megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I'm bit thorn weather I should use mostly families or just do events per object. The problem I'm facing with setting up actions primarily trough Families is that I have to create a lot of additional variables to check conditions for different types of AI, and after a while whole trees of events stop being clear to me, and start to blur with each other. On the flip side, with families I can just do single For Each, so then I only pick object once trough the whole loop, theoretically saving on some of the time those kind of loops need to go tough. But then again, in some circumstances, like with enemies, I'm seeing a possibility of triggering event every x seconds, instead of checking on every loop.

    So the question is, how do you go about that? What is the most clean and efficient approach? If you have a Family of enemies for example in which some of the enemies are mele and some shoot projectiles, do you just control all of them trough the family only, or you only use family actions for certain things... any help will be appreciated.

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  • Hi,

    I'd like to ask someone to make two small plugins. One would be Flash to Colour, where it would work like flash, just with added ability to set a colour instead flashing to 0 opacity. And another would be Bound to Sprite, where either sprites BBbox or set of image points would work as a bondury within which another object could move, depending on selected option from a drop down.

    I know there is a boundary plugin, but this one uses image points to create a box, and I'm requesting plugin that from image points would create polygons in different shapes.


  • Thanks bud!

  • It acts as an array. No need to store it in an array, because it is using a 'seed'. Any time you use the same seed the expression noisejs.perlin2(X, Y) returns the same random value for the same X/Y.

    Try to make/handle an array with a dimensions (100.000,100.000,1), and you will understand why not to bring it into an array.

    noisejs.perlin2(100.000, 100.000) has no problem to calculate that value without storing this value (and all other 10000000000 values) in a memory eating array.

    But if you insist to do so. This is the example in the first post in this topic + 1 line more code. ... .capx?dl=0

    Hey, could you please let me know what code is it. I don't have latest beta. Cheers.

  • > Hi thechriskent!


    > Thanks for this one, it makes life much more comfortable!


    > Just one thing. Could you please remove the

    console.log(this.charWidthJSON);[/code:3d1xypx3] from the [i]instanceProto.onCreate[/i] function? It really slows down object creation. I have leaderboards with thousands of entries and this one log slows it down by several seconds.
    > I can remove it myself for my own needs, but it would be good to have it clean in the official version. I presume it's just a remaining of your testings?
    > Cheers
    I also just removed this line of code.
    I guess you can upload it here so others can use it as well 

    Hey, where to remove it?

  • Prominent Hey, nice plugin. How does relative pinning works? Also, a lot of the times I want to reposition pinned objects when pinned too object is on screen, like shadow of a jumping charakter. for example, to be re positioned only on y axis, and so on. Is this possible in your plugin, or could you maybe add code that would allow to reposition object by setting its position trough action, without need to unpin and then pinning it again? Cheers

  • Has the development of this plugin died out?

  • Hey megatronx

    I still get an error. It says link is no longer available, request a new link?

    Try this one ... sp=sharing

  • here's a bit more experimenting I did:

    Any chance you could re-upload? megatronx

    Link is working for me. Could you doublechek?

  • It acts as an array. No need to store it in an array, because it is using a 'seed'. Any time you use the same seed the expression noisejs.perlin2(X, Y) returns the same random value for the same X/Y.

    Try to make/handle an array with a dimensions (100.000,100.000,1), and you will understand why not to bring it into an array.

    noisejs.perlin2(100.000, 100.000) has no problem to calculate that value without storing this value (and all other 10000000000 values) in a memory eating array.

    But if you insist to do so. This is the example in the first post in this topic + 1 line more code. ... .capx?dl=0

    Hi, thx. Can't open it up because not using latest beta. I want to add noise to 300x300 array, to create some environments, like rivers and then to test it against other values. Cheers.

  • Hi, how do I put this noise in to array? thx

  • Yes and yes. That is the primary purpose of the Container.

    Thanks for the info!

  • Hi,

    A two small questions: if I have two object in container, and I spawn one of them, then the other is created too, right? Am I able then, to set access both of this objects trough actions inside the same even following "create"? Also, if I pick one of those two objects, is the other object in container automatically picked, and I can set it up without additional picking or not?


  • Heya,

    well... not sure how I'm gonna tackle that to be honest. I have no idea how to inject a developer or version ID into a blitzmax program. Maybe I can ask around...

    In the meantime though..:

    I got in-game screenmode switching working reliably now. Finally! So that means you'll be able to switch between resolutions and between window and fullscreen modes from within your game, just like in any native engine

    These are some wonderful news

  • Yes it's always 0 based index of sprites picked by the condition you set, this could be all of a family, all sprites that have a variable set to 0 etc. Not sure what your game does exactly but creating many objects can eventually affect performance.

    I'm creating trails. Sort of infinite runner type of generation. They move from top of the screen to bottom. Idea was, that once they leave the layout they are free to be picked by the pathway generator and be placed again on top of the screen. Alternatively I just create object on top of layout, and destroy once it leaves the layout.