megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Good product sells itself. It doesn't really need the aggressive marketing tricks; it is not a bad product after all.

    Thise are not 'aggressive marketing tricks'. This is basic SEO + make updating the site easier thinge.

  • ... It'd be useful for includes though yeah.

    Exacly. Including menu and footer it's 'must be'. I'm not shure about the content... is your server running with Apache?

  • You're right, it does seem to be a rule. I hope the big search engines are smart enough to grab them anyway until the new design.

    BTW. Ash said that you'll will be happy 'with the static site still'. However your current site is in PHP. If you'll like my design, i'll do it in php anyway, because in the future it will very helpfull when you will want to change something in the navigation bar.

  • As in the post title

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yes. But I think Megatronx meant that you haven't used commas to separate keywords, what is a rule for "keywords" field.


    Of course kewords are not magical, and they doesn't even matter much thise days. Description has got bigger influance on the indexing. But 'good links' and right content obviuesly are the most importand.

    > How does Google rank a search term?


    > Is there anything that we can do to make Construct more relevant?


    Link to this board and/or your Construct projects on other forums, in the form of a sig link or game announcement threads, etc.

    If you see any "Looking for game making software" threads out there, mention Construct.

    The more (reputable) links that Google can track back here, the higher the rank will get.

    Don't spam, though. Spam is bad. Just bring it up when it comes up.

    And for linking from the sites or blogs, use links that have good 'title' tag and should use right keywords we want to position For example

    <a id="game-engine" title="Free game creator" href="">Game Creator</a>[/code:2uuuekq1]
    ( There has to be a '/game-creator/' folder made in the future, for the upcoming site. That's the SEO structure )
    And here are the templates you can copy/paste if you want
    [code:2uuuekq1]<a id="game-engine" title="Free game creator" href="">game creator</a>[/code:2uuuekq1]
    [code:2uuuekq1]<a id="game-maker" title="2d game engine" href="">Free game engine</a>[/code:2uuuekq1]
    [code:2uuuekq1]<a id="2d-game-creator" title="2d game creator" href="">2d game creator</a>[/code:2uuuekq1]
    It is importand to place the link at the begining or at the end of the post/paragraph, becasue that's where it has got the biggest streangth.
  • Whats that on your scirra web site

      <meta name="keywords" content="Scirra Construct free opensource open source game creator" />
    Thats not the kewords. Thats the descroption.
  • <img src="">

    Number two rank on Google

    I don't think 'construct' as a keyword matters much, as what it is targeting. So i did small reasherch too with the frases that matters the most :

    Game Creator - 37th on the listing

    free game creator - 19th on the listing

    2d game creator - not ilisted

    2d game engine - not listed

    open source engine - not listed

    ( i did check up till position 200 )

    A bit of SEO wouldn't be a bad idea. But It's not that bad according to google keyword tool.

  • you sure you dont whant to have any kind of flash baner on the site?

  • Are they rigged?

    I think their are not. That's the issue. I know how to animate and stuff, but i don't know, and i don't have time to learn how to attach sceleton to the 'body'.

  • Has looked a picture, Very much impresses. Good work!


    i could do it for sure, mega!

    send me a cap and ill have it done in no-time.

    are your models already seperated into chunks (legs, arms, body, head ect)?

    Oh, sory, i should be more precise. I ment 3D models in software like 3d max.

    However i'll ask you for help when broo will start working on IK animations for the game. So if you wouldn't mind help then, that would be awsome!


  • How much time we have got before you'll choose who's going to work on the site? I'm asking because i'm short on time at the moment, but as you know i would love to do it.


  • Hi,

    I just read the topic. I fully understand your needs. I shouldn't realy offer myself, because i've got loads of stuff going on all ready, but concidering there is few months for things to be done, i might be able to come up with someting for you. I'm a profeesional web designer ( made some money out of it so i'm proffesional ).

    Here is the mock up i did for one of my customers some time ago ... withbg.png

    altho it's not showing my up to date capabilities .

    Altho i'm still learning , i've already had enquiries for serious projects:

    did xhtml version of flash site for ( coding ), making a new design for ( coding&design ), did a site for ( coding&design except logo and borders), and currently designing a web site for a person from a British Conservative Party for his campaing.

    Anyway, i would love to design something top-quality for you. I just started working with wordpress ( making an online shop for a photographer from London ), so eventualy I could build a site based around wordpress CMS so you would have possiblity to update it quickly and easly. If you would wish me to work for you, in return i wouldn't ask you for money. I would only like to have your technical support and eventualy few coding-plugin requests for my game projects.



  • Hi,

    We are looking for someone who would change few of our models in to ragdolls.

    Matter of life and death. Please Help!


  • sory for reviving so old topic, but i've got a question: will it be avaible to make mmo's with online plugin?

  • got latest cons, and i can't run it :/