NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Cant you just use an instance variable to identify which ship you are targeting?

    Give the Mothership sprite an instance variable "UsedForShip"


    when you create the ships populate the instance variable for the individual instances with the name of the ship being used for.

    then when you want to explode

    for Mothership001

    All Mothership sprites > with instance variable "UsedForShip" = "Mothership001" > make explode

    for Mothership009

    All Mothership sprites > with instance variable "UsedForShip" = "Mothership009" > make explode

  • Hey man you’re back! Awesome, was beginning to worry !

    Of course, Id love to see a finished fully polished version of Death from Above, even if it had just 3/4 levels. I wouldn't worry about a lukewarm response, it was a demo, also ive noticed that shmups seem to attract tough criticism for whatever reason. I think it is great and has the potential to be fantastic, also it seems to have about 4.5 stars from everyone who has played it. I dont think the game play is bad. I mean Shmup gameplay is as simple as it gets, however the complexity and depth comes from a combination of slightly abstracty things like level and wave timing, wave difficulty fluctuation, weapon enemy balance and how the powerups change gameplay. You have all these elements in place. Just maybe some fine tuning and a lot of play testing. Anyway I can fully relate if you need to move on but maybe you could tie it up while you work on the new project.

    I did read somewhere, maybe even on here somewhere, that, 90% of amateur Indi developers never finish their games because they keep moving on to the next project wanting to utilise their more advanced knowledge and skills acquired from their last unfinished game.

    I assume this can be a bit of a vicious circle, but on the other hand , if you keep moving and learning until the point where everything clicks then this approach could also lead to greatness.

    Dude, I didnt realise you were the dev of Reload, that was awesome.

    Metroid / Time Crisis / Metal Slug. I get a twinge in my nethers every time I hear those names.

    What about Metal Slug type action with a Metroid Lite type unlocking world and weapons with some time crisis style bonus levels or boss battles?

    Yes it would be a massive undertaking and a little over kill. That is why it should be called ....OVERKILL.

    OK Ill shup up now. Nice to see you back.

  • PrinceofMars hasnt been around for months. I have a feeling his mom took a turn for the worst. I was working with him on some touch control enhancements for his next build around the time his mom had the stroke. I haven't heard from him since and he hasn't posted any updates here.

    Hopefully he will resurface sometime again as it was a great project.

    Such is the fragile nature of indi development. The universe's plans will not always align with our own.

  • Nothing to show this month as I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a level change system and fix some buggy bugs.

    there probably won’t be any further progress from me until well into the New year as I generally try to stay away from computers all over Christmas,

    Gives my eyes and brain a rest.

    Im done with work in about 2 hours then it is officially Christmas for me,,, yaee boyee…

    This is when I drink a lot, watch films, catch up with family and friends,

    Get back to GM on Overwatch (cough) and a do little bit of trolling Christmas noobs on COD (Im sorry but its so much fun)

    So just saying Happy Christmas to all you Construct-ors,

    by the looks of the “in work” threads, there is some awesome games brewing for the new year.

    And those of you who have helped me and the other noobs figure out the mad techy stuff , really massive thanks ... you guys rock..…..

    And If there are any Devs reading this,

    It must have been a mad year for you, So really hope you get a chance to chill.

    Very excited to see what C3 brings in the new year

    And thanks for answering all my/our dumb questions.


    I was looking at my last years New Year resolution list and it doesn't even mention anything about making a game ! ? !

    Thanks to Construct, this year, top of the list will be “finish the damn game” !

    See y’all in the new year.

    Later noobs.

  • now that construct 3 reached stable releases when will standalone apps be published ?

    i'm waiting for it specially for being able to preview in multiple tabs without using remote preview.

    With web C3 You can open up as many tabs of the same C3 project as you like and each one will preview in a new separate tab / window as you wish

    is that any good to you ??

    you can also extend that to different browsers on the same PC.

