Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • rhg1968 Cordova doesn't support platform specific plugins, at least not through config.xml, and iOS requires a few boilerplate ones hence why things like wkwebview are appearing in android. If you request a build with no iOS target from the build server you will only get the android requirements ( which should basically be nothing, unless you have plugins that need cordova plugins ).

  • tgenedavis the status of your current save will appear at the bottom left of the editor. When it's complete it will display "Save complete" or similar. We've just published a new release which will prompt you that it's still saving if you attempt to close the editor while one is in progress.

  • Hi all! Just to confirm we found the bug and it's fixed in r35, which is now released.

    It was part of some improvements to our google drive code that was published in r34, that would fail if it encountered certain user data. I hope it didn't cause too much chaos to your weekend game development.

  • Bl4ckSh33p isn't the value coming back from localstorage a string? Try converting it to a number before assigning it to HIGHSCORE. NaN is a special number ( there's several special values in the IEEE standard for things like this and infinity ), so unless you attempt to convert an invalid value to a number it won't actually be the value of NaN.

  • SatoKato could you check the console to see if there are any errors there? Anyone else seeing this? I made some adjustments to google drive for this release but all seems to be working for me.

  • Bl4ckSh33p We've just bumped the limit up to 100mb, so hopefully not many people will be hitting the size limit for awhile. I'd like to implement the expansion files, but other things have higher priority right now. Your welcome to create a feature request for it, if it gets sufficient traction I can move it up the priority list... well as much as I can

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  • STARTECHSTUDIOS we discussed it at our review meeting today and have raised the limit to the 100mb / 100mb value. If you have any more issues related to the max size error please ping me here.

    We're not really intending to extend it past 100mb for the time being, because of the extra work required to support APK expansions. Hopefully this will give you enough leeway for your project.

    Out of curiosity what are the largest parts of your project? I'm guessing it's images?

  • > You could always do a manual cordova build with the exported files, rather than using our build service.


    Do we use C3 project build or Cordova export for that? What would you recommend to do the manual cordova build with?

    Export from C3 as a Cordova project, but click download zip instead of build apps. This will give you a stub Cordova project. You can then do a manual build using... Cordova .

    To change the target you need to modify "android-minSdkVersion" to the version you want, note that you have to use the SDK version here ( so not 5.0 ) I think it's 21 for Lollipop.

    Then from the Cordova directory:

    cordova prepare
    cordova build android --release
    You will also have to set up the Android build tools to build for android, and the same if you want iOS.
    To warn you; the current version of Cordova CLI hasn't been out very long so it's not really stable and the previous version of Cordova doesn't work with the latest Android build tools so you'll need to install an older version to actually build an APK. 
    We'll probably publish a guide on manual Cordova builds at some point, but I can't offer a timescale.
  • I replied on another thread but just to repeat for anyone else landing here.

    The max size is 40mb(compressed) 100mb(uncompressed). Also note that the maximum size of an APK on the play store is 100mb...

    I might revise the max size to 100mb(compressed) 100mb(uncompressed), but to go any further we would have to implement APK expansion files on the build server and the runtime.

  • Bl4ckSh33p we don't have any signing enabled at the moment, all builds are returned in unsigned.

    Debug builds can be installed on a device manually as is, and can be linked to a debugger ( not C3's debugger at the moment ).

    Release builds must be signed before they can be used, and should be used for publishing to the store.


    We have some size limits in place at the moment to protect the server from being overloaded, these are likely to be adjusted when we understand our system limits better but at the moment they are 40mb ( compressed ) 100mb uncompressed. If we start getting higher than this we might have to look into implementing APK expansion files for the runtime, as the play store has a APK size limit of 100mb.

  • rhg1968 okay could you move this to the bug tracker? so we can keep track of it a bit better. I saw it working this morning when I published the fix so I'm wondering if it related to a specific version/project etc

  • rhg1968 When your producing your xcode project from C3 do you download the cordova project or the "built" iOS project? The exported cordova project will be broken until the next release.

  • rhg1968 The patch has been published to the server, you should be able to produce working xcode projects now.

  • Well when I was making it I published a couple of APK's via the alpha channel for testing. Provided you've signed the APK correctly it should be fine

  • Remote preview is available right now! All premium features are active for the duration of the game jam, provided you are signed into C3.

    The bad news is that all browsers on iOS have to use apple's webview, which doesn't support webRTC yet and it's required for preview to work. You can see the current status at