Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • Awesome. Glad you were both able to work out good solutions.


  • My first tip is make sure your Spriter object is not needlessly high res. If you need to scale it down to 10 or 25 percent once loaded, so that it's the proper size, you should use Spriter Pro's feature to create a scaled down clone of your project, and use that one instead, as it will reduce load-time and improve performance.

    Aside from that, What I do is add a fade in sprite overlay for the game screen and a loading message which waits for the Spriter object to finish initiating before it fades away to reveal the game screen. If I recall correctly, I just check for the first time the Spriter animation reaches beyond 0.1 seconds.

    I'm also pretty sure once a Spriter object finishes loading its ready to go for all future frames... so you could possibly have hidden/off-screen ones loading during your Splash screen/main menu, so that its ready to go in future layouts.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • I need this too.. I basically want an effect for layers to force the layer to remap to NES or SMS palettes... using only the colors available to those old consoles.

    Anyone have such an effect or is willing to make it?

    Ideally, the user would be able to somehow set the palette for the effect to use at run-time..

  • Every X amount of seconds (like 0.1) then spawn a smoke sprite at the position of the bullet sprite. Give the smoke sprite a fade behavior that will destroy it quickly.


  • No. the number in parenthesis should be the layer number.. for example, the top most layer. probably layer 3.

    Every tick > Set Position > X=ViewportLeft(3)+32, Y=ViewportTop(3) +32

  • Have you tried the pin behavior?


    Every tick> set x position to x coordinate of ViewportLeft +whatever number of pixels and set y position to y coordinate of ViewportTop +whatever number of pixels


  • No one could really help you without seeing your capx or at least knowing how big your objects animations are, image sizes, image count, and number of events in your game etc.

    Have you carefully followed the guidelines for keeping your project optimized for best performance?



  • +1 Same problem here.. multiple instances of the same object all end up in the same spot after shake initiates.

    Hopefully this can be fixed.

  • Don't forget, Spriter also has a built in manual (choose help/help in Spriter's menu)


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • ryanrybot

    No problem, I should have updated the video to mention that step is not necessary. Cheers.

  • This thread will tell you all the steps necessary:

    https://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php ... nstruct-2/

  • Actually ryanrybot, there is no need to rename anything anymore. I should notate the tutorial video that that step is no longer needed and hasn't been for a long while.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi mudmask,

    I recommend you grab the free version of Spriter from our site and then do some bench-marking to see if it suits your needs.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • In the layer properties there are settings for X and Y parallax. Set both to zero

    This is also fantastic for front-most layers for you to set up your HUD (UI) on.



  • I realize Ashley is focusing the majority of his attention on C3. That makes sense. But because they share the same system (just different UI) It stands to reason if there's an already existing and widely plug-in which is missing an obvious feature that is relatively quick and easy to add, it might eventually get taken care of.

    It's hard to imagine an easier request, from a technical standpoint, though I could be wrong, and of course there's a difference between "easy" and "high priority"