Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • I've increased the max size to 1GB for a trial, so please try out your project and let me know how you get on. If it turns out we can't keep up with capacity here it could cause issues so I may have to reduce this, but I expect the average project size is still going to be below 100MB anyway.

    Let's see how we get along anyway!

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  • The intention is to support other cordova based build services yes, although priority will be given the the vanilla cordova CLI and the construct build service. I'm not expecting compatibility issues with PGB though.

  • Sorry I got a bit sidelined, haven't looked at the forums for a while.

    The expanded size limit is a safety check, it's possible to produce very small zip files that are very VERY large ( look up zip bombs ). We do use 2 separate limits for these checks, but they are both set as 500MB at the moment.

    I can't think of any immediate show stoppers for increasing the size, let me consider it for awhile and I'll get back to you.

    I've started some work on Expansion APKs and I think the ways it's going to work is that the projects assets won't be transferred to the build service, they would be packed into a separate archive on the client. So these limits will hopefully be less of a problem. In terms of how that asset bundle is hosted I'm hoping we can have a flexible solution, so the dev can decide if they want to store the bundle on their own server or use it as an expansion APK.

  • How odd, I checked and that particular error should be triggered when the inflated size of the archive exceeds 500MB. Could you tell me how big the archive is when unpacked? Once I know the rough conditions I will try to reproduce the issue myself.

    It's definitely something we want to resolve sooner rather than later. Unfortunately it's frustratingly awkward to implement, and the requirements for the feature are definitely not what I would call "clean". But, at least if we implemented it would be out of sight so devs don't have to do much extra.

    I've looked into alternative methods that are probably somewhat similar to what your doing; where a server holds an asset pack that the runtime downloads and loads assets from. It's actually fairly close to expansion APKs, and I expect quite a few games on the store actually do this. The downside is that if a user downloads a game, then runs it for the first time offline, it doesn't work. Expansion APKs don't actually guarantee to download when the user installs the game, so this can still happen with the "official" method frustratingly.

  • Hallorin if you have any issues you should file a bug report at If you have the vanishing sign in issue it's likely that you haven't completed one of the Google required steps.

  • The Play Store plugin was rewritten in around February. I'm aware of a few projects which have been submitted to the play store with it, so I presume it's all working correctly.

  • How long is your upload taking? I think it might give the same error if it times out. The maximum size is something like 500MB so you shouldn't be hitting the upload limit. I feel I should point out that we don't currently support expansion APK's ( although it's still on my TODO list ) so for APKs Google Play will limit you to 100MB. You can still make and install larger APK files, it's just a play store limit.

    Apples limit is something like 2GB, so it's less of a problem.

  • You can see my test project here, to use it you will have to replace the publisher ID and App ID with your own.

    Also it is important that you change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers, otherwise it will fail to load the user consent dialog.

    I'm intending to take a look into the iOS version again soon, along with location testing. If you find any replicable bugs please file a bug report on the GitHub tracker, you will get a response from me faster. Also it's hard work trying to understand bugs from forum posts.

  • it should just enable adverts if the device is outside the EEA. I'll look into it and the possibility of some more debugging tools.

  • The arcade should have been unaffected by the forum change. I don't seem to have any issues viewing it or the scirra account page. Hopefully this is just a temporary hitch but Tom can hopefully look into it.

    We are slowly moving everything over to as the required parts are added but we are not intending to lose any content in the transition.

    Could you please make a note of the pages which are failing for you and email support? Hopefully they will be able to help you more.

  • OhhBaby As far as I'm aware no changes are required for IAP, Gamecenter or Play Games as the user will be covered by the agreement with Google/Apple etc. to user those services. If your storing receipt information for IAP you may need user consent/ privacy policy to cover that.

    Unfortunately the C2 admob plugin uses the third party cordova-plugin-ad-admob component, which isn't maintained by us. As far I'm aware the plugin itself has been broken by the maintainer and they haven't looked at it for a long time. So I wouldn't hold up much hope of it being updated to include the user consent dialog.

    If your using any third party plugins which involve the collection of user data by you or any party you may need to ask for user consent. You will need to talk to the developer of the plugin to decide what to do in these cases.

    If you feel like you need to you can implement your own user consent screens, but I don't feel like I can offer accurate advise on what you must/should/could put onto those screens. You can likely find advise online about it.

  • I don't pretend to be an expert on the legal issues here. As far I'm aware it can be fairly generic, although I expect you will need to make some tweaks for your game. I believe when your publishing your game to the play store you need to include a privacy policy URL anyway for the listing, no idea if anyone checks that it's a real privacy policy though!

    If you don't have a website to host it on I would recommend looking into github pages. It's free, uses https and is fairly easy to use provided you know how github works. By default you don't get a custom domain, but it's fine for hosting static files like this.

  • androidpro well... I kinda listed it in the post. Those 7 steps are what the plugin does, so you don't need to implement them. But it's useful to be aware of them.

    As a developer you need to:

    1. change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers
    2. add a button to your game ( either in settings or the start page ) to show the user consent dialog ( action on the mobile advert plugin )
    3. add you publisher ID and privacy policy URL to your project ( properties of the mobile advert plugin )
    4. decide if you going to offer a paid ad free version of your game

    The second one is important; while the user consent dialog is already shown to the user on first run you are required to allow your users to withdraw or modify their consent at a later date

    I will update the manual with the required information when I can.

  • I'm afraid at the moment we don't have an event for when the native dialogs are shown, only an error if they fail.

    I could add one in, but it would be from when we call "show" on the native method not when it's actually shown. So I'm not sure what sort of delay we're talking about.

    An alternative is that I might be able to add one for when the dialog is closed. I'm thinking that it doesn't matter if the animation is running when the user can't see it, I expect the webview is paused anyway. So as long as it goes away when the user returns the game, all is well.

  • Hey everyone, got an update for you on this.

    I'm sorry for the delay, this has required a bit more work than I expected. We should be publishing a beta release today that includes the user consent dialog. Unfortunately this is only for Android at the moment, I did want to also have an iOS version out today but I've been having trouble getting the iOS SDK to compile.

    As the iOS component is part of the cordova plugin ( construct-mobile-advert ) I can publish new revisions of that outside of the C3 release cycle. Hopefully I will be able to get a working iOS version up over the next few days.

    I feel like I should warn everyone that adverts are now more involved. In Construct you will now have to specify your application ID, publisher ID ( available on your admob settings page and looks like "pub-012134127862" ) as well as the URL to your applications privacy policy. Furthermore you will need to change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers ( this is a limitation of the Google consent dialog ).

    Either on your games start page or settings page you need to add a button to display the user consent dialog, as it is a requirement that you allow your users to change or withdraw their consent.

    You can find more information on the following pages:

    Selecting ad technology providers

    Google Mobile Ads Android SDK: Requesting user consent

    When you app is launching the mobile advert plugin will do the following:

    1. Check user consent status

    2. If status is either "PERSONALISED" or "NON_PERSONALISED" enable ads and stop

    3. Check if user is in the EEA

    4. If the user is not in the EEA enable personalised ads and stop

    5. Show the user consent dialog

    6. If the user selects personalised or non personalised enable ads and stop

    7. Otherwise keep ads disabled