NetOne's Forum Posts

  • > In the past other users have asked us to remove such warnings because they're annoying, especially when there are no references to the thing being deleted in the project.

    On Construct 2, it still has the warning.

    He means, on Construct 3, even when there are instances, the layer still gets deleted.

    Ohh! cheers I was thinking C2 did that I just couldnt remember ...

    then Ashley it can be rasied as a C2 compat bug then?

    the more I thinkabout it I am just too clumsy to not have warnings when deleting potentially major things like layers and events sheets and folders full of stuff.

  • Yea it is kind of in that grey area of bug vs feature request.

    Although playing devils advocate you might argue how far do we take warnings when deleting stuff?

    It is also just as easy to accidentaly delete a whole event sheet without any warning

    It is also just as easy to delete a whole folder full of sprites that are used in events and in layouts without any warning.

    actually now Im thining about it these should definitly also have warnings!

    but you could also just as easily delete a whole block of events and without any warning.

    hmm. over to Ashley on this one


    if anyone fancies voting please visit the link

    it is a bit of a knee jerk one from me but it will affect others in the future at some point.

    I have been happily working on my project without realising a key layer has been missing for some time. It seems I have deleted it by accident at some point losing much work.

    It is far too easy to accidentally delete a layer, if selected, just pressing delete or backspace will delete a layer without any warning whatsoever. Considering that you might be trying to delete something else and instead deleting layers by accident this really needs a warning notice. Cheers.

  • Brilliant dude.....

  • Well, as my project is finally running pretty much flawlessly in the C3 run-time (awesome work Ashley and Co) I thought it was time for a vid. As Ive bought a house that needs a ton of work I have been doing DIY recently rather than game development, its also why I haven't been around here much. But I am still chipping away on the game and still lurking when I get a chance. Im trying to learn how to integrate Tron style glow effects also Im still working out how to do the backgrounds. But the "engine" is becomming pretty robust now. Im getting a solid 60 fps on a dual core i5 with integrated graphics with the C3 runtime. The fps dips here are only due to running the video capture at the same time.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • this should answer all your questions.

    loader layouts are not useful for android apps it seems

    you can put a custom picture on the progress bar though.

    and once loaded you can have all the fancy splashes that you want.

  • For me nothing clears up until it is finally available and I can use it and test it myself.

    I know I could already, but I will wait until it's done. ( We are talking about this completely new C3 runtime or just a regular C3 runtime ? )

    You can use it and test the new runtime yourself now. It has been available for months.

    And it would be really helpful to the development and community if you did.

    As far as I can see there are only a handful of users actually testing and regularly posting bug reports while everyone else just waits.

    And im sure there are a ton of bugs yet to be found.

    Nobody is asking you to be a full time tester. Just run your most complex projects and see if everything ok. If not see if you can find the issue and post it properly to GitHub.

    The more people who do this the quicker it gets out of beta.

  • Individual Tint on 64+ instances sounds like recipe for killing graphics performance. especially if they start overlapping and especially on mobile. might be ok on desktop but you might be eating GPU performance that could be used elsewhere.

    it would probably be better to still have just one object but bake the tints into animation frames and just set the frame to change the color.

    However, i have learnt, asking performance questions, even to the experts, is mostly pointless.

    The only way to really gauge how different approaches will affect performance for your specific requirements is to try it all yourself on your target machine.

    Create a text box with CPU, FPS GPU time etc. create your 64-128 tinted instances / boxes and you should find out for yourself, in a few minutes, which is the better approach. And let us know your finding as I would be interested.

  • In a strange coincidence I was just reading today that Iconoclasts is rated as one of the best Metroidvania type games on PC ... according to

  • Here is the demo if anyone still wants it

  • Just curious - is anyone else getting a FPS drop of about 10-15 every ~5 seconds or so? My cpu is constantly hovering around 15%, so I know it's not that. There are maybe 100 objects on the screen, and the memory is probably no more than 100mbs (I also have a high end i7 with 64 gig of RAM and a 1080 GTX card).

    Is this in preview or exported ???

    I ask as Ive noticed previewing with C3 can sometimes give a rather choppy performance compared to the old C2 preview. Probably related to the editor and preview running in the same browser. The browser preview also seems to be drastically affected by other external programs running especially ones that access the internet regularly. eg ive noticed Spotify moving to next track can cause up to a temporary 20-50% hit in framerate while previewing.

    However anything actually exported though, eg to HTML running from website or NWJS app run real smooth.

  • the Mnk ,

    ( Tom , how to tag names with spaces eg The Mnk above ?)

    I am not affiliated with them in any way but....

    Enigma Virtual Box (free, ive used and works well) will allow you to turn your nwjs package into a fairly secure exe

    and Enigma Protector ($199, ive not tried) will allow you to hardlock the exe to a unique machine / user with unique licence serial number access keys distributed by yourself.

    both products can be found here.

    as TheRealDannyyy says though its likely all cracked allready if you go search the right places.

    But it would at least deter casual / lazy sharing of assets and game.

    also Im not sure if dev tools is accessible through nwjs apps, possibly not, but if it is it would make all this pointless.

    also if you are putting your game on steam I am pretty sure they have some DRM options.

  • matpow2

    Down the road, what is the possibility of formally hooking up with Scirra / Construct and producing officially supported exporters?

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  • There is currently an Animation Timeline tool in the works but we dont have any info on features right now AFAIK. Maybe it covers some of what you are asking for.

    The original request is here.

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