megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Cool, seen it on greenlight today and obviously voted for yes GL

  • Ta daa!

    Finally NodeJS + SockJS module + Construct 2's WebSocket plugin = working server!

    Done in less than 10 events (subtracting debug stuff). Each click in the game sends a message to the server which causes the server to increment the score variables. Every 100ms, the server then broadcasts the server variable in a message to all connected clients which is then parsed by said clients and passed to a specific function which updates their score client-sided.

    Edit: so the screen isn't bloated with data, the server only pushes the current score to the console up to once a second and only if it has changed.

    WOW, Awesome!

  • Not gaming related exactly but very very interesting lecture by Jaron Lanier ( one of creators of the web ) on how internet collapsed economy and what can be done to make economy grow again.

    Speaker/Performer: Jaron Lanier

    Sponsors: CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society), Berkeley Center for New Media, CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative

    Jaron Lanier's scientific interests include biomimetic information architectures, user interfaces, heterogeneous scientific simulations, advanced information systems for medicine, and computational approaches to the fundamentals of physics. He collaborates with a wide range of scientists in fields related to these interests.

    Lanier's name is also often associated with Virtual Reality research. He either coined or popularized the term 'Virtual Reality' and in the early 1980s founded VPL Research, the first company to sell VR products. In the late 1980s he led the team that developed the first implementations of multi-person virtual worlds using head mounted displays, for both local and wide area networks, as well as the first "avatars," or representations of users within such systems. While at VPL, he and his colleagues developed the first implementations of virtual reality applications in surgical simulation, vehicle interior prototyping, virtual sets for television production, and assorted other areas. He led the team that developed the first widely used software platform architecture for immersive virtual reality applications. Sun Microsystems acquired VPL's seminal portfolio of patents related to Virtual Reality and networked 3D graphics in 1999.

    From 1997 to 2001, Lanier was the Chief Scientist of Advanced Network and Services, which contained the Engineering Office of Internet2, and served as the Lead Scientist of the National Tele-immersion Initiative, a coalition of research universities studying advanced applications for Internet2. The Initiative demonstrated the first prototypes of tele-immersion in 2000 after a three-year development period. From 2001 to 2004 he was Visiting Scientist at Silicon Graphics Inc., where he developed solutions to core problems in telepresence and tele-immersion. He was Scholar at Large for Microsoft from 2006 to 2009, and Partner Architect at Microsoft Research from 2009 forward.

    Lanier has received honorary doctorates from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Franklin and Marshall College, was the recipient of CMU's Watson award in 2001, was a finalist for the first Edge of Computation Award in 2005, and received a Lifetime Career Award from the IEEE in 2009 for contributions to Virtual Reality.

  • megatronx what if he tries saving the project as a whole project so everything is in one folder instead of the single capx, and opens the files from there?

    That way, he can drag and drop files into a text editor, like Notepad, instead of bothering with extension stuff.

    Thanks, we will try that.

  • megatronx Ah, ok. So he does have the same version of Construct 2 installed on his computer as yours, then? Is he attempting to open the files from within Construct 2's project manager?

    Yeah, he had the latest version too, and tried opening from within the manager.

  • megatronx could your friend share a screenshot? I was having difficulties imaging what you're actually trying to accomplish.

    Am I correct in that you saved a *.capx, sent it to your friend, and he is trying to open it? You did say it was one file you sent.

    No, I'm talking about project files within capx. Text files in this instance.

  • Oh, I misunderstood too.

    Let me guess windows 7

    I've had same issue with assigning default editor to files, especially custom file extensions.

    Probably win 7. That's weird because it is working on my pc with win 7.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah, answer is that you can't make super fast game sin c2. But to make all of us feel better, fast unity games don't look that great either.

  • - Does he have the same or a newer version of C2 installed (if it is older, you can't open the project).

    - Do you use any 3rd Party Plugins? Those are not in the capx file bundled, so he needs to download and install the required plugins too


    just realised that I might have misunderstood your problem

    Do the textfiles end with .txt? If it is something else, does your mate have that extension assigned to any editor that the system know which program to use to open that file?

    It's a text file with different extension, but we did assign that extension to text editor, but he still couldn't open them.

  • Yeah, i did notice that too long time ago. I don't know why is that tbh, but I suspect that it's because it is running on js.

  • Hello,

    I have an issue. I have a game project with text project files. The game project is saved as single file, but my mate can't open the project files to edit. Any idea why it might be? Thanks

  • I think the OP wants to know what is the easiest method of making an RPG.

    Unfortunately there is none in construct. Easiest way to make an rpg is to get rpg maker.

  • Maybe you're need to use LERP?

  • yeah, it can. But can you handle rpg? XD

  • Roccinio Joannesalfa

    I've reconsidered the use of TileMaps at this point and chosen Method 2 from here . The difference in performance shouldn't be noticed on smaller games.

    If there will be a fix for the seams, I will easily make the changes and use TileMaps

    I'm using method 2 in my project. But also have added tiled bg's.