances/ body parts will slow things.
If only there was some way to test all the engines by downloading a free version and making a comparable testmark.
Most likely cause is inconsistent garbage collection.
On the other hand worrying about minor values won't help with fps.
It's almost always cpu bottleneck that can only be corrected in logic.
Also don't forget the debugger drags the system.
I'm not sure but preview may not work with the plug.
At least some parts won't anyway.