MudbuG's Forum Posts

  • Is it just me, or is minification not available when using scripts? I am posting because I didn't find anything in the forums or documentation to explain it.

    Is there an expected release for minification to work with scripts?



  • Sorry for the slow response, I don't always check messages here.

    Turret has pin behavior. When tank is spawned, it spawns a turret and pins it to itself.

    Also a variable is set on the turret that has the ID of its parent (the tank UID)

    When operating the tank, use event to pick turret that has the variable = tank.UID

    Then, use the "rotate toward angle" action. I rotate by 5 degrees at a time and use the angle() function to get angle between the tank and the mouse.

  • I also want crop scaling. I added it to the suggestions site.

  • I am a bit unhappy that I can't include event sheets in a group. In C2, this is possible. I use this to enable/disable whole event sheet at a time to simulate conditional include.

    I was posting a bug about this in C3, but found that it was closed "as designed"

    I could understand if there was just no time to implement this feature, but why would it be omitted by design? Is there a better way to conditionally include an event sheet?

  • Oops, I meant to put this in the general forum.

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  • I would like to get some tips from people that have successfully hosted dedicated servers for multiplayer C2/C3 games.

    Are you using a VPS (windows/linux?)

    What is a good server configuration?

    Does hosting work better using exported NWJS app?

    Other tips?


    I have setup a dedicated server as a test for a multiplayer tank game. It didn't seem to do that great because CPU kept getting maxed out. Finally I noticed that I could host the game with Chrome minimized, and that made a drastic difference in CPU usage. I am guessing that the game does not render anything when minimized, which results in sort of simulated "headless" mode.

    You can try my simple test game (while it is alive) at

  • Very nice thank you! I plan to use this to make a sample game, and compare with similar sample game written using the WebRTC plugin.

  • Lag is unavoidable. I think the reason you may see it locally is that the framework will run at similar update speeds when operating across a LAN or on the internet.

    I am not sure what other suggestions might help you, but I can relate a similar issue I faced when there was too much lag while firing a projectile.

    I found that sending a message to the server to "fire" instead of relying on input bits works out a bit faster. I am not sure if that will hold up on the internet, but at least locally it does. On client I send "fire" message, on server I use on "fire" event, find the player with the Multiplayer.FromId, and fire from that players location (additionally I do some validation that the player is able to actually fire at that time).

  • This is an online multiplayer game loosely based on an old-school Atari combat game.

    Please note that the server is hosted locally by me so it might be down sometimes.

    So far this is the best I have been able to get a multiplayer game working. If you try it, please let me know how the lag is. In order for bullets to be synchronized as much as possible, there is no local movement prediction.

    I don't know why the image does not show up, this is the first time I have tried to post an image. You can see it here:


  • +metoo

  • No worries. I completely understand!

  • I guess I will answer this myself.

    I have been using remote preview to test multiplayer. It would be nice if I could just click the "play" (preview) button instead of needing to copy the URL from the remote preview. At lest the remote preview has the advantage of allowing friends in remote locations to help me test.

  • I am interested to see what progress has been made on your boilerplate. Have you created a GitHub project by any chance?

  • I am curious to know, why do you need to use both WebRTC and Does your game switch depending on capability of the client browser?

  • If the level is numeric, then define it as a Sync instance variable on a sync object.

    If the level is a string, you can use SendMessage to get the information to everyone.