Benchmarks ( of all kinds, not just Construct runtime ) , for the most part are ********* I only care about real life performance. Game either runs fine or it doesn't.
If they made sure ads worked perfectly and if I could export everything directly from Construct 3 ( working APK, iOS versions, whatever ) I'd gladly give them $500 a year, but right now, v. 3 is not quite what it's supposed to be.
Not really. Far from it.
If you have read the article. The way they approached the new runtime really makes sense that it would be faster than c2runtime. Like the use of web workers, removing backwards compatibility for canvas2d and focusing on WebGL technology, lightening and refactoring the runtime, compiling expressions to Javascript and etc...
The Construct 3 runtime is super fast and super light compared to C2runtime. You won't even need Canvas+ and Cocoon.IO anymore, which makes bloated application.
I am a subscription user of Cocoon.IO and I plan to stop soon since the Construct 3 runtime has proven to be better in terms of supporting the updated Cordova CLI version and performance, far exceeding Canvas+ and without any DOM limitations.
Not to mention, the rendering performance gain from the Sprite-sheeting feature of the Construct 3 Editor.
Construct 2 is only ever fast using Cocoon.IO with the bloated Webview plugin. But is still not that fast.
And, the Construct 3 Admob is actually in the same league as the most up-to-date Cordova Admob available on NPMJS. So, what everyone on Construct 3 is experiencing for Admob IOS GDPR, every indie developers using HTML5 are experiencing it.
I've ported a lot of plugins just to support the Construct 3 runtime, because the speed solves and will solve a lot of performance problems now and in the future.
I hope this clears things up.