Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • jagoman what plugin are you using for IAP

  • Uk4dee I think both of your issues are related to a caching problem we had, and not related to the build server outage. Please check out for information related to the caching bug. I have confirmed that if you attempt to open something from the cloud when this bug is occurring then the exports windows doesn't open for some reason.

  • Thanks Bootfit I'm taking a look now. ihvan020 your issue may not be related, let us review the bugs first. We'll update you both via github when we've diagnosed the issues.

  • Hi there, could you please post a bug report on our github tracker for this.

    I've tried a basic example here and have had no problems running it, but there isn't a clear reproduction in this thread for me to follow. Incidentally, it's not expected to produce a banner when using preview because it only works when packaged as an Android / iOS application.

  • If you want stuff fixed, then filing an issue on the bug tracker is definitely the way to go...

    From a quick look I can tell you the array editor zero thing was definitely a bug, I've fixed it for r76. You can already move around the array editor with the arrow keys, you need to hold ctrl as well though. The gdrive issue is a little more involved, if you file a bug I'll take a look into it soon.

  • Hi there, please create an issue on our bug tracker.

    It makes our lives much easier, and your also likely to get responses much faster.

  • You'll need to talk nicely to Ashley for these, he does the cordova exporter for C2.

  • It's expected that you have at least MAJOR.MINOR form for the version, the default is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.BUILD

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  • Yup you have discovered my secret alter ego! I use Nepeo for games, I figured it made sense to use it for the forum. Shortercode is for my professional stuff, I was using it before I started at scirra.

    I made a change for r70 so that we now generate the versioncode like above, I haven't updated the build server yet though so it won't respect the value. If your exporting as cordova projects it will be correct though.

  • AnD4D the last value of the version is ignored, so yes to get 10001 you would have to increment the second value. The documentation is from the cordova CLI, it's the tool we use for generating Android and iOS projects. ... rsion-code

    For reference you can find the android versioning information here: ... versioning

    We've been discussing this on the github bug and I think at the moment we're leaning towards adding our own versioncode generator, which would understand the 4 value versioning system. Something like

    versionCode = MAJOR * 1000000 + MINOR * 10000 + PATCH * 100 + BUILD
    I think it would also be a good idea to display the version number and version code somewhere during the export, and possibly in the export manager as well.
  • I'm going to add an extra check (only for google drive) before opening a project from recent projects. It would be better to have it before the recent project list is shown, but that would result in showing the google login page on start up for no obvious reason.

    This will result in either an extra network request to see if this file has the "trashed" flag set, or if the cloud metadata cache exists it will check against that (it won't exist if the editor has just started).

    Also I'll try to update the recent projects data when a project is deleted in C3, which should reduce the case where this has an impact anyway.

  • "versioncode" is automatically generated by cordova if absent from config.xml, it bases it on the version attribute which you can set in your project settings.

    [quote:1crvit9w] To change the version code for your app's generated apk, set the android-versionCode attribute in the widget element of your application's config.xml file. If the android-versionCode is not set, the version code will be determined using the version attribute. For example, if the version is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

    versionCode = MAJOR * 10000 + MINOR * 100 + PATCH

    There is a small confusion that we use 4 value version numbers by default for compatibility with certain exporters that require it, but Android uses 3 value numbers. I believe Android doesn't really care about having the extra value, but cordova ignores it when generating the version code.

    | Version | VersionCode |
    | | 10000       |
    | | 10000       |
    | 1.0.0   | 10000       |
    | | 10001       |
    | 1.1.0   | 10100       |
    | 2.0.0   | 20000       |
  • Hmm yeah it's a bit of an odd case. We store a list of file ID values for the cloud project locally for the recent projects list, so until you try to actually open the file we don't contact Google Drive to see if it's there. Deleted files are exactly the same as normal files in Google Drive, except they have a label saying "trashed = true", so I guess it allows you to open the file if you still have the ID.

  • Hey there,

    I was looking at bug on the github tracker yesterday which was similar to this. The project had a m4a audio file in it that caused the webview to crash when it tried to decode it, when the webview crashes it is automatically restarted. So it got stuck in a loop of "create webview", "load project", "crash". Hence the flashing! I have noted that safari tends to be somewhat touchy over audio files, although normally it just fails to decode the file instead of crashing.

    My best guess was that the file is slightly malformed, which some more permissive audio decoders could play.

    If it makes you feel better it was maddening to debug for me as well :/

  • The original Admob Ads plugin had a bug in the native part that prevents it from installing correctly, as that particular part is third party ( made by cranberrygame ) we can't fix it. We have however, just depreciated the original Admob plugin and published the new Advert plugin which uses our own code for the native component.