Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • Yes I'll add an extra action for that.

    I've extended the "configure" method to do the check if the user is outside the EU or has given consent. Then if the user hasn't given consent the form will be displayed.

    Although I've realised we're not scheduled to do a release today, and this will require an update to the editor...

  • We're looking in a good state so far, I've got most of an Android implementation working. However, the consent SDK they have provided is lacking a few obvious features; like an "no thanks" option and localisation. But then this consent API has only been available 4 days.

    Their dialog itself is rendered using html, so I've uploaded it here if anyone wants a look.

    The "buy ad free" option is toggle-able in code

  • GDPR seems to be causing chaos across the world right now...

    So I'm a bit late on the start line here, just been reading up on the situation after seeing this thread. I've seen some suggestion online that using non-personalised ads is "good enough" but the admob documentation still says that you need consent, and older ad units are personalised anyway.

    Google have now published a separate toolkit for managing user consent in app, which I am in the process of adding to the mobile advert plugin. But I'm not sure what the legal requirement is for older versions of apps are. I mean what happens if a user doesn't update?

    I will try to get a fix live today but I'm away for the next 3 days ( bank holiday ) so this isn't exactly great timing.

  • Hi KENYONB good to see that it's all working, your game's a good laugh too!

    The loading times seemed kinda variable, sometimes it wasn't too bad, other times it took about 15 seconds or something to load the achievements list. Leaderboards seemed to be faster, not really sure why. We're not doing anything complicated in the plugin, it just calls through to the native API that Google provide. So any areas which are could be slow are in Google's hands, so I can't do much about it.

    I vaguely recall reading a post online from a developer that said after they had reached a certain number of users it began to work a lot faster. Given the amount of content I had to read online while working out how the API works I could have imagined it, and it's only hearsay at best. But it wouldn't surprise me if apps that are still in testing, have only recently been released or have low user numbers might use a slow path on the Google servers. Although saying that, I just tried to open the Google Play Games App on my phone and it must have taken nearly 2 minutes... This is on a Pixel 2 XL, which is supposed to be the flagship for Android software.

    My best advice is to give it a couple of weeks and see if the speed improves. In the mean time I was thinking if you made the buttons react to being pressed it might imply better that it's Google Play being slow, not the game.

    The google standard animation for this sort of thing are changing the size ( and shadow if you have one ) of a button to make it look like it's rising from the screen. Another is ripples coming away from the button, but I'm not sure how easy they would be to do in construct.

    One more thing that might interest you, not sure if you know yet or not. About a week ago I fixed a bug that was preventing the Google Play popups from appearing over your game. The ones that show you "Achievement unlocked" or "Welcome back". The latest version of the plugin should include that fix.

  • Hi there Unconnected we had a little bug in the r101 build that was preventing the create keystore dialog from working. We published a new release today with a fix for it so you should be able to try it out now!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Perfectly legit question, so don't worry about sounding noobish

    C3 plugins can specify that they require cordova plugins. For instance the inbuilt Google Play plugin includes the construct-play-games cordova plugin.

    When you export as cordova project it will add the "construct-play-games" plugin to the "config.xml" file. If your not familiar with that it's the main project file for cordova projects, so it holds all the project settings.

    When you export as an Android studio project, a debug APK, a release APK or a signed APK the build service checks the projects cordova plugins against a list of known safe ones and includes them into the build.

    If your adding cordova plugins to the config.xml file manually before uploading to phonegap build or similar then we don't currently support that. Although we have been considering adding an option for including additional cordova plugins in your build.

    If your interested to adding cordova plugins to a C3 plugin checkout AddCordovaPluginReference on the specifying dependencies manual page.

  • Yeah I totally get why you want seeded random. I've been working on a personal project ( webGL & JS ) where I needed coherent noise for infinite world generation, and have been planning to write a C3 plugin based on my experience.

    As far as I'm aware, we don't have any build in expressions to offer seeded random numbers. But it shouldn't be too hard to create a small plugin with MST or similar as an expression.

  • You might want to check out the websocket plug. It allows C3 to communicate bidirectionally with any websocket compliant server. Websockets are slower than the peer to peer Multiplayer plugin, so they are not normally suited to realtime multiplayer games. They should be more than fast enough for turn based games though!

    A number of libraries are available for Node.js that add websocket capabilities; such as:

    I don't know much about photon, but I had a quick look around their site and it requires a client library to work. There's one for Construct 2, but it doesn't look like one has been released for Construct 3 yet.

  • What sort of randomness do you need? Do you just a seeded random number or perlin style coherent noise?

  • I think the issue is probably that your using your package identifier for your game id. Game id is badly named, most of the time it will be the same as your application id. It should look like 12345678987. This will be preventing you from logging in, and the other methods will fail if your are not logged in.

    I've changed the name of it for the next release to "Application ID (android)" which will hopefully make it a little more obvious for people.

  • Hey everyone, just as a reminder the new runtime is considered "early alpha". Some things are missing, or broken. We're releasing it so that you get a look at what we're working on, and that we can find some of the more illusive bugs. If you want to read more, check out Ashley's blog post.

    I've had a look at Demonoire and it looks like the Spritefont plugin is broken at the moment, which is stopping it from loading.

  • C3 will allow you to use mp4 video, but we rely on the runtime environment ( chrome, firefox, NWJS, etc. ) to be able to play it. Some environments do not support it because it is a patent encumbered format, notably NWJS. Most major browsers support it though.

    If your using the desktop build of C3; it's based on NWJS. So you won't be able to preview your video in it, but it can still make games with mp4 videos in using it.

  • KENYONB if the app is crashing there's a good chance there's a bug in whatever action your using, could you open a bug report for me with your project?

    I just need the logic pertaining to Google Play, you can remove the rest. Also you can remove the APP_ID's etc. as well. That way I can test for any bugs and let you know if there's a better way round to do it

    Silviu Not a bad suggestion, but it normally takes me a little while to getting around to writing tutorials and it sounds like quite a time consuming one to write. I'll put it down on the to do list anyway.

  • No worries Tackla I'm glad I could help! I've updated the documentation to mention this. If you find any bugs please don't hesitate to open an issue on our bugtracker and I'll take a look for you.

  • Hi RetroDaddy can you please double check that the system webview is up to date in the Play Store app.