megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Another reason why games quality is falling, is because now days most of devs in the industries are going by the book or it's just their job. I had an oportuniety to meet matrix animation director, when he was buing game for his doughter. I asked him y he moved form usa to england, and he said he got a job as a animator director for nc-soft ( when it existed in brighton ). ok ok - let me giv u another example: you got money -> you got time -> you studieng game design at uni -> you're getting job in the industrie. ok ok , another one : paris hilton don;t know how to act and sing, and she's ugly but she perfomed in films and recorded solo album becasue she has **** loads of money. Money comes in - passion and will to be the best goes away. Tlentless people everywere in the industire. By lowering the cap, and social inteligance and perception, you can sale crap. Oh yeah, kurt cobain sang 'kids will buy everything what is packet properly' . yeah

    hope is in youg passionats who fill that they can deliver.

  • Got okami. realy cool.

    Ds is great. With r4 cards you gaining acces to houndreds of homebrew apps and games. And MP: hounters is realy cool ff4 is great, and few other. On the wii there is an two onlie rpg's comming out. one is monster hounter. the other one i don't remember.


  • You should use external kaybord, to save laptop keys, mate.

  • queick repost

    'and if it's such a family system, why can't I play 4 player mario?'

    you can : new super mario bross wii.

    rest of the answere later

    edit: post contiunes

    Well, you from the other hand start sounding like sony fanboy

    I think nintendo has got it's unique style. And i bet that they direction is to buid on top of what is already good. And i think they gampley aspoects are greatly designed. Obviuesly what i would like to see comming out from nintendo garage, is a complitely new IP, but as well as better level design in zelda games. They become a little bit to simple. by that i mean, and as you pointed out, a little bit generic.

    Anyway and after all what's importand is the game itslef. There is loads of crap on all three systems. I haven't played LBP but for me it seams like 10 minutes fun. Seriously. I prefere diferent kind of games. But that's personal taste.

    Now Pixar - as fare as i'm convinced, Pixar was created by Disney. i've seen some of their stuff. It's ok. But i realy prefere old disney films. And again that personal matter.

    Nintendo is trying to be like Disney, ripping him of his ideas. But you know what? Whatever. Disney haven't created Metroid

    As for me, i've got ps2, gamecube, ds lite, and psp. Nothing to play on next gen consoles yet.

  • <img src="">

    !!!11 I just heard that Shiggy is going with the "open city exploration" genre, (which seems to be popular atm) for his new Mario game.


    -Steal karts from helpless koopas

    -Mug, kill, and kart-over countless toads

    -Make your way to the top of the mushroom kingdom underworld.

    Shigeru notes that this game is "all about the coins", and "Finally, fans can try their luck with the princess, possibly getting more than just a kiss this time." He also mentions that this concept is completely of his own imaginative genius, and nothing like it exists on any other platform.

    Finally, he proudly speaks that this will be his first game to receive an M rating.

    Funny XD

    deadeye, I feel your pain brother



    > What else can i say? When loads of money is involved the overall quality cap is going lower. But we all know that. Still new metroid looks awsome!


    New metroid looks like it's closer to what it should be,

    but when I see the preview, I don't get the same feeling of being in an alien world thriving with mystery and creativity. Even with the 16 bit graphics, it manages a better job of pulling you in.

    and as far as quality caps lowering with loads of money. I think you should play some valve games. also maybe watch a pixar movie or two. Team Fortress 2 long ago reach it's sales peak, and still on a regular basis I get updates that change the gameplay, or add new levels. I didn't like final fantasy x, or x2 as much as others, but both contained changes and expirements in gameplay, a completely different type of story, different themes, new environments and worlds. I also haven't had the pleasure of playing part 12, but I heard it's a return to form, once again, a rehauled graphics and game engine.

    and about pixar, I know those are movies, not games, but it's a perfect example of a company getting insane profit, and record breaking sales each time they show their face, and they use those extra resources to up the quality, and their popularity and reputation as motivation to soar to new heights, instead of as a crutch. Wall-E, and Up are of a whole new standard of quality in storytelling, and visual quality. they didn't have to outdo themselves, but they did. They care about making something amazing. [rant]Nintendo doesn't seem to anymore. It's all about gimmicks and selling systems. and about the hardware I know it was designed not to compete with the highpower nextgens, but stand in it's own lower price market. but the wii is completely pathetic. I owned one for a while. MOST of the games look worse than gamecube games. why does it need to be stick figures just because a game isn't about graphics? If it's all about gameplay, then the wii controller should have been for the gamecube. It should have been included with all new gamecubes, and available in an expensive bundle with a new mario game or a new zelda game. The wii isn't powerful enough to justify being a new system. Nintendo's fallen off the wagon, and now with xbox360, and ps3 entering the motion controller game in full force, and destroying even wii's enhanced wiimote. etc etc etc[/rant] didn't have time to finish my rant. something came up, but it wouldve gone on for pages anyway

    I personly didn't like much of ffX and i can't belived y i've spend 40+ h with FF12 which basicly is a singleplayered mmo. ********* But that's my point of few.

