megatronx's Forum Posts

  • secend layout ( bigger one) is working slow on my laptop. first one is all right.

    my specs:

    geforce7300go 256 mb, centrino duo 1.8ghz, 2 gb ram, win xp

  • > I think you should just keep the random function the same. I have quite a few things that would be half-broken.


    Your noble sacrifice is for the greater good. Waver not, and face your fate though it may be grim... for yours is the glorious death of a warrior.

    yeah, i agree. i`ll sacrifice my projects to... but besides it`s almost imposible to finish big game in construct in its current state, so it`s better to prepare matterials and ideas while waiting for 1.0.

  • i don't know - any one can write a song, but only few will write a good song. but it is alweys good to understand music. it does change point of view on life.

  • Ive got laptop:

    2gigs ram

    centrino duo 1.8 ghz

    geforce 7300 go 256vram dedicated + 258vram shared

    ps 3.0

    i have no idea have i got montion blur or not, but probubly not ( i mean i can see it working but slows the whole thinge drasticly)

  • limbo is very nice

  • thomasmahlerzxb@i've got like 5fps with your conruption_01 game :<

  • cool you are going to do thise features, altho i did ask for some of them few time already ><'

  • That's a good one 'mmf-construct'. wait till construct dev team will see it XD

  • maybe add some mesh as well. you could rip of thise software : ... 5c9715b8cf

  • Instead of losing detail and shape, why don't you use some slight alpha to blend into each segment.

    Hey, that a good idea!

    edit@ have anyone from forum has got expiriance in making sprites for bone movement?

  • > i dont like dread eye so i wont be watching his tutroial.


    Win. Please someone sticky this. It SERIOUSLY made my day.

    Just stop taking a piss out of thisss ><'

  • theres a thread showing aquaria graphics by david in open topic which should help you, look for it, its not that old.

    I've seen it some time ago.

    My sprite is diferent. i`m a bit a afraid i gave it to much depth.

    For what i've seen by now, sprites that are prepared for bone movement are being simplefy shaped and less depth. Altho i will draw another one which will be prepered for cutting for the animations i`m not shure is the style good for bone anim.

  • > i dont like dread eye so i wont be watching his tutroial.



    what you have here my friend, is the post of the year.

    use ripped sprites if you really have to, but theres no use in saying you cant do something if you dont really try. im sure your game is good for a beginner's, but take what you have learned and apply it to something new, im sure there are games youve played and enjoyed in the past, why not model it after them? maybe you like megaman, so make a platforming shooter, maybe you like shootem ups, so make one of those, think. dont say that you cant do something. im sure you have great ideas, find a way to make them a reality, try your hand at graphics and dont say (i cant do it.)

    And besides there is ******* bilions-trilions-zilions free gfx recourses on the net!

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  • I`m wandering,

    I`m looking at the character i draw yesterdaym thinking how should i split him apart to prepare him for bone movement. And i start wandering did i did him right, did i use enough colours or is the shape good for that? But my question to you is: Is there any specific design rule for sprites that are going to be animated with bone movement?

  • from the other hand you could make a game like ghost shooter, but improved with loads of new ideas and like drasa said with your own gfx ( even if it would be ugly it would be yours!). most of the basic orl engine aspects i did in one day just looking in to deadeyes platformer tutorial.