Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • No, I can;t. This would be extremely wasteful and sloppy, to have EVERY possible tile width/height combination PER LAYER tHat a user could possibly choose, all sitting there waiting to be used.

    Why do you "strongly doubt" the feature would be added? It's a very simple feature to add which already exists in the editor? it's only run-time access to edit those two settings that is needed.

  • Hi everyone,

    I need to be able to change the tilemaps image used (which I can already do) AND the tile width and tile height settings for the object at run-time.

    I can't find a way to do this. Am I missing something.

    If this feature is not yet supported, can it be added?



  • Hi everyone.

    I'm working on a program that will let users create and edit data files. What's my best option for easy data management within the file (setting and retrieving numbers or strings for specific variable names like "X POSITION=144" etc.)

    I've used INI files in the past, which would be perfect for my needs. Is there any equivalent for C2 that would work well with NodeWebkit?



  • Thanks.

  • Hi,

    I want a group at the start of the frame to load a new image into the tilemap objects, but not from a URL, from a file... specifically I intend for the game to be exported via Node Webkit to Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Can someone please set me straight on what I would put in the "load image from URL" action to get it to load an image from the install folder of the game for example?

    Thanks very much.


  • You COULD also use the loop index and load each different image into a separate frame or animation, then set that specific sprite instance to that specific frame or animation. This should resolve your issue nicely without the need for third party plug-ins.

  • Hi Badmircale,

    I assume you're using "every tick" to set the object to the points in the Spriter object? If you are and there's a lag, the only other thing I can think of trying is to actually go in and add points to the frames for the C2 sprites that the Spriter object uses for the eyes, then try using an "every tick" event and see if that works any better.

    As far as C2 is concerned Z-order wise, each Spriter object, (even though they are made of separate C2 sprites), count as one object... so at least at the moment there's no way to force other objects in between sprites used in a Spriter object.

    The only solution for the Z-order issue is to actually use 2 Spriter objects, one for the sprites that appear below the C2 sprites you want in the middle and another Spriter object for the sprites that go above them in z-order... so you'd have one spriter object for the backmost in z-order, then your C2 sprites, then the top Spriter object... all synchronized animation and position wise... it would be a bit of a pain, but would theoretically work.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

    The issue: it seems like the position of the Eyes lags a bit behind the characters movements.. (the position doesn't stay locked as the player moves) in addition to that the Z-Order seems to be an issue, as I can only place the Eyes above the entire character, or below the entire character (the Eyes need to be in-between - behind the helmet but above the face)... so I was wondering if there was a better way?

    Also I am not sure if this is an issue with Spriter or not but adjusting the Z-Order of any non-spriter objects in-between my Spriter objects "sub-"objects doesn't seem to work.

    Any help is always appreciated. Thanks.

  • Unfortunately we're still backed up and behind schedule for the generic reference implementation, and until that's finished Edgar can't really do anything more than simple bug fixes for the current version of the Spriter Plug-in.

    You can keep track of the progress on the reference implementation here: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php? ... e-9202015/


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • This is actually not the case. You can do it, but it's REALLY hard.

    You have to first make sure the project will have every global value and object with the EXACT same names and properties as the event sheet/layout you want to import.

    Then you have to edit a construct file via text editor to add the references to to the event sheets/layouts you're importing.

    I managed to do this in the past, but it took a long time to find all the references and get it all right so the end result didn't hang up on loading or crash. It was only worth it because despite the hard work, it was still a little less work that redoing everything from scratch.

    Unfortunately it's been well over a year and I don't have any time to redo such a thing for additional detail, tips, or tutorials. Maybe someone else has done it as well and can shed additional light.. but again, it is possible, just really tough, and completely manual work. with text editors.

  • Vector X will work if you:

    1) Don't have normal player controls active while the hurt animation is playing

    2) Don't have the deceleration turned up so high that the character's x velocity will go to zero instantly immediately after your action sets it to a number.

    BUT, If you want an easier way to do it:

    every tick>IF animation hurt is playing,

    sub condition>AND player character is facing left, then simulate player pressing right

    sub condition>AND player character is facing right, then simulate player pressing left

    This will ensure x movement in the right direction for the duration of the animation.


  • Right:

    on collision >change player animation to hurt and set vector x and set vector y AND start ignoring player controls.. Also, make the player temporarily immune to new collisions with enemies and dangers

    upon animation hurt finished> no longer ignore player controls, restore animations to normal.

    I use a variable I call "stuck in move" and set it to 1 whenver the player is currently in an animation that ignores control until its done, like hurt and most attacks. When any of those animations finish, I restore the variable "stuck on move" to 0.

    This way, I can just check: Is "stuck in move" set to 0 when triggering standard animations and player input actions... so that the animations don't get over-ridden by default player control.

    I hope that makes sense.


  • Right, then you need events like:

    If player is NOT holding down key AND there is no ceiling directly above the characters head, AND he is currently crouching, then play the standing up animation.

    I use an overlap detection sprite pinned above the players head level while he's crouching to detect whether or not the player can stand up or not...IE, if the overlap detecting sprite is NOT overlapping a background obstacle, then let the player stand up, if not, keep him stuck in the crouched state.

  • Hi ultrafop,

    Make sure you are following all these steps carefully:

    http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php? ... nstruct-2/


    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  • I can certainly vouch for it as a sprite drawing, animating AND tile map/tile creation program. As an over decade long professional game artist who spent most of that time doing pixel art for mobile games, I can say with confidence it's pretty much the industry standard and by far my pixel art tool of choice. Also, the creator, Jan Zimmerman is an awesome guy who's very receptive to feedback. He's implemented several features based on the requests of myself and others over the years.


    -Mike (not speaking on behalf of BrashMonkey atm, just as a pixel artist who loves pixel art)

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  • I don't know exactly the date, but there will be more sales certainly within the next couple of months, either on Steam, our own site, or here on the Scirra store.


    -Mike at BrashMonkey