  • what if you set the array value to a variable, and then have in game triggers change the variable?

    i dont use arrays, though i probably should learn a bit.

    however, ill use a similar method in my games so that as you progress spawn times get faster, making the difficulty increase the further you progress.

    Actually das a good idea!. I won't use variables though I will use dictionary, sort of same thing. So I will load up the dictionary from the project files. I think I finally got a way fwd... Go go go....

  • Right so I have been playing around with project files, very neat,

    it's also really cool to be able to see and edit the arrays like spreadsheets.


    Ashley (and im sorry to keep tagging you)

    you said that it would be better to use json array project files rather than big lumps of json text in my events

    so I have swapped out all the text files and instead am now calling the project files with ajax

    a problem has arisen though that the project files arrays take about 1 second each to load into the game arrays and appear to load one after the other

    where as when I just dumped the same text into the events, when called, it loads into the game arrays pretty much instantaneously (as far as I can see)

    it is important for me to get this bit right as this is the basis of my level change.

    basically when the level changes a function clears the game arrays (currently 5 different arrays some 3D and very big) and repopulates them with new data from the various json texts for each level

    so the difference between instantaneously populating them with the text in events or having to wait up to 4 seconds for project files data to load

    really changes the way I would approach level transition.

    * * * could you possibly elaborate on the pros and cons...of using either method ??? * * *

    .. as i am tempted to return to using text in the events (i fancy really fast level transitions in my game)

    Edit. Surprisingly, in edge, the same files are all finished loading in about half a second. That is a big difference between browsers.

  • I briefly looked into this a while back

    And the simple answer is Yes,

    there will always be some sort of usage or licencing terms for fonts.

    Many of the better font sites have an accompanying information or a text file explaining usage rights. But many dont.

    rights can differ wildly for commercial use from (free with attribution) to (contact the rights holder for commercial use) to (licencing based on sales)

    I think it is really up to the game developer to do a reasonable amount of investigation to establish rights for the fonts they are planning to use.

    but it is a bit of a minefield out there.

    there are many very small variations of fonts with very different usage rights

    and I also believe there are many companies trying to make money claiming rights for font designs that they really didn't own.

    so as I said a documented and reasonable amount of research into establishing rights even if you cant establish the rights.

    just in case your game goes viral and the font designer / owner pops up with a claim. at least you have established intent. which is what the courts will be interested in.

    I am not a lawyer this is just my view based on limited research.

  • You sort of have two choices

    What is your window size / view-port size resolution. ?

    in project properties

    (also leave sampling to off/point for this)

    basically either

    Use a high resolution for your Window Size / Viewport size in project properties and that will be the resolution for your artwork in game


    enable "high quality" under Full screen scaling

    this will display all artwork at the highest possible resolution regardless of window size (window size will only be used for aspect ratio and movement calcs etc)

    I went into a bit more detail here.

  • you mean after export and publishing? no.

    however, you can upload a capx file when you publish your game, which is essentially the editor file, so you or others can go in at a later point and update graphics or edit programming....

    ...after youve published a file, if youve saved it, you can edit it and update the file on record scirra, updating your game on the arcade, but im pretty sure once its exported and published its as is. ive had pcs crashed and asked if i could reclaim a game from a file and they pretty much said to just remake it.

    No no no no no no.... I think you misunderstand my friend.

    Maybe I am not being clear.

    When I say project file .... there are actually things within a C3 project file called project files ..... yes it is confusing

    So to elaborate . Currently I have json array data (enemy patterns) generated by the editor part of the game.

    Which I basically copy and paste back into my construct project so they can be used by the game part of the game

    But... now, in C3 , I can actually store these arrays directly in the project as "separate" array files

    I was wondering if I could also actually write to them directly from the running game. (which would be insane so I dont think possible)

    its basically like a dog eating his own poo... (sort off .. well not really.. but im leaving this line in..)

    ps. sorry to hear about your game.

    backup, backup, backup, every time you make a couple of changes that work back da fu* up (in separate places hd/ssd+ flash + cloud)

    another the cool thing about C3 is that the backups can run in the background while you work. With C2 every time it went into auto-save backup you had to wait 10 minutes while it did its thing. It always happened just as I woke up and started to do something which was going to be amazing.... by the time the backup had finished I had forgot what it was .. totally amazing games have been lost for ever because of that.....

  • Ok, very excited and embarrassed to have (only just) recently learnt about Project Files ....

    So I have a question I think I already know the answer to ... but before I go and make a ton of unnecessary changes to ma geme

    Am I correct in thinking there is no way to write directly to a Project File from within a C3 game. ???

    would be very handy for my in game editor

  • > * It is annoying that groups/anything always open up after drag dropped or copy pasted


    Please file a bug for that!

    OK Will do ......

    [quote:3sfrc66c][quote:3sfrc66c]* It would be good to have a full screen toggle on the top bar somewhere (maybe on the top right, seems to be a bit of dead space there next to the profile login), as it is uncommonly nice to work full screen with C3

    It's there on mobile, but on desktop it takes over the whole UI and basically rules out multitasking until you exit fullscreen. Do you still want that?

    Yes I think so. As most of the time im buried in events sheets. I know we can just press F11 but having a dedicated button would make it even easier....(especially if wanting to multitask) and maybe usefull on tablet if touvh stylus becomes viable.

    [quote:3sfrc66c] This and some of the others are good ideas, maybe file on so it doesn't get lost

    Will do.

    [quote:3sfrc66c][quote:3sfrc66c]*In some cases changes to variables are not reflected in the editor action bars. but are there when action is opened

    see video

    Please also file a bug for that.

    will do

    [quote:3sfrc66c] In general if something isn't working right, file an issue for it, and if it's a suggestion, post it at These are better systems for tracking bugs and features, since the forum is high-volume and it's easy for posts to get lost or forgotten about.

    ok yea willl do . was just chucking in here as I came across them

    [quote:3sfrc66c][quote:3sfrc66c]* Load from json text fields , can be massive but are displayed in their entirety in the text field .

    This is what project files are for. You shouldn't paste large amounts of data in to event sheets. It's also less efficient at runtime.

    Right..... yes ...... lolz .....those project file things that I know all about ...... yea.. ive been here for over a year and Im 350 posts in of course I know all about project files.. .... . use them bad boys all the time ... dosent everyone ?? ... couldn't live without them ......lolz

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    .... backs away slowly and clicks on the link for the Manual ....

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed">

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  • NN81 and dop2000 cheers guys. I was on the verge asking for sure. Thing is with bug finding is most of the time you don't know what you are looking for untill you find it. Also my project must be running close to 1000 events now so not easy to sift through. In the end I gave up trying to do it manually and as you suggested made a dubug helper function which outputted to a text box overlay whatever the current operation was. And i dropped this all over the project events so I could then see what was happening in real time. This was a lot of work but did lead me to the issue which happened to be in literally the first few events of the whole engine. On the positive I now have the bones of a decent debugging system built into the game engine for future use. But damn it was a lot of work because of such a small stupid mistake. Not fun nor interesting work. worst of all not work that progressed the actual game in any meaningful way. Relieved to find it though but it has lead me into loading saving issue which may not be so easy to debug. This is all the result of trying to shoehorn a level system into a "my first game" that has been allowed to evolve into something far past what it should have.

  • Ok. Not your set up then.

    Using chrome?

    You Still have issue in off line mode?

    What about on your phone?

    I use off line a lot and also surface pros and still previews in seconds.

    You don't need to connect for local preview.

    Maybe some plug in or settings (like you are clearing storage on close or something) or internet security screwing around. Dunno.

    Reinstall chrome maybe, clear everything and use default settings.

  • I have a pretty large project and it previews in seconds.

    This sounds like an issue with your setup. What machine specs? What type of preview? Sure you hard drive isn't full?