newt's Forum Posts

  • Worst case scenario is If it's just for their portal, it might be ok, depending on how much traffic they get.

    And the big question is if it's just for pre approved websites.

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  • Thanks I'll play around with that.

  • Thanks, I figured out how to do something that way.

  • Trying to do a drag and drop type action, something like you would have for inverse kinematics, where another object's angle determines how far, and what angles it can bae dragged to.

    I have something using conditionals using angledif<45 ? object.x+cos(angle(object.x,object.y,touch.x,touch.y)*clamp(distance(object.x,object.y,touch.x,touch.y),0,max) :self.x

    However I'm wondering if there was a better approach.

    I tried clamping the cos(angle()) to the object.angle-45 min, and object.angle+45 max, but that doesn't workout because of the -180 from angle().

  • Deleting reviews.

    Thats kind of scary.

    The only time you want moderation is when someone tries to manipulate the ratings.

  • PavleNikolic

    I know it's part of the Y8 games network, and supposedly has an ads system, but they are for flash, and Unity.

    There is a plug for C2, but it's for login, and leaderboard only.

    You could possibly show ads using an iframe plug showing the flash version.

    Y8 has a lot of users, but I'm somewhat wary of using them as they have a rather complicated set up and asks for lots of id verification, that boasts that it offers some sort of protection.

    And yet my games wound up there without my approval.

    I would add that they were fairly quick to take them down.

    They de-listed the game that was using the url of the site I had uploaded my game to.

    It's like me putting in an Iframe, and loading your game using bandwidth from your site, and calling it my own.

  • A tilemap is one object, so it's like a sprite with a complex collision polygon, which is fine, until you change the collision polygon.

  • Tilemaps aren't made to work with physics since they don't move.

    You could try using the Chipmunk Physics behavior, but I would guess the outcome would be the same.

    What can be done is using the Platform behavior on a sprite, and the Solid behavior on your tilemap.

  • I noticed it behaves a little differently when you have webgl disabled.

  • Just a suggestion, but it seems like if you "Stop" the movement, it should be able to start where it stopped at rather than at the beginning of the spline when you use "Start".

    Or perhaps another command is a better idea, like "Continue".

  • No, not a bug.

    Use a global to store the xy's.

  • You also have to take into account that to the user, the first one you play is not a clone.

  • Did an Apple style switch rather than the radio style the Button object uses. ... witch.html

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  • I think the best solution to that is to give out some samples, and ask those people for ratings.

  • newt, forum object is help not say " test it yourself", best answer is TheRealDannyyy can you explain me software to be the purpose of facilitating and end product for the games regulated You Can Have profit?

    Yes and the same question has been asked in the forum repeatedly.