    Graphic qualiy cap is rising on the wii with conduit and few other games like grinder and red steel 2. But who mostly buys wii? I'm working at gameshop and i can say the the wii custom are mostly families with young kids, and even more often mothers having babies. Yeah, wii 'n ds. They sitting at home most of the day, and instead taking care of their baby, thay plaing games to kill some time.

    Snes besides thair first party titles, had massive 3rd party support from best japaniese companies like squaresoft, enix and konami. Remember that at the time console technology was still quite new to the market and deves didn't have to follow by the book with what they wanted to make. Ueda said once that in the past, when devs got new technology they said 'let's use it'. When it happens now days, devs say 'we must use it'. And that's the main diference.

    With metroid i agree that it is loosing it's filling of separation in MP3. However, even if team ninja is puting bigger focus on samus past, i still got filling that i want be dispaoinetd altho i prefere gameplay over cutscenes and story. I think that the masters of filling of separation thise days were team ico with ico and sotc. However thair new game seams like it doesn't have this filling of isolation. we'll wait , we'll see.

    Going back to zelda games. When i was young plaing zelda 3 and 4 i felt massive isoplation and lolyness. That's becasue, in poland, in early 90's you couldn't get snes. But because my grandmother lives in germany, i got my snes from there. And i got zelda in german( had SMW in german too XD )! Zelda for GB i had was in german too. So imagine how isolated i felt plaing thise games not knowing much german language. And now days plaing thise games in english, the kind of lost their isolation aspect to me.

    I'll cut here... i think i'm loosing the point


    I still think that the best Zelda game was 'A link to the past'. Nothink beats its fluentcy. there was no bulsiting around. Just straight forward dungeon to dungeon plus secrets. No usless characters, cutscenes etc. Great game. And now new metroid is comming out... did i said it looks awsome!?

    Has anyone seen interview with Miyamato? I did. Appearently in new zelda game link is not going to held a sword. I have actualy finished TP two days ago. Not bad, but as i played previews zelda games, the overall story seams only like a twist. I realy wouldn't mind keep it as it was, becasue it felt like nintendo is overcomplicating things and is not doing it the best they could. Besides that, i found TP quite easy to beat. But the game is addictive. It did took me 40n h to complite it, skipping some major sub quest, but still i would like to play something more difficult. And i was disapinted with the ending. I give it 8/10 in my scale but overall it's still one of the better games on the market comparing to what is being relesed recently on any platform.

    I haven't played mario galaxy. I beat all old 2d marios and mario 64. Wasn't much kin on mario sunshine - quite borring. Did one or two lvls on this one. So mario galaxy 2 doesn't bother me at all.

    What else can i say? When loads of money is involved the overall quality cap is going lower. But we all know that. Still new metroid looks awsome!

  • ... another metroid game - YES! :>

  • Nice one Quazi!


    Okay I think I'm ready to post Screenshots of my latest project.

    The Screenshots have been resized by 50%, so if they look a bit small you know why.

    <img src="">

    It was designed to look like a Gameboy game, but It also uses all the modern features construct offers.

    Like a green scale acid trip

    Nice. Fills more like 'final fantasy adventure' ('secret of mana' in japan ) than gb zelda.

    ps. Might ask you for help with this kind of gameplay if you don't mind

    My one, ... my character got character only xD

    <img src="">

  • Cool, downloading.

    ps. NOt bad looking site, but terribly written.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • voted

  • I would say generally if you use the last stable build (or even the latest build), provided you're only building up groundwork, you're unlikely to run into too many problems. Most of the remaining problems don't prohibit general work.

    Construct crashed when i was creating new sprite. Basicly what happendc i've started new project, i wanted to check something in event editor, but i forgoth that if there is no object on the layout there will be no options in event editor. so i went back to layout, and while creating new sprite when picture aditor started to load cons crashed. no sample cap becasue it was empty only with selected direct-x game project.

    I'll add to tracker.

  • Sounds nice but only thing what comes in my eyes are windows server o_o

    It runs fine and i've got apache on it, so you can do blogs and mod-rewrite.

  • bump

  • Good i'm using ;P

  • congrats!