megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Everade I see what you want. I'm doing iso game, but it's more like zelda. But if I remember correctly someone did post an capx how to do what you're after, granted, most probably not as easy as it could be done with premade plugins.

  • On the other hand if we are talking core games: basically every other game on Steam does install DirectX stuff when you fire it up the first time. I don't think gamers do perceive this as a hinderance. (Node Webkit exported projects in C2 also include dxwebsetup.exe, because it might be needed.)

    I installed Airscape demo trough steam, together with dx and it didn't work.

  • PixelRebirth

    Obviously older platforms aren't perfectly supported, just as you wouldn't expect a new game to run on win 98, but the great thing is everything works on modern platforms, at least in my experience. Things can run without obscure updates cause everyone has an up to date browser. There was nothing more annoying in classic than people not being able to play your game because their Direct-x wasn't an obscure fall update.

    I can't run Airscape steam demo! It's not detecting webgl apparently! On my specs!!

    Everade Yeah, we've been saying this for a long time now, that Ash should hire someone. At the end of the day, it is his business, and we do respect that. None of us wants our thoughts to come across as nagging. He should hire someone.

  • Well if C3 is the plan Ashley better start quick...Fusion 3 is on the horizon and sounds very promising and every other engine is well ahead already. I don't really get the hype for C3 anyway tbh..sure an improved editor is great but the real problem is html5 and 3rd party dependencies and that is not changing.

    What worries me is that c2 never got to a state where a game can actually perform well, so moving on to c3 would mean that money i spent on the license were wasted.

    EDOIT@ Also, yes, isometric editor would be neat. But at the same time, I'm not sure if it's that hard to do it trough events. All you need is to have a thin sprite that will work as a collision mask for bottom of characters, and z-ordering.

  • Everade Thx for taking some of my point on board. I agree with rest of your aditional points, but I think you agree with me too that online must wait till we have a stable and streamlined local environment.

  • > HTML5 + Javascript is really a great choice for a game engine, the performance isn't optimal, but that sacrifice is worth it for the portability


    At the beginning of Construct 2 I held a very negative stance towards HTML5. Once C2 developed further and my own experience grew, there was a certain enthusiasm about being able to develop for almost any device. Only owning an older android device, I even went ahead and bought a Nexus tablet.

    Unfortunately I was pretty soon disenchanted, because the performance was and still is a very fragile thing if you're trying something remotely advanced. Construct 2 heavily relying on third parties for exporting options to different platforms doesn't help the issue either. If there's a problem with these, it is not only out of your own control, but Scirra can't do anything about it directly either.

    Overall it gives more of the impression of a bit of a mess rather than a great breakthrough in portability. To me at least.

    Granted, it also depends on what kind of games you want to develop. C2 attracts a whole "new" group of developers, who want to make game apps. Casual games rather than, well, core games. I can see this being a good business decision for Scirra. At the same time I can't deny it makes me feel a bit alienated.

    > All I really want in C2 is a better editor sdk for plugin devs, and all the other features would then come from it eventually.


    In a podcast interview not too long ago Ashley stated this would be one of the major things for Construct 3. I also got the impression that C3 might come earlier than expected and C2 will then stop being extended, but still maintained. Don't kill me please if I'm incorrect here.

    I feel somewhat the same way about being alienated. My imagination doesn't really consider casual games. I'd really really like to actually want c2 to work as it should, so that license I've payed for would not be a waste, but also so I can finish my game.

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  • megatronx Hmm, I've no idea then! My first thought would be that your GPU is on the blacklist, but that's really weird.

    That's bad news then. I don't know; maybe it is blacklisted? How can I check?

  • Sale extended till 11th of Jan

  • > This one is a bit nebulous request but an additional behavior trough which we could set objects that the object with behavior would avoid would be nice.


    Admittedly, this is a third party plugin, but it's by rexrainbow, it's awesome, and it might be what you're looking for:

    Cool thx. Might work out well.

