Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • Hey mammoth,

    code related to native plugins ( admob, IAP, etc ) won't run in preview. Additionally you can't test IAP on the XCode simulator (the rules are pretty convoluted), you require a physical device signed into an iTunes testing account ( this is a special type of account you can create on the iTunes connect portal ).

  • Hi ,

    could you file a bug report for me at and we'll look into it

  • Psynaptik we've implemented a few things recently which should improve your experience a fair amount.

    r61 introduced caching to cloud saves, so now it doesn't need to request a file list every time you open the dialog. The cache lasts for the duration of the session, and can be manually updated by pressing the refresh button in the dialog. This can also be turned off in the settings if required.

    r64 introduced folders (finally). It's been a fair while coming, but hopefully this should make your folder saves a little less "haphazard"!

    This still doesn't really solve the "slow file list" issue, I marked the github issue as closed as the original reporter never got back to me on trying to improve the performance. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help with that, as it seems to be related to certain accounts so we can't replicate it.

    As for the "default" option issue, there isn't a default. It just shows whatever the last service you viewed, or the source of the current project.

  • Hi Psynaptik, are you MrCreightonD on github? We had a user report this, but we haven't been able to replicate it and they've now gone silent. There's a few checks I want to make but I need someone who actually has this problem to check them for me, any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

    You can find the bug here

    Incidentally the update to backup feature will be in r60, this will allow a project to periodically back up to a cloud service / browser storage depending on your choice.

  • Hi are you using C3 in "app mode" or just on chrome? There's a known issue where the login fails to complete in "app mode", a potential fix for that will be in r60. It should work fine in chrome though.

  • Hi TwentyXP, have you filed a bug on our issue tracker?

    While we do read the forums we prefer that people report the issues on the tracker.

  • Ninjadoodle most audio formats are converted to opus at the moment, but if you include an aac audio file with the m4a extension it will be included as is.

    I believe the construct runtime will give preference to the opus file if it exists and can be played ( which the samsung browser is falsely claiming that it can be ). So you would have to include only the m4a file in your project to workaround the samsung bug.

    As for not being able to include ogg files; the runtime includes a opus decoder that is intended to make up for platforms that don't support it yet. However, the decoder currently has a few issues which I am trying to fix. So I'd recommended to include aac as well in the meantime if your targeting a platform that doesn't support webm opus.

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  • I've actually done something similar to this in the past, it didn't have different versions though. It was an iOS and Android app and was made with cordova. Last I checked it was in the app store and the update mechanism was working fine, although I obviously don't work at the company that owns it anymore so I'm not sure what the status is. As a disclaimer here I'm talking about a hybrid web app completely unrelated to Construct.

    You've probably seen native apps do something similar to this in the past, they have an "updating" screen that appears and it downloads some new art assets etc. So they can show you new content without having to go through with the fuss of publishing a new release through the app stores. However, because we're using html we can take it a bit further and update the main codebase at the same time!

    The basic app structure had 2 HTML pages; the first is a loader that deals with updates and the second is the single page application (SPA) that is the app. When you open the app it starts on the loader page, this then deals with the initial setup and queries the server for new files. When all that is done we can load up the main SPA. Ta-da! Auto updating application! There's quite a few hurdles to get it working correctly, although you can probably solve some of them by using newer web technologies. At the time I wrote it realistically I couldn't use Blobs, indexeddb or service workers. All of which are the obvious tech to use on it nowadays.

  • The old IAP plugin is being replaced with a new plugin soon.

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  • zunguzum00 I've seen this error a few times internally. It happens for me when I load a project that requires a plugin that isn't there. Could it be something similar for you?

  • Bob Thulfram have you tried resizing the label? You can drag the bar that sits between the object name and the condition. If the area is too small for the name then only the image is shown.

  • The simulator tends to be pretty laggy, due to the fact it's an emulated device. It will run faster if you choose a simpler device for the simulator (iPhone 5, SE, etc.) but if your mac can't keep up there's not much to be done. If you want true performance levels your best bet is to just run it on the phone like says. This is actually quite easy but you do require an apple developer subscription to load it onto a device, even for testing.

  • pirx yup I agree it's not intuitive, I've been meaning to revise it but the problem is a little more awkward than it's face value. Depending on the size of the text file it can take a noticeable amount of time to save it, so saving after each change would make the editor really laggy and saving on an interval adds the risk of people occasionally seeing the old version.

    There's been a few suggestions to add a manual "save" button for these 2 editors, but I don't think this really solves the problem and it would mean having 2 save buttons on screen at once ( one for the editor and one for the project ), which would be confusing to say the least.

    If I can fix the "isChanged" indication then UX wise it will work as if every change is saved, but in reality will only save when it's needed.

  • pirx Changes within both the text editor and the data editor are committed only when the editors are closed. Saving or previewing the project will perform a "temporary commit" where the changes are used only for that action.

    I expect the editors are not marking your project as changed so when you close it a prompt to save changes doesn't appear.