Well, I from the other hand stopped worrying about what is not included in construct and programmed everything myself from scratch only using build in objects and plugins. I did write fully functional and complex Inventory prototype that can be controlled with a pad, and with inclusion of whole rpg system maths to get the right stats values after changing the equipment, which took my 2 weeks roughly. I also did saving maps to external file, which works like a charm even when reloading in real time. Can't remember how long that took me but it was few days. Other times did stuff like random maps, looping maps, different types of ai, dynamic music, dynamic levels system and more. So as much as I would like some things to be simpler and even pre-made to be modified, they are not here yet, or will never be, and so best way is to just get on with it, and use what you've got. I now have loads of prototypes I can use in making one bigger rpg game.