  • Expanded solid behavior so we can turn solid object only in relations to other selected object.

    Simplified picking between objects of same type, so we won't have to constantly use walk around. Also simplified picking in general ( when objects arre stuck up on each other for example )

    Visual Array editor. I don't ask for much. I just want to double-click on array, have a spreadsheet window pop up, with current array options and SAVE button, so we actually store array data within array object.

    Menu object, even basic, but visual, so we can quickly make game menus.

    Inventory object. Same as menu, but more versatile in options. I can program my own myself, but again we're trying to trim the fat and actually have tools we can work fast with, removing mundane tasks.

    A STABLE and well performing DESKTOP EXPORTER pc/mac/lnx

    Expanded movement plugins with ability to set movement angles and speed for those manually trough plugins ui.

    This one is a bit nebulous request but an additional behavior trough which we could set objects that the object with behavior would avoid would be nice.

  • The thing I HATE about construct, is I can't create my set of controls/behaviors/game logic without art. I'm the type that likes to get the logic done and working and connect the art to it later.

    Just do what I do and work with blocks of different colours. And for animations just have different events sheet with those, which you call with functions.

  • Thanks

    There's actually a bug with my Sorry! page, it should have text telling you that your computer isn't supporting webGL for some reason.

    This is interesting, because Steam should automatically install the directX components needed, which is the usual cause of such a screen.

    Have you run into problems running webGL before?

    Of course, it did install it. But nope - never head any wgl issues before that I'd know of. My specs are in the description.

    And now when I finally started working on my game, I noticed that the movement is just not fluid. Honestly, nw situation me f'in x100 mad.

  • Hey, I tried running your demo, but that's what I get when I start it, and nothing responds. ... sp=sharing

  • You know, I know a bit of JS, but I have no desire to learn those things. Maybe if I would clone myself. I'd expect software to work out of the box. Mantra is that we can do anything in it, which i'm not finding this to be absolutely true. Its logic doesn't consider all of possibilities. I've been using construct since around cc 0.3x , which gives me about 6 years of on and off experience. And i think there could be more actions and plugins that would bypass mundane but lengthy chains of events we have to write in order to get something as simple as in game menu working. There should be Menu plugin done already! And inventory plugin with many options to choose from! Platform behavior that will not lag when you control two characters at the same time. If a rex Platform Plus works better, and actually 100% awesome ( rexrainbow your the boss dude! ), then the plugin that came originally with the soft, it does tell me something baffling. And outside plugins realm: Visual array editor, particles preview, and such ! On top of that the exporters issue. I just started working on my new project, and even thought I have beefy pc, and only 3 objects on screen, jiggers are there, in preview, and they are daunting.

    I do make my own behaviors with events ( or use community made plugins ) if needed. But only some of them I can keep in separate sheets ( to keep things organised ) and call them trough functions, because "Wait" action do not work with "Trigger once" events. Why is that? It's a logic flaw of the software or mine. I believe, that when the goal is to make as friendly program as possible, one must take in to account what would be most useful features that would let the designer work fast. And c2 is only partly there in my opinion, as I already noticed long time ago that it is build from the point of few of a programmer and not from the point of view of a designer/artist. But I'm not ranting. In case of solid behavior, I have had try many ways to go around it's limitations, using events, and the prototype work clunky at best. And overall I'm pretty good with c2 logic. I learned what I can and can not do in it, and I work with that when designing my game. And the way it works is hierarchical, so you got to know in advance what are you doing. So take that sheet of paper and plan groups within groups, because otherwise you'll end up in a junkyard of duplicated events that will clattered logic of your game and ultimately you wont finish it.

  • That's why instead of long events I break them in to smaller parts, put them in to separate event sheets and chain them with functions most of the time. Much easier to find an issue if there is one.

    But what pisses me off about construct is that I just can not do certain things with events. Like the infamous solid behavior limitations.