Specific to your question:
If you have several objects that all need the exact same operation run like in a loop, that would be perfect for a family. At the very least, it simplifies your code a lot.
More generally, I've been experimenting with families lately, and here's where I'm at:
I think families are great if you have several different objects with general similarities, with subtle differences.
So like in the kind of game I've been working on: a few enemy types, but they all have 1) pathfinding, 2) line of sight, 3) health stat, they would all go in a family like famFoe1. I can control all those common factors with a smaller amount of events, which is great for all the inevitable tweaking. If these enemies have different attacks, I am okay with creating individual cases for that.
Families are also good for mental health. As long as objects with common factors are together in a family, it is faster to remind yourself of what-does-what, just by opening the family folder rather than looking up each individual object.
Another example:
famFoe1: enemies with pathfind, LOS, health
famFoe2: enemies that are weird and have only health in common
famFoe3: includes enemies from families 1 and 2, so they drop loot when destroyed