Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • I'm never scaling any layout, only calculating position to place an object on a layer set to zero y Parallax to match an object's position which is on a layer set to parallax 100 (percent).

    The only scaling is being done to everything via "letterbox integer scale". Everything works perfect at 1 to 1 scale for the windows, if I stretch the window or full screen then the object in question teleports off screen.

  • Thanks but sadly it made no difference. It's as though Construct 2 is counting real monitor pixels instead of the enlarged pixels for "canvas" coordinates.

  • EDIT: Problem solved, I was just being sloppy when dealing with a very complex need for camera and scrolling control for a specific level.


    This is so counter-intuitive I think it's a bug. Layer to Canvas is supposed to convert the coordinate of something in the specified layer to what would be the equivalent on-screen position.

    If your entire project is set to "leterbox scale", then clearly everything is designed to scale proportionally so that all on-screen and in layout positions and sizes remain identical no matter how someone changes the size of the window of goes to or from full screen.

    YET, in my project, I used "Layer to Canvas" successfully to carefully control the on-screen position of an object, BUT it only behaves properly when the project is exactly at its default scale (1 to 1-pixel ratio, no scaling whatsoever). As soon as I go full screen or enlarge the window the position of the object is clearly no longer calculating properly.

    Is this a bug or is there any ration reason for "Layer to Canvas" to no longer actually convert "Layer to Canvas" when the screen is enlarged?

    Either way, any idea how I can work around this?

    Do I really need to make a big formula computing what ratio the window is stretched to and add that ration to my "Layer to Canvas" formula?

    Thanks for any help, hints, or ideas.

  • I would suggest you look into making just one frame for levels, and use actual level loading... which will require some work, and maybe use of a program like Tiled.

    Besides that, just optimize as much as possible, reducing number of images used, size of images, make sure sprites are well compacted into sprite-atlases. Make sure you reduce collision detection as much as possible, and simplify the collision shapes as much as possible.

    aside from that. test frequently on an actual device.

  • Fantastic art. I really look forward to seeing the game in action. Will definitely purchase when its finished.

  • Thanks for reporting the issued, everyone. Edgar will look into them in the near future.

    -Mike at BrashMonkey

    • Post link icon

    Spriter Pro and All Spriter Art Packs are now on sale at huge discounts on Steam! Plus we just released an awesome new Art Pack for people who want to make classic space ship shmups.


    Sale only lasts until the 23rd! Grab it fast and please help spread the word!

    Thanks everyone.

  • YES! Leaderboards, Achievements and cloud save would be fantastic!

  • If you need a quick answer you should provide screen shots, screen recordings and an example capx. ATM there's no telling what exactly is going wrong. A link to the example you based it on which is working properly is not much help, as it clearly doesn't have the same issue your altered version does., so we need too see exactly every way you altered it.

  • I know YOU understand what you're talking about, and therefore your illustrations seem obvious to you.. they likely won't be to anyone else. I suggest you provide a screen recording or screen grabs, or a link to the actual capx. Maybe someone else can help without this, but I can't.

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  • I think for help you'll really need better illustrations. this is very confusing..I don' think it explains what the problem is as well as you think it does.

    Why not take screen grabs so we can see the actual sprite and what is happening etc?

  • I'd say 99.9 percent of all my professional pixel art years over the last 10 years was done completely via mouse. For high res game and illustration stuff I use Tablet monitor and n o mouse, but for really classic low res, low color pixel art, using a tablet just feels completely out of place for me.

  • Hi Bballer1337, (replies inline)

    Thanks for the earlier response, I've been playing around and got a lot of things to work, and it's great so far. Unfortunately I have run into some concerns.

    "f?i?r?s?t?,? ?n?o?t?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?s?e?n?t? ?a?n? ?e?-?m?a?i?l? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?t?h?i?s? ?t?o? ?s?u?p?p?o?r?t? ?a?l?r?e?a?d?y?,? ?j?u?s?t? ?p?o?s?t?i?n?g? ?a? ?b?i?t? ?i?n? ?a? ?p?u?b?l?i?c? ?m?a?n?n?e?r?.? ?T?h?e? ?p?l?u?s?-?s?i?d?e? ?i?s? ?t?h?i?s? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?h?e?l?p? ?o?t?h?e?r?s? ?o?r? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?g?e?t? ?o?t?h?e?r? ?p?e?o?p?l?e?'?s? ?f?e?e?d?b?a?c?k?,? ?t?h?e? ?d?o?w?n?-?s?i?d?e? ?i?s? ?t?h?a?t? ?i?t?'?s? ?a? ?p?r?i?v?a?t?e? ?p?r?o?j?e?c?t? ?w?i?t?h? ?c?o?n?f?i?d?e?n?t?i?a?l? ?i?n?f?o? ?a?n?d? ?a?r?t? ?s?o? ?I? ?c?a?n?'?t? ?s?h?a?r?e? ?t?h?e? ?C?A?P?X?.? OK, apparently I can't get help through private channels, so I have to go off messy explanations since I cannot publicly share screenshots or the CAPX or anything."

    You certainly can get help through private channels, but some times it takes time for us to be able to help. It would make things go as quickly as possible if you share your project files with Edgar (Spriter's programmer) so we can directly look into all aspects of the data and code related to the problems.

    "Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to set up enemies in my 2D action game. In it, you can attack with one character and hit an enemy. I figured having a family for all enemies with common instance variables and behaviors would be a good idea, so I did that. For the object, I set it to the SCML one. Probably I'll do it so that each enemy has its own scml file, for about 20 different enemy types (including bosses)."

    Please take the time to be extra-redundant with your explanations.... this is complicated stuff, and very easy to misunderstand...especially once you start using words like "it" after having mentioned multiple things just previously. In this case, you say, "for the object".. which object? When you say you set "it" to the SCML one.. what do you set, and to which scml one?

    "The issue is that the SCML objects have their own collision box and this is used by Construct 2 for:

    • general collision detection, of course
    • shadows (shadow light object + shadow caster behavior)
    • interactions between solid objects"

    Are you referring to collision boxes that you can manually add to Spriter animations, or some kind of C2 generated "bounding box?"

    "When checking interactions between two objects with the "solid" behavior, C2 uses the collision mask of the object with the behavior. I can adjust this slightly by linking the scml to another object and changing said object, but in the end its collision mask is not going to match every frame of every animation--it's just going to be something static. So... what am I supposed to do if an enemy is say, lying down on the ground or in some other pose where their shape changes dramatically and a single rough & static collision mask won't fit the object?"

    It depends enormously on what type of game you're making. I think you'd be amazed at how basic such collision shapes and coding was for all classic action/platformer games. You'd really have to explain in more detail what you're after... can players jump on top of enemies who are lying on the ground? What is your desired effect?

    "Shadow issue is basically the same thing from what I can see, just a different application. It's using the SCML object (or in the player character's case, the sprite object that is pinned to the SCML object) and using that to draw shadows."

    Again, we'd really need to be visual examples of your desired effect. Is this game overhead, isometric, or side scroller, for example? What's happening with these shadows and how accurate/detailed does their shapes have to be?

    "I tried maaaaany different things and did hours of researching or I wouldn't bother rambling about my problem here. There were issues with putting the shadow caster behaviors on many different places (such as the sprites) and I think it's just going to be difficult to handle this when it's not integrated into the Spriter object behavior and I don't fully understand how exactly the Spriter object does what it does."

    We really need to know exactly what desired effect you're after before we can explore possible solutions.

    "I could do without shadows, but objects not having solid behaviors would just look and function oddly. As for the collisions, it's extremely confusing and I'm not sure what to do but at least I have control over the interactions, unlike the Solid behavior."

    I'm not sure what you're after, behaviorally and visually in game, so can't offer useful advice.

    "UPDATE: After a ton of thinking, research, and coding, I managed to work around the collision boxes issue by using families, containers, and some crazy code and as of right now I think I've got everything working, though it needs more testing. I still haven't fixed the issue with the solid or shadow caster behaviors though."

    Glad you're making some progress, but we can't help without much more detailed info regarding your desired results.

    "I also have some issues with Spriter I'd like report... hopefully it's just me being bad, which it usually is.

    Spriter Issues

    Sometimes renaming files at the top-left doesn't work, if I try to like, rename something and then rename another thing. I haven't been able to figure out what exactly causes or fixes the issue but it can be somewhat inconvenient when I keep double-clicking and it won't rename. Maybe there is some trick to it I'm missing or maybe it's a bug, I don't know."

    WOW! I never knew you could rename sprites in the z-order palette, BUT don't understand any reason to do it,as it does not rename the file itself. I think the very ability to rename it there is a bug and not a feature. I suggest you avoid renaming images in the z-order palette. However in the Hierarchy palette I can see how renaming bones is useful.

    " Meta data: when I adjust basically anything in the timeline, the existing meta data I have (just tags for now, but I want to try out variables in C2 as well, since I haven't found anything on how they work) just disappears. The key frames for them or whatever disappear and I have to re-add them, which is... well, obviously not cool."

    Could you possible make a screen recording of this happening. it might be user error and might be a bug, and either way, footage of it happening will help us resolve it.

    "I feel like I'm doing something wrong in adjusting the tags, but I can't figure out what. :

    As always, thanks for any help."

    We'll certainly do our best to help you resolve all these issues. Again, privately sending us your project is the fastest way to get concrete help.

    "Update 2: Meta tags just... aren't working for me. Aside from being glitchy in Spriter, after several hours and various code tests I cannot get the different tags to function correctly in C2 either. I checked the JSON file and it seems like it's right (though I couldn't tell you confidently without a little more info about the format) but I'm just having no luck."

    I've had both features work for me perfectly in Spriter and in C2, so we really need to see exactly what you're doing and whats happening to figure out the problem. It certainly could be a bug or bugs we just managed to accidentally avoid through different work flow etc. Hopefully we can find out together and quickly resolve it.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • My thinking was that the new pictures would take on the custom pivot point because they were all the same size as the original art. Regardless, I'll just start over using the bones exclusively. Thanks for your help and all your work on the plugin.


    You likely don't need to start over. There's a fast way to copy your pivot points to images of same name and same size. (if they are in a different sub-folder as the original images.)

    look here : https://brashmonkey.com/spriter_manual/ ... ffects.htm

    At the bold text just before step 3


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • lucid Great to see the Spriter plugin doing so well.

    Now to hit you with a problem...I'm sorry. I was putting together Spriter Art Pack for the store based on some zombie animations I did last year. In the middle of animating, I thought I would test out the Character Pack swap and got the attached problem. Kind of a bummer. The transparent art on the right picture is just a guide image. Not sure why the art isn't matching up. I went through a lot of trouble getting all of the body parts to match up exactly so I wouldn't think that's the problem. I'm using Version 7. Any help is appreciated.

    It looks like your problem is on your original images you have custom default pivot points set, and in the replacement images you do not. Make sure the default pivot points are in identical places for the original and replacement images, such as knee-joint, base of skull etc